"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Last Words for 2024 and First Declarations of 2025

[I just found out when I recently wrote this blog post and combined the two themes so as to make it my 3460th post ending for the year 2024 that Blogger was including posts that I had in draft (even recent ones, so I eliminated a couple to CREATE space (lol) for some more) not shown - you know - 'like the CALM before the storm' (not really) - I'm just trying to cram all I can into 2024 CALMLY(ha) so when I'm offline for January that I've already shared what I need to... ] so while I'm away (not really, but how I wish I could, but I don't dare leave). Have you ever felt like that or stuck and not able to leave? Anyways, as I was thinking that I had arrived at the perfect 3460th post for 2024 ending {and it's not true, still checking on more drafts or saved ones possibly counted} I was planning to pre-post this one for 2025 and tell you that while I'm away ... but that I had written this ahead of going offline, I think I did that at least for one post last year, which is actually the beginning of 2024, maybe not. 

The main point is I have some loose ends in 2024 to tie up - and who knows if this one is the 3460th blog post or not. Just think of that though! That's enough for a book or two. 

[credit image: Sarah Young emails]

I believe that this image is my favorite for CALM!


First off, breathe in - breathe out (CALM down) but I'm so excited about all my new books and many the Kindle Unlimited are allowing me to read until almost the end of February. One of the new books (but not Kindle Unlimited) just got is/was a really great deal from the same author that introduced me (us) to "Breath Prayers" and what a life saver that concept was for me; and so many are using this now. I must really have been in a cocoon since Covid {well, I kinda have, actually} Jennifer Tucker's newest book, "Present in Prayer" introduces me to another new concept yet somewhat mixed in an old traditional way of prayer and scripture meditation. {More on this later. But this will be part of my January Journey time in Prayer.}

I discovered that the same group leaders with more & different people that I ended 2023 and began 2024 is doing their same prayer project for "A 50 State Prayer Project for Revival" and these are the dates for their Battle Plan (I missed some of the preparation time with them this time). Also their manuscript is available on Amazon, besides the free full-manuscript at their website IFWEWILL.COM 


December 1-31, 2024 - 31 Days of Preparation

New Year’s Day, 2025 - Time of Prayer and *Fasting

January 2 - February 20, 2025 - 50 Days of Prayer

{I will only be joining them through January 
unless God tells me otherwise}.

The original reason I came back to do another blog post was two-fold: I have a few One Words that I believe God has been placing in my heart that I still need to sort out and see which one is the 2025 One Word meant for me from Him (part of the reason for starting my New Year with God and fasting from social media, etc.) to receive from Him alone & to pray for God's supernatural divine intervention and will to be done in our nation & the world hopefully (but not my will, His will - and certainly not the will of others imposing their will, beliefs, perspectives, ways, ideas, opinions, etc. on all or others [*another topic, but not for here - at least not today]. 

In a recent end of the year email from (in)courage - {it's a Miracle that I can keep up with and sort through all my emails and the emails of the other non-tech person in our household (only by God's grace, am I able), I noticed a special article and then it included a free quiz to find out your One Word (of course, it's limited, right) but it was worth doing. But (no) I'm not sharing what they gave me yet - in case God has another plan. The article was really inspiring and well done so of course, I took the time to do their quiz (even a few times, to see if it changed, or if I changed my response, how would it change) - yeah, I'm like that, but only because on some of the questions & set answers, I was contemplating more than one & then chose one but I needed to see if I had chosen the other what would happen and how would it affect My One Word. I'm sure (in)courage does not like you doing it over and over, hoping to get it to line up with whatever choice you were thinking & wanting it confirmed. Anyways, if you don't have a One Word, I recommend highly and even if you do - try it out. 

My other reason to come back and share one more time before 2024 ends is another new book (and not the two that I'm debating about which one to read first, or which book study to do that both start in January - not a good time for me to benefit fully from any community sharing and reading and discussing together, but I do have the books so ...).

The book that I want to share is by the same author as the one we did this past year in 2024 (CCR) with Cleere Cherry Reaves. Although I don't plan on sharing each week like I did with FOCUS, I do want to mention and share some of it. CCR has written quite a few books that I have taken the time to read or do the sample plans on YV (You Version) but unlike "Focus" and this new one, most of her other books are not for 52 weeks or a full year but maybe only 90 (or 30) devotions so without going and checking each one again, I'm not sure.

I believe that the most recent books she has written are: "Unfiltered..." and "REVIVE ..." (which relates to my second paragraph above & the prayer group). 

The rest of the last title, which is the book that I want to share today before going offline, continues with "... Declarations of God's Truth to Renew Your Spirit". I happen to believe that many of us, like CCR, need this constantly over our lives and households and loved ones near and far, especially as we enter 2025 and this age in which we live. 

It's important: 1st) to know the Truth, especially God's Truth; 2nd) to Renew our Spirit; 3rd) to Revive ourselves and our nation, and frankly to DECLARE God's Truth over and over and over; over ourselves and over our children and over all loved ones and over this nation. That could be a whole 'nther book; if anyone has time to write such a profound Truth Declaring book from God's Word spoken to us, then declare over our nation; and break all the untruths and uncertainties about to be unleashed. God help us. {sorry, but see how I so easily get sidetracked by this *other topic} I'm just overly concerned about all this. 

Each of CCR's Declarations are based on Scriptures in God's Word, from what I've read. I'm sure as you read them, you will recall the scripture that it comes from or can find it. It's not given in her book (as far as I've seen). On CCR's website, she speaks these each Sunday.

which all came together in CCR's book

This is why I strongly sense that I am being called to read "REVIVE..." and DECLARE over our Weeks for all 52 weeks. The devotions and the Word of God (Scripture) are given but the Declarations are what I believe we need. Here are the ones for the Weeks in January by CCR

Week One

 "1. I will believe that God is working all things for my good and His glory by opening and closing doors.

2. I will put on the full armor of God every day.

3. I will read the Word and lean into the Spirit for the true definition of good.

4. I will ask for joy, hope and peace when I need them - confident that Jesus hears me and He will provide.

5. I will praise God for the week ahead, knowing He is in control and He always operates in love."

Great Truth and reminders for every day!
 in every season!

Week Two

"1. I will devote myself to bring everything to the Father, knowing that nothing is too big or too small for Him. I will commit to being my full self before God.

2. I will unplug whenever possible, allowing moments for my soul to be recharged, renewed, and refreshed.

3. I will believe in the power and effectiveness of prayer.

4. I will talk to Jesus and ask Him to help me see others through His eyes of compassion and gentleness.

5. I will model my prayer life after Jesus, who prayed intentionally, passionately, and continually to His Father in heaven." {and so will I} 1st part of declaration just reaffirming and repeating

Just typing each of these out word for word 
(like writing them out)
reaffirms them in my spirit and 
I sense the power in God.

As you can see each week, besides CCR's devotion and main scripture chosen,
she shares 5 Declarations. 

For the next 2 weeks, I will only be 
sharing 2 of the 5.
This way, you will have some of the 
Declarations for all of January, 
but if you follow CCR or get this book,
you'll have all of them.

Week Three

"2. I will trust God's covering over my health, my finances, my emotions, my family, and my future.

3. I will live a life that reflects the truth I know and trust."

[skipped 1, 4, & 5]
...but all were really good!

Week Four

"1. I will be intentional about stepping outside my comfort zone as often as possible. That's where faith lives." {🙏}

"4. I will stop striving for God and let my focus be enjoying God"

[skipped 2, 3, & 5]
like all the ones given, these are excellent also
{especially #2 for me}

[the devotional titles and scriptures are not shared]

That should get your 2025 off to a great start!
and then repeat every year until 
our Lord returns for us!

I do not know CCR personally 
but each book of hers that I've read
inspires and encourages me 
as if I do know her because 
I agree with much of what she writes
as if I had written it or like I should meet her,
because I appreciate her style & clarity.
Cleerely Stated
{she's just so clever & creative}


I DO highly recommend getting a copy of this book, if you can.💙
When I return in February, God willing, 
I will be continuing in CCR's book, 
but not on this blog; and this post 
may be drafted by then.
I quite possibly will have an entirely different 
God-driven purpose by then.
After all someone dear to me, 
let me know that I was a
"Difference Maker"
and that's what I hope to be!
"Here's My Heart Lord"
Not at all the typical
the end of the year
the beginning of the
although I'm not looking forward to 
I do wish all of you
God's Best



Whenever you think of me,
as God puts me on your heart or mind,
will you pray for me
my trepidation for 2025.
Thank you

[image credit: Sarah Young 📧12/30/24]

Monday, December 30, 2024

CALM ...



The reason that I did not put "... in Caregiving" in the title is because I am the last likely person to give advice on being CALM and the least likely in being CALM in Caregiving. Those who are gifted with a gentle, caring spirit are much more likely to remain CALM. However, I am anything but CALM, which is exactly why God gave me this One Word for 2024.

It's not like I am inexperienced in this endeavor, because back in 2018, "we" went through this same experience of CAREGIVING after being sent home on Hospice to die from the hospital, this became the training ground and totally unexpected then and now 6 years later. At that time it was from a cerebral stroke and believe it or not (well, you have to since I'm helping him through a crisis once again, but thank God - not alone) at that time he recovered in 3 months. This time not as fortunate. Coming home from an unnecessary trip, he came back early because he was sick - little did he realize that it was COVID and from COVID, bacterial pneumonia and rapid loss of weight during those first few weeks. It does not help to have diabetes and chronic kidney stage 3. So yet another opportunity for me to learn how to be a better caregiver with the help of one other devoted care person; and help from Home Care to Hospice care once again. And let me tell you from July to December has not increased my competency in either caregiving nor being CALM - not one bit. But I am becoming quite good as a dietician and have put weight back on him and lowered his glucose levels considerably. Oh, and also his blood pressure was the opposite of mine, his is very low (hypotension) and mine is high to very high (hypertension) but I take medication to control it - however added stress (and weight) does not help. His blood pressure has improved & stabilized but his heart - oh that stubborn, hardened heart towards Jesus is the same with a bit more sentimentality but not spirituality AND mine, goes up & down based on me not remaining CALM, but my heart is fixed on Jesus & so in love. Yet God is good - so good! And it's all in His hands! It always has been. It's me that needs the help and understanding, so much still to learn and adjustments to be made. Sometimes our purposes do not line up with His, but little by little He adjusts ours to be more closely aligned to His. Works on our character and personalities, while He changes our perspectives ... however, too many of us take a long time or over the years become set, not always toward a better, or more godly way; sadly sometimes we harden or turn to the opposite direction or purpose. God is merciful, forgiving and ever so patient, that is why He is God (& we are not) and He is good (& we hope to be good or more like Jesus). But CALM? a Caregiver? those are a totally different story! Perhaps you've been one, and can share your wisdom & point us in the right direction. But as far as I am personally able to see or be, they are not compatible with me or my personality. Pray for me. (I know that you do)


I decided before closing out 2024 and starting fresh in 2025 that I might share how God divinely works through us having a One Word and although I cannot offer any wisdom on Caregiving from my experience, I'd like to share some (you guessed it) excellent resources -more books. Not on CALM (I've shared plenty of those), but specific ones to a specific CAREGIVING role. Did you ever think that you'd end up doing or being something contrary to your personality or lifelong goals?

I'd also like to share that if you are unsure of your One Word, but you have a sense that this is what God is speaking - just go with it. You may not understand that God is using your choice to prepare you divinely for something unexpected that you will be facing and He will totally show you how that One Word will keep you close and coming to Him for all He can give you in wisdom and understanding to help and carry you through. We truly never know, but HE does. It will not change the course of events, and 2025 does not look like it's going to be any better or that I will find a new sense of CALMNESS yet I know I can cling to the One who holds all our destinies whether we believe in Him, or not; whether we accept Jesus as our Savior or not; HE is still there, WAITING, and giving opportunity for one more to hear His Voice, extend their life and come so meanwhile we are in a process too and God's still working in us and through us so that we might be a witness to the glory of His Son Jesus Christ, not just point to God, because we, who are believers know that "no one comes to the Father, except through Christ". ["Do You Believe? 40 Day Devotional" by Robert Noland]

So back to the RESOURCES for CAREGIVING (just some) because I have both paperback & Kindle (secular and non-secular); these are the ones that I found to be best in our situation but of course, each individual being cared for and caregiver are different as is their situation:  

"Loving Someone Who Has Dementia - How to Find Hope While Coping with Stress & Grief" by Pauline Boss, PhD

"Strength for the Moment - Inspiration for Caregivers" by Lori Hogan

"When Reasoning No Longer Works - A Practical Guide for Caregivers Dealing with Dementia & Alzheimer's Care" by Angel Smits

"The 36-Hour Day" by Nancy L. Mace and Peter V. Rabins 

"Six Steps to Managing Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia" by Andrew Budson & Maureen O' Connor

"Empowering Caregivers through Alzheimer's and Dementia" by B.B. Goodings

"Mud on My Knees" Debra Bosacki and "Breath as Prayer" by Jennifer Tucker

... and many. many books on CALM and Prayer 

Also this BOOK LIST from Caring Bridge is good for the 15 Best Books and this LIST from CARE

At some point, which definitely isn't now while still in the "fight"; I should write more on a personal level with spiritual help on this "caregiving" experience, not because I have the "answers" or even good suggestions - but because God has the "answers" and He helps and prepares us with what we face whether it's a new role in our life or a new ministry or a special situation that might just help someone else struggling or facing crisis or life struggles. "Jesus over Everything" by Lisa Whittle and other books I read before also prepared me when this time came again. God will use all He can to remind us He's GOT This and He is in control (not us and not others). HE is "Closer than Your Next Breath" (by Susie Larson)! And "Jesus, CALM My Heart" is day after day of 365 prayers by Ruth Schwenk, "to give you peace at the close of every day" if not with a prayer for you, with a prayer for someone else. So let's PAUSE and give God thanks for disguising His GRACE in so many ways to help each SOUL come to know, love & serve the Father, through the Son, Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit - alive in us-because JESUS Always is Calling each one of us. Just BREATHE and give thanks!

"... It's a fine line between caring for the dying and the ill and managing to care for the living and the well."

The Home Care and Hospice team are teaching me this so well.

I'm so thankful for each one of them!

It was in one of the above books that this quote became important to me

from my experience in 2018 & then this one still ongoing in 2024-25

"... Worrying about the salvation of one of the most important person in my life caused me a lot of turmoil ... (until) God let me know that it wasn't my job to offer salvation; it was His." 

I also know that if God can do this for me

that He can for anyone.


use me

in the most unlikely role

then surely HE can & will use you



I may not be any 



I know Who to go to

to find my



give CARE the

best I am able with God's help

Sunday, December 29, 2024

"JESUS, CALM my Heart" as You did and do ...

in 2024 and more

Keep me steady and CALM.

With a heart that seeks You first always!

For the year of 2024, God whispered "CALM" for me as my One Word to focus on, but as first I was reluctant and did not quite understand why. Mid-year, I discovered why. I also found out that had I been more in-tune with God and this One Word, I might have been better prepared for how the rest of the year from July to December and better learned how to remain CALM - no matter what I (and others) might face. I still have much work to do with being CALM yet I am thankful that God provided me with this One Word and I intend to keep CALM close as we all move into another year that seems to be far from one that will be CALM. In fact, I dread 2025 even more than the unexpected of 2024 and what the future may hold. However, most of us are familiar with the following: "it's not what the future holds, it's WHO holds my future". No, we don't know what any of our futures may hold, but if you know JESUS than you know WHO holds yours. Of this we can be assured. When we find our hearts or lives shaken, Jesus CALMS us, just by holding us near and closer. 

Most years, in the last week of the year, people (or I) tend to take the time to re-evaluate the past year or review their progress or lack and so I generally try to summarize what God taught me about my One Word. As with most of the One Words that I have done, I am never really finished with them and I continue to accumulate more and stay aware of each One Word. Each one of the One Word seems to be another "stepping stone" in my life journey of each chapter that Jesus is walking through with me; pointing at another aspect that I need to add in my life - a little better, a little more - filling me with more qualities that His Word teaches and personalizing the ones that I need tweaked and refined to be more of a reflection of Jesus. IF ONLY ... So I have chosen the following image to best summarize some of what I'm learning:

as well as the Bible verse of Matthew 11:28 (my 2024 mantra)

and Psalm 107:29 in the NLT version:

"He (Jesus/God) CALMED the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves." NLT

but there have been so many that contain CALM (229) and ones that don't 

but still speak to me about the peace in the CALM.

So that I hope and pray this:





So many lessons still to learn

I cannot adequately




My One Word

but it

brought "the perfect peace" that I so needed

each and every day

(not so much the nights, but there were more than what I expected)

and when the nights were not

I used Isaiah 26:3 as a



at times music or a special podcast

of a special author of


{she probably prefers that I not listen to her voice to
CALM my night and put me to sleep, but it works}

as well as the beautiful prayers (and her book)
and now a new one that I've started only
{mentioned in last blog post}

I probably should have worked on my own


using Max Lucado's acronym and the verses

{another project to store away for now, but by the time I get to doing it,
someone else will have done it.} My life story (lol)


If you read my Advent CALM series, particularly the last one, I mentioned another book at the end of it, a recent discovery acquired but not yet read, and I am wondering if anyone can help me with "what JOY-UP means"? Just my curiosity, which a search did not really answer for me. I did not intend to do an Advent "series", but once I inadvertently did the first one and then the second one; I quickly attempted that last one where I combined the remaining two themes - and did not do a very good job of any of the themes, yet I was hoping that they would serve as my summary. {Not quite. Actually they did not at all.} I was just inspired to find CALM throughout Advent, as I knew the end of the year was quickly approaching. 

My main book, that a sweet, generous sister in Christ "gifted" me with last year was the one that I turned to each evening: "JESUS, CALM my Heart" ... which was my prayer each evening as previously mentioned that I chose the verse from Isaiah. Some of the prayers (out of 365) where ones that I needed or could relate to, but if not, I know that there was "someone" as Ruth Schwenk (the author) began each prayer each night with "Lord, I pray for the woman ..." who is ... (something) ... some need, some feeling, some situation ... so if it didn't fit me, I know that there is/was someone who needed that prayer and to be lifted to God, so I prayed for whoever ... and then each night there was a Bible verse preceded by a prayer prompt like this: "Lord, go before me and prepare me for a new start with ..." (day 362) Isaiah 43:19 - this is a good one for the New Year, now quickly upon us AND I'm not ready, but it's OK because I take the entire month of January to PRAY (and I'm offline) so I become better ready for the year, better equipped and hopefully empowered with God's new One Word for 2025. I must admit that reading some of these prayers from "Jesus, CALM my heart ..." did anything but CALM me for the night and became more of a marathon night, wrestling and going from one thought and that prayer concern to another and another and another. There is never a shortage of prayers to be prayed. Personally. Worldly. For our nation and others. For the lost ("still unsaved" and also the ones who think they're saved but it seems questionable). But who am I to know or judge, so I just pray. I appreciate the time it took for Ruth Schwenk to compile and pray for all the women that she ministered to with this book and before this book. It's one that you can go back & read or use over and over again. I know I will when I need a prayer and just can't find the words to pray. God's Word never fails (and I believe her book is based also from God's Word). It was an excellent choice for this full year and years to come, thanks to my special sis!  

So my prayer and hope is: "JESUS, CALM each heart of each person, who reads that book or my words or Your Word. We all need CALM in our hearts. My heart (with high blood pressure) really benefited from Your CALM and healing touch many nights this past year of 2024. I can't thank You enough for the CALM You whisper just when I need it. So speak CALM, speak LIFE, speak into each soul and meet them right where they are and bring them right to where You are and You desire for them to be - as they finish 2024 and start 2025, be near and guide with a steady CALM every choice, every step, every thought and keep them in a "quiet joy" filling them with gratitude each day for a new day or a new breath or just bringing them through that day or that situation; and may You carry them and all their burdens and needs; holding each one closer and loving them more. In You sweet Presence, I thank You & pray. 


Leaving a couple of days' room to post

in case


stirs me with s'more


Happy New Year!

[image credit: Tourword]

May God Bless You!



your heart


See ya' the first weekend in


here or at

You Version
(Bible app)

Thursday, December 26, 2024


I actually should have done both HOPE and JOY prior to CHRISTmas during the Advent season since both of these, along with LOVE and PEACE are the traditional themes of Advent to prepare our hearts for JESUS' coming. And I also should probably be doing each of these two separately. Yet since they are after CHRISTmas and Advent, and because this is my 3460th blog post ending a season of blogging in 2024 since 2008 (with many of these blog posts hidden in my drafts since 2017), I wanted an even number to end with this year; and perhaps 2025 might take me to 3500, which really isn't that many. I have lost touch with the many bloggers that I use to know, visiting regularly; and many of those were gifted writers that are no longer blogging, which saddens me that the art of blogging has become something else. In some ways, it has taken away the HOPE that I use to be able to have reading and sharing along with them, which causes me in this last week of 2024 to take pause and evaluate my purpose, my mission and whether I still am shining the Light of Jesus in the darkness of this world (at least the technical part for me, since I don't do the other social sites available) and no longer have the community that once existed. 

After Advent is over, and CHRISTmas has come and gone, we still need to hold on to our HOPE for years to come or until Jesus does come. Perhaps the anticipation building toward CHRISTmas is over, however we are still in the WAIT for Jesus' coming (which was the One Word right before JESUS). I WAIT for the HOPE, LOVE, PEACE and JOY to permeate our lives and change the world that we live in still. We can still HOPE in the hopelessness of our lives or the world. We can still bring HOPE to others. 

And believe it or not, I even found another book "Finding CALM in a Busy Day: Daily Reflections on Rest, HOPE and Love" - isn't this cover just CALM looking, like the one from Max Lucado

[image credit: amazon book]

 ... although I could order a used copy (real inexpensively), it's too late in the year of CALM as my One Word and you probably are thinking since I'm now 70, how could I still have a "busy day" but I can assure you that 2024 has been one of the busiest years for me and not doing things that I enjoy, or consider on an ending to-do list of social activities here, there and everywhere - no, midway through the year my life took a turn in a direction that I never would HOPE to be facing again, yet it was kinda inevitable I suppose at some time again. But as I began this past year with CALM as my One Word, I never anticipated this or that I'd be busy so I would never have considered or have time for a book like this ... however we all need REST, HOPE and LOVE. Looking at the sample, I know I still need HOPE in HIS CALM especially in the year ahead and beyond, but my HOPE does not come in any book (Kindle, used or new). Just like PEACE, it comes in JESUS, in any season and all seasons ... we need our HOPE anchored in JESUS! 

Even in Kindle Unlimited, I discovered yet another book "Just Breathe..." (similar to many that I already have) yet no, I don't have this one; and yes, I am putting it in my Kindle Unlimited, which I have until February, unless I continue the subscription with all the books waiting for me there or buy them all. The subtitle on the 1st cover lets you know that you might need this one too "30 Practices to CALM the Weary Heart ..." wait for it - (Pocket Full of HOPE) - book in a series of two. (sigh) The other is "Comfort and Joy: 25 Invitations to Breathe in HOPE ... a little late for the Advent season, however, once again we all could stand to Breathe in a lot more HOPE, with the bonus of Comfort & Joy. [by the way, from what I can see so far, these are more of a collection of beautiful watercolor prints (artwork) with brief inspirational writings] (at least the 2nd one is, on the right)

{Don't ever send me shopping for "books" for you!}

You'd end up with the whole bookstore!

"Faithful Father, I praise You for giving me HOPE through life's situation.(John 16:33) I need You to remind me of this while I'm going through a rough.."

I guess as I believe with HOPE; or when I do, that there is a peace and a CALM that is very present and cannot be denied. If everything is CALM around you, it's easier to have HOPE. The opposite is also true, if you are holding on to HOPE, you will find more CALM in your situation and life can and will seem like Jesus is right there, keeping you anchored, holding you up and encouraging you to keep walking and press on. 

The word CALM suggests a "quietness"; "a settling of the mind". Hope is one of the most essential virtues of a believer according to Christian philosophers like Augustine or Thomas Aquinas, right alongside faith and love. It's a foundational view that we hardly ever stop and realize until we face "that crisis" of just how much HOPE plays in our faith and gives us the strength we need at such times. We are better able to take hold of our faith in HOPE when all is CALM; but it's when life is turbulent that we need to be securely anchored in HOPE and restore our mindset to the CALM so we can cope and/or more effectively deal with the situation or the bombardment from all sides it seems all at once. Life's journey should somehow find the CALM or seek the CALM to continue rationally one step at a time forward with HOPE propelling towards a positive climate and outcome. 

"Augustine describes the theological virtue of hope in terms of expanding the desire of our hearts to see God face to face, stretching the capacity of our souls to contain more in the fullness of His presence." Crossroads Initiative


which brings us to the


in His Joy




(in Chris Tomlin's version)

"Joy is a deep sense of well-being infused with delight. Joy is an innate human capacity connected to your ability to experience wonder and awe. It comes from within, not from external conditions, people or rewards." Laurie Cameron (from a book)

{I like this quote and set it aside but don't know the author at all, nor her book or beliefs}
I think I agree with what she's written though about Joy.

At the time that I am writing this blog post, I have nothing that I can share about CALM and JOY. In fact, I agree with this that "CALM delight and JOY seem like two radically different concepts." It's hard for me too to read James 1:2-4 and "count it all JOY." "CALM delight" is actually considered one of the first definitions of JOY. So I like knowing this and that's enough that I can be CALM and I can delight. That's probably what drew me to the only book I chose.

I don't even have any book list of JOY like usual - but that's because I have chosen the best book for me so I only have one book that I plan on soaking in to gain all I can from the author. 

I listen and I have been listening for quite some time to her podcasts and recently added You Tube videos. When I have more on this, I will write more. Yet I know without a doubt, there is JOY in JESUS. Perhaps I just don't know how being CALM and JOY can relate to one another. I gifted myself this book for Christmas when I shared it on her publishing date so I'm just really getting into it since Christmas. I'm looking forward to learning from her experience and also "five practical Rhythms of Delight: joyful practices found in Jesus ..." {well this is in her book description & more}

You see, I am one of those that need to restore my


so I don't feel qualified to write on it or share

but I hope to soon

I do believe that Jesus delights in  each of us

and my, how I delight in any moment



{I'm sure that I left this box & never filled it in with some inspirational quote like this one}


  “Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5). "Like the inevitable rising of the sun on the horizon every morning, so too we move toward joy when we delight in Jesus. Though sorrow, pain, and suffering may come, we know who holds our future, and it’s a bright promise indeed." Delighting in Jesus, p.13

I highly recommend

Asheritah (and Hannah) on

You Tube

start out with Episode 1

"I'm a Christian - Why am I Not Joyful?"

Let's FIND JOY IN JESUS again!

I tried some You Version 

JOY plans too.


If Paul, the apostle, found CALM delight (JOY) while in prison,

surely I can ... 

the book of Philippians
 written by Paul in the Bible is the most JOY filled letter


came to bring people

a JOYful life!

C.S. Lewis, in his autobiography, "Surprised by Joy", wrote that we don't find JOY by pursuing it. Joy is a by-product. Lewis ultimately discovers the true nature and purpose of JOY and its place in his life. Not having read this work by C.S. Lewis, I am only sharing from quotes that I've read. But clearly he was "surprised by Joy", which is good to know that he believed and found that "the greatest and most enduring JOY comes from knowing God through Jesus Christ and being a part of His JOYful kingdom." Jesus arrival on earth, as we've just seen in the Christmas story, is announced with expressions of JOY - jubilant JOY from Angels to Shepherds to Kings and of course, Mary and Joseph. New Testament and Old Testament bursting forth with JOY! So there's no shortage in studying people in the Bible and the word JOY, plenty of exuberant examples of JOY and various words in Hebrew and Greek. 

Thinking a great deal about my apparent lack of JOY and CALM in 2024 (and I am ending the year, even worse as regards these two than I started the year, so I seek more of JESUS! If there is any connection between CALM and JOY, then I am thinking when I have one, I'll have both. JESUS brings JOY (since the "J" in JOY is for Jesus, and the "O" is for Others and the "Y" means not to forget YOU, but this is the order for JOY. And we already have the acronym for CALM from Max Lucado (found in Philippians). I know many biblical truths on JOY but the one I hold on to is "the JOY of the Lord is my strength" (and I sing that often, because singing use to be one of my ways to worship and express JOY while being filled with JOY, just like the Angels at Jesus' birth). According to my latest video view, my brain needs to be rewired again!



Count it all JOY!

[words from an image I saw but choose this one instead]

[image credit]

I'd love to sing

"I got that JOY, JOY, JOY JOY down in my heart"

but the problem for me is that I don't want it just down in my heart

although I depend on this and am hopeful that it still is

yet when JOY isn't bubbling over and

flowing from me

I'm not sure that I do have that JOY!


Most of us 




before, during & after


(which leaves me feeling like the "Grinch" this year)

but at least I'm still not to the "bah, humbug" of Scrooge yet.


restore the JOY of my salvation

(well that's true & I do give thanks for this)

yet help me with more



Checking my spiritual JOY tank?

(and believe it or not, in the last moment of this ending)

I found a book

"Stay CALM and JOY-Up"
by Dr. Candi Dukes

I'll hold on to this first truth I found in her book sample

that I do believe

"Jesus brings Great JOY to the world"
[Chapter One]
since JOY is the believer's secret weapon

I know that I need this for 2025!

Wednesday, December 25, 2024


For the month of December, these are the next 4 One Words for us to "FOCUS" on:






In our devotional book, 

there are still 4 more One Words to FOCUS on:

p. 188

p. 191

p. 194



[image credit: Sue Boldt]

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
" ... there's just something about that Name ..."

These last 4 seem to be more appropriate to me for DECEMBER.


Perhaps we have enough One Words 
with our FOCUS on the themes of




{I may be adding more to this blog post during each week}

{week of December 1}
 this is linked to Bible Study Tools

Bible Hub  for Topical search

[certainly seems like a good One Word for the first Sunday of Advent]

But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV

James 4:7 ESV; Mark 14:36 ESV; Proverbs 23:26; Galatians 2:20 ESV

one of my resources shows that there are 
177 verses that contain 


{that's plenty to SURRENDER}

In Hebrew, "surrender" means to 
"align or arrange oneself 
under the command of a divine viewpoint"

I found this link interesting from gentle Christian parenting on 
"What it means to surrender?" and "How?" 

2nd One WORD

[image credit: Bible (dot) com (YV)]l

{possibly midweek Weds. pm December 4}

 or else week of December 8 depending 
on your choice

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
  be acceptable in your sight, Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Psalm 119:14 ESV

Proverbs 12:18 NIV; Proverbs 16:24 NIV; Matthew 15:11 NLT; Ephesians 4:29 NIV

"Jesus, help my WORDS to reflect Your Word"



[image credit: KJVBibleDaily]

{moving forward with this for the 
Week of December 8}

or else for the Week of December 15

"... God is not a God of confusion but of peace."...

[image credit: Kim Hojnacki]

Proverbs 23:4 MSG; 1 Timothy 6:6-7 NLT; Psalm 51:10 ESV; 2 Timothy 2:15 ESV


[image credit: Pastor Rick's Daily Hope]

{later with this at mid-week 12/11}

or else for the Week of December 22


James 1:25

 But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

Luke 11:28 NIV; 1 John 5:3 ESV; Psalm 112:1 ESV; Ecclesiastes 12:13 ESV


{the following is for the Week of December 15}

or else if you do One Word a week, 
this would end up 
in the last week of December 29

Isaiah 7:14
[image credit: Bible (dot) com]

... teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Isaiah 41:10 ESV; Exodus 4:12 NLT; Deuteronomy 20:4 NLT; Joshua 1:5 NLT

[image credit: Jesus Calling 📧]


{with FAMILY at mid-week 12/18}

if you do or did one each week 
the Rest of these will end up in 2025
as Left-over One Words

[image credit: Parade]

Acts 10:2

Love one another with brotherly affection. 
Outdo one another in showing honor.

John 15:12-13 ESV; Galatians 6:10 ESV;
1 Corinthians 1:10 ESV; Ephesians 4:25 ESV


So you may still have more Left-over One Words for 2025

if you're not doing the following ones this week

{for the Week of December 22}

The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, 
to the soul who seeks Him.

Micah 7:7 ESV; James 5:11 ESV; Habakkuk 2:3 ESV; Psalm 27:13-14 ESV

Psalm 27:14

[image credit: todayintheword (dot) org]


"in wisdom and grace"

"trust Jesus to show you how"


that He is God and

we are not


"Jesus, in the WAIT,

I learn who You are"


{with this One Word mid-week 12/25}


[image credit: Air1 on "X"]
Acts 16:31 NLT


Acts 4:13 NLT

The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus.

John 15:7 ESV; Matthew 5:8 ESV; Acts 1:8 ESV; 2 Corinthians 13:4 ESV

At least we all begin the month of December with SURRENDER

and at some point you should end 



Each One Word FOCUS points us to



Please share in comments each week.

(or mid-week)

What stood out to you or your favorite quote or verse(s) with the One Word?

or just whatever comes to you from the devotional, or God

Thank you.


Whatever you choose to do or However

Pace yourself and no Pressure

to do two a week; just continue to




then move to the next when you're able

I certainly do not INTEND to complicate your Season

and time spent with family and so much already

Do What You Can as You Can

(even if it means that you continue into 
January 2025 for the last 4)

I cannot do that because I generally am offline 

for January

ushering in the New Year with my 





(or sorting out the Ones I think might be & listening for God's direction) 

We'll see where HE leads 



all to




in the WAIT we


that's what's most important


in the center of our everyday


Merry Christmas❣️

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


