"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

4th August FOCUS: One Word - REFRESHED

In the month of August, these have been the 
4 One Words for us to "Focus" on:

week of August 4

week of August 11

week of August 18

week of August  25

Every one of these One Words were needed by me.

Yes, Lord, I need to be ROOTED, RESTORED & REFRESHED -

and STAY that way constantly every moment of every day

Thank You! Perhaps that's Heaven!

a constant flow of Your Spirit




"Finding True Rest" - Ruth Schwenk (author of "Jesus, Calm My Heart")

for 216 more from Proverbs 31 Ministry from my search on

{some of my favorites above & this one "30 REFRESHING Ways..." from my valuable P31 collection}
but I'm not sure if it's still available from 2023
 & you have to sign up
[removed image on 8/31/24 follow link]


So this is the One Word for this last week in August (the 4th one)

(and all its variants)

It seems to be the most timely One Word 

for me, right now

so because of this, my blog post will be brief

while I hopefully find time to be


[perhaps more later, or from you in the comments]

RE + FRESH = to be made "new" (fresh) again

"give new strength or energy; reinvigorate"

Yes, I need all that & more 


CCR's main devotional Scripture Verse is:

... He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Psalm 23:3 ESV

The other Scripture verses are:

Jeremiah 31:25 ESV; Psalm 19:7 ESV; Proverbs 3:7-8 ESV; Acts 3:19 NIV

Lord Jesus,


Our Souls

every minute with

Your Living Water

drop by drop

1 Corinthians 16:18 ESV
Philemon 1:7 
Romans 15:32


I am sure that I am not the only one that needs 

time & space to step away

with God and be



that we can & do

in Jesus' name


Reminder: Next Week (September 1) is a break 
or time for "Taking Inventory" on these 
4 One Words: 





Return on September 8th, 6 pm for



My new newest acronym for R.E.S.T.:


R.= Receive; for now REFRESH *
E.= Embrace;
S.= **STAY...(calm, firm, etc);
T.= Trust

* there are many really good "R" One Words like:
Remember; **Remain; Restore; Revive; Renew; Rest ...
but for the end of August & beginning of September

it's gotta be


and you'll find


in Him


Next Week Sept. 1 - 7: Remember to do your "Taking Inventory"

See you on September 8th, 6 pm for


Sunday, August 18, 2024

3rd August FOCUS: One Word - STAY

In the month of August, these are the 4 One Words for us to "Focus" on:

week of August 4

week of August 11

week of August 18



week of August  25

{surely there must be a correlation in these "roots"}

You can view all 4 back here.


Last week was RESTORATION for the 2nd Week

and the 1st Week was ROOTED

so this Week 3, we'll remain



This is the main verse that CCR uses with the devotion:

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.1 Corinthians 16:13 ESV

These are the other scripture verses for this devotional:

1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV
Hebrews 6:10 ESV
Acts 20:24 ESV
Hebrews 10:36 ESV

Bible Hub topical search with many definitions & 221 occurrences

whereas Life Bible search shows 1775 verses containing STAY from various versions
and some other forms like: stayed, staying, stays

According to CCR, the author, from a quick search:

" ... it is often STAYing that grows us the most. STAYing requires us to die to our selves and our own perception of what is important, fun, or relevant." ...

And of course, the FOCUS Tip includes our One Word: STAY and the prayer:

" Jesus, I will STAY where You instruct. Peace will be mine. Amen"

Lord, help us stand firm in our faith.

"Throughout Scripture, You ask Your people

to STAY and fight ..." 

at times ...

Lead me where & in what ways You want me to




I was really hoping to STAY right here awhile and had so many thoughts that you'll read; like I wanted to share on STAY or go (for one example) and even some more on being still or to STAY still when all around you seems to be spinning out of control (but always in the control of the One who is in control at all times, even when we think or try to be). It can be a constant struggle for us humans (might I say, especially women) to not want to be or "feel compelled to start taking those situations into our own hands" - so often, even in our prayers, when we know that God's got this and He's totally in control. 

Yes, I'm circling around and around that FOCUS Tip because currently (into our 5th week), I am in a helpless and seemingly hopeless situation, which is why I attempted to draw back at the beginning of August. And even right as I'm typing this, when I'd like to STAY and listen to the Spirit guiding me, as I really hope as I look to a week ahead of so much conflict & schedule (beyond myself) where I know I truly need God and I'm more than "ready to feel a sense of peace as" I'd love to loosen my grip and allow my heart to slow down but not stop as I'm dealing with my own high blood pressure and the other person's very low blood pressure (with much concern & lack of knowledge about this & his medical needs & situation; feeling totally inadequate), I turn & rely on God (and googling this & that, I gotta be honest) stopping to STAY still in this moment with this One Word - because in so many ways, it's the exact One Word that connects all of these 4 One Words in August for me; and also with my 2024 One Word: CALM. I tell myself "self - STAY calm", "God's got this", "God's got you - just like He always has and look how far He's gotten you", "Remember MX, as you came to Him and waited (impatiently mostly) yet still patiently for His GO or STAY and He knew and He confirmed. 

Yes, He's always been Faithful & True! And He only asked me to STAY in Him. As I daily have returned to MN, it's been such a battle (and struggle) for me to remain, to STAY - but just like MX, I'm calling on God & fully leaning on Him every step of the way. Because in my human power, I wanna run ... but when I turn to Him and I abide or remain in Him; supernaturally or divinely He further this discipline to STAY and to trust Him. I am sure that this devotion for this week, will take me beyond SEEK; as I shared in the comments of "Taking Inventory" at the end of July (mid year review) and choosing STAY reluctantly as the One Word God is encouraging me to do as I really need to STAY CALM as I started again & STAY "in the shadow of His wings" (Psalm 91 and Isaiah 40:31). As I started saying in the beginning of this, "I just want to STAY where You are, {actually the word in the song is not STAY but 'be'} dwelling daily in Your Presence; I don't want to worship from afar; Draw me near to where You are ... " Don Moen's "I Want to Be Where You Are".

I'm sure that CCR's quote above that I shared from my quick search that God wants me to "grow" and "die more to my self" is exactly what to STAY will require, only with God and by His Holy Spirit; in His strength but it's a tough road ... and I'm certain others of you have walked it or are walking this journey, no matter how many years you've been blessed to call yourself a believer in Jesus Christ, or were simply blessed to be born into a beautiful legacy of believers; in different seasons throughout our life, we will find ourselves learning once again, all it takes to surrender again and again each day "being watchful (alert); standing firm in our faith ... to be strong" IN HIM ... "In Christ alone"- we abide, seek, pursue, trust and receive His love & aMazing Grace for one more step forward, or His Grace to STAY; either way - in Him, and in His will always! Faithful! Always True! [*Insert the image from above right here]

My newest acronym R.E.S.T.: R.=Receive; E.= Embrace; S.=*STAY...(calm, firm, etc); T.= Trust

* STAY - REMAIN in Him

Sunday, August 11, 2024

2nd August FOCUS: One Word - RESTORATION

In the month of August, these are the 4 One Words for us to "Focus" on:

week of August 4

week of August 11

week of August 18

week of August  25

{surely there must be a correlation in these "roots"}

You can view all 4 back here.


Last week was ROOTED for the 1st Week


In the 2nd week of August, we will FOCUS on:


This is what the LORD says: "When I bring Israel home again from captivity and restore their fortunes, Jerusalem will be rebuilt on its ruins, and the palace reconstructed as before. Jeremiah 30:18 NLT

Other Scriptures given for devotional:

Psalm 147:3 NIV
Isaiah 57:15 ESV
Jeremiah 17:14 NLT
1 Peter 5:10 NLT

[of course, other forms of RESTORATION may give us more choices 
for verses with the One Word, such as 

No one but God alone can restore
and make our broken vessels whole.


 A topical search for definition can be found at Bible Hub;

although there are only 4 given occurrences there;

my other source at Life Bible shows that there are

45 verses containing RESTORATION

from various translations.


In CCR's devotional, she uses restore and restored more than


In fact, the only occurrence I found in a quick search was in the


"Do you feel broken today? Do you feel confident that God will RESTORE your current circumstance and make something beautiful out of your ashes? 

This week, every time you start to think that nothing good will come from it, say the word RESTORATION and know that He never breaks His promises. We just have to hold on and watch." CCR

As you already know. I have not read 
the devotional 
by Cleere Cherry Reaves (CCR) yet.


The theme of our One Word: RESTORATION

is woven throughout the Bible.

In stories of hardship that offer us hope & encouragement.

It is clear that God desires to RESTORE us, as individuals 

or in our relationships with others, even in creation.


is a process, a journey of healing & transformation 

that requires faith and often much work & patience

because it has many different facets that are 

emotional & spiritual

and at times it is material, like the return of lost 

possessions or blessings.

One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 40:31

and although the One Word is not in the verse

it speaks of hope and renewing strength

then the results of this RESTORATION are shown:

soaring, running, not growing weary;

walking without being faint.

Some days we all

need to be


I pray if you find yourself in need please read 

that scripture and find His Strength for you

[image credit]

"On Eagles' Wings"

(also this is my chosen favorite song 
that I'd like at my celebration of life along 
with "I can only Imagine". I know on that day, 
my RESTORATION will be complete.)

God of Restoration

Yes, that's exactly what God is and how I feel 
"on eagles' wings" - my delight & fascination
when I watch or see an eagle and my spirit 
soars & God does raise me up,
which is exactly what I need and get 
whenever God is in my business of


a complete process of His healing & work in me

Yes, He bears me on the "breath of dawn"

and makes me "to shine" I pray

when someone else

needs to be



the palm of God's hand

wrapped in the arms of an Almighty Father

who is in the business of RESTORING lives 

that come to Him

weak, weary, worried


lay it down at His feet



As I opened up Spotify to a podcast 
(that I don't normally do)
wouldn't you know what it was on:

our God, He's so aMazing!!!

{I'm not sure how to link to this; 
but if you listen to Spotify, 
and you listen to Podcasts,
it is Episode 259 with "Prayer Starters with 
Suzanne Eller" (KLRC) May 22, 2023}

Jeremiah 30:18

Oh, and to confirm that this is/was God the current Episode is 556
"As Far as it is Possible"

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

CALM - starting again

As I was "taking inventory" mid-year, I noticed that I have not shared many blog posts about my 2024 One Word ...

...so it may look like my FOCUS is on every other One Word instead of CALM. Yet with each FOCUS One Word, I still SEEK CALM (after all I have a beautiful night time book, actually a few now, but the main one or nightly one is * "Jesus, CALM my Heart" for this entire year) more than anything. And, I particularly noticed this during that mid-year (July) inventory because I was, as I often am, in the midst of chaos, or anything but a CALM place, except when I enter His Word or His Presence, especially in peaceful worship - the moments I step out of the reality surrounding my life and so many dear ones; until I enter time of prayer, mostly intercession time, and it's then I decided I need more PRAISE time and moments of ADORATION; sometimes just moments outside bring me this, if I am able to leave behind those "troubles" - until like this past week, one of God's creations outdoors (an aggressive one) stings me not once but a few times from a ground nest I mowed over tall grass there, later I find out that once again I was a victim of some yellow jackets. Very painful stings. CALM was the furthest thing from my life at that time, both in doors and outdoors, but within and inside of me, God reminds me of the CALM He can bring to me. 

I turn to my *yearly book and some of the others to find CALM, to "Trade my Cares for Calm", at least with much hope that I can - and I lay down, opening to Chapter 4 in another book, seeking His CALM, with "Keep Calm and Make a Plan" (well, I was too far from that at this point in time) and my, oh, my - this is the half-way mark of 2024) maybe I should try another book; "Less Fret, More Faith" - now that's more like it. But then I remember one of my very favorite somewhat older books, that I frequent often - but clearly not often enough but Julie Gillies only shares 100 "Prayers to Calm ..." (I won't even finish the words of her title because I just don't want to accept that my heart is a------, that word that I fight keeping out of my vocabulary, if and whenever possible). But it's a heartbreaking reality, for me and more than 40 million adults in the United States. I try my best to deny that I wrestle with this, but something truly must be keeping me awake on & off through the nights. Julie's book opens with this startling fact or stat in the Invitation of her book as she calmly bids us "to pause, to breathe, and let our hearts rest in God's CALMING Presence."  My denial just isn't helpful, even if I just try to re-word and use the words that restate this as "I'm just very concerned". 

So I have decided to restart Julie's book, with the first devotional of "Unshaken" and the scripture base for this devotion is Psalm 16:8 (which has come up quite a few times in 2024).
Julie uses the NLT version but I choose to share 2 other versions (neither one uses the word CALM, nor Unshaken) yet I sense God's CALM just reading and re-reading these words:

Because I set you, YAHWEH, always close to me, my confidence will never be weakened, for I experience your wraparound presence every moment. Psalm 16:8 TPT

He is ever present with me; at all times He goes before me. I will not live in fear or abandon my calling because He stands at my right hand. 
Psalm 16:8 Voice

I guess I took "taking inventory" too seriously because now I am back with my regular procedure of starting with a definition of the One Word or the WORD, 
(which I don't think I ever did for my 2024 One Word yet)
so it's way overdue:


according to Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary

that Bible Hub uses

"1. (n.) Freedom from motion, agitation, or disturbance; a cessation or absence of that which causes motion or disturbance, as of winds or waves; tranquility; stillness; quiet; serenity.

2. (n.) To make calm; to render still or quiet, as elements; as, to calm the winds.

3. (n.) To deliver from agitation or excitement; to still or soothe, as the mind or passions.

4. (super.) Not stormy; without motion, as of winds or waves; still; quiet; serene; undisturbed.

5. (super.) Undisturbed by passion or emotion; not agitated or excited; tranquil; quiet in act or speech. "

then my next step is to do a Search for my One Word: CALM

{of course, Bible Hub shares verses; but my other dependable source gives various versions}

Verses that contain CALM
 but that includes variations of CALM, like calmed, calms, calmly, etc.

[I'm not able to link to their site, or app because it just takes you to search of any word only]

180 of the 229 verses are found in the Old Testament (OT)


only 49 of the 229 verses are from the New Testament (NT)

I will work my way backwards with sharing these verses starting with:

Revelation 1:4 AMP

John, to the seven churches that are in [the province of] Asia: 
Grace [be granted] to you and peace 
[inner CALM and spiritual well-being], 
from Him Who is [existing forever] 
and Who was [continually existing in the past] 
and Who is to come, 
and from the seven Spirits that are before His throne ...

After having completed a PAUSE (YV) plan on PEACE, 
I find it soothing to see that the Amplified "amplifies"
as "inner CALM" and "spiritual well-being"

{which really explains much for me, about my personal lack}

It's no wonder that God spoke the One Word


for me for 2024


with inner and spiritual well-being

without even looking at my outward fears and insecurities


Since I have done One blog post now for the entire month of August, that publishes at 6 pm Sunday evenings for the entire week, I have reserved that time space for FOCUS. I was thinking that I might consider doing another blog post (if inspired) on the One Word FOCUS later in the week, however I may choose to use this time or Sat. possibly to FOCUS on my 2024 One Word CALM. But I don't want a post on Sat. followed by another on Sun. so don't be surprised if the rest of this year, I begin to share more on CALM and only one on FOCUS (unless I do a midweek blog post on our FOCUS One Word and just a reminder on Sun. of what the One Word is for that Week - linked to the monthly one. As you can tell, I'm shaking up my regular routine a bit of publishing blog posts on Sunday, when my original thought on one monthly post was for lack of time because "life" is limiting my time more but hopefully that will end sooner than later and seriously, I need this blogging time more as a therapeutic place for me; sometimes more than a place for you, the reader. However, I hope that somewhere in my blog posts that the Jesus, I know and love, shines into your own life with some encouragement or inspiration or you find some part that connects to you in your own life. With my shift to CALM (in addition to the 4 FOCUS One Words), I'm hoping that whatever your situation that some of the CALM in my chaos will help you find more CALM. 

In one of the blog posts this year (or possibly 2 blog posts) I shared the acronym that Max Lucado has coined for C.A.L.M. and I'll share it again as a reminder from Philippians 4:4-8

(Celebrate God's Goodness, v.4)

(Ask God for help, v.6)

(Leave your concerns, v.6)

{I think I've gotten to this place often, but you know ... what happens}

(Meditate on good things, v.8 NCV)

"Dear Lord, You spoke to storms. (Many of the verses of the gospels & Psalms  that contain CALM are about Jesus & the "storm" with His disciples) Would you speak to ours? You calmed the hearts of the apostles. Would you CALM the chaos within us? You told them to fear not. Say the same to us. We are worry, battered and belittled by the gales of life. Oh, Prince of Peace, bequeath to us a spirit of CALM. ... " Max Lucado ... As I continue to SEEK and search for CALM, "will you turn a new leaf in my life" ...through the pages in my CALM books. "Quench" any sign of "anxiety" in me. "Stir courage. Let us know less fret and more faith. In Your name, I pray. Amen [Less Fret, More Faith - an 11 week action plan to overcome anxiety] 

Help me Lord


to fret less and find more faith

in me to deal with life

each day.

I will Celebrate You & Your Goodness,

I will Ask You for help as I start my day and end each night

(or when I'm awakened)

I will really learn to Leave my concerns with You

and Your more than capable hands

as I continue to

Meditate on good things

(and look for a good thing in each day)

to give You thanks & more Praise

for in Your Presence

I soak in the



cling to You

and Your soothing inner


as I 



in me

a spiritual well-being


I need, Jesus!

Thank You!

Sunday, August 4, 2024


Hopefully after this month of August, 

we will find ourselves better


and all the One Words in between

will firmly plant, grow & make

our relationships deeper



In the month of August, these will be the 4 One Words for us to "Focus" on:

week of August 4

week of August 11

week of August 18

week of August  25

{surely there must be a correlation in these "roots"}

For this 1st week, we will FOCUS on



"Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong." Ephesians 3:17 NLT

Surely this will make or keep us ROOTED!

I found that I like this scripture verse even better in:

The Voice
"... so that through faith the Anointed One will reside in their hearts. 
May love be the rich soil where their lives take root. 
May it be the bedrock where their lives are founded so that together..."

and the Amplified actually uses our One Word:

so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through your faith. 
And may you, having been [deeply] ROOTED and [securely] grounded in love,... 
Ephesians 3:17 AMP

Using Life Search I found that there are 44 verses containing ROOTED.

The author uses these others scripture verses:

Jeremiah 17:7-8 NIV
John 15:5 NIV
Colossians 2:6-7 NIV
Matthew 13:6 NIV

"Jesus, ROOTED in You, I stand secure."

possibly more to come on this

You can STOP here now

but please skip to the part at the bottom after the

next image of 


(and 5 of <> these)


Definitely more to come in the following 3 One Words:

in the 2nd week of August, we will FOCUS on


This is what the LORD says: "When I bring Israel home again from captivity and restore their fortunes, Jerusalem will be rebuilt on its ruins, and the palace reconstructed as before. Jeremiah 30:18 NLT

Other Scriptures given for devotional:

Psalm 147:3 NIV
Isaiah 57:15 ESV
Jeremiah 17:14 NLT
1 Peter 5:10 NLT

[of course, other forms of RESTORATION may give us more choices for verses with the 

"Jesus, in my brokenness, You RESTORE."


in the 3rd week of August, the FOCUS: One Word will be:


Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.1 Corinthians 16:13 ESV

The other scripture verses for this devotional:

1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV
Hebrews 6:10 ESV
Acts 20:24 ESV
Hebrews 10:36 ESV

Yes, Lord

I will STAY where You instruct me, lead me, and

whisper to me the word


let me know in what ways You want me to


still & be still,

as I loosen my grip

give me a sense of Your Peace

so my heart and mind know

that being still is/was the

right move.

And as I


even when or if it is hard

this will be when I will grow the most


confident in You as You move

Listen, STAY alert, stand tall in the faith, be courageous, and be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13 Voice


and in the last week of AUGUST (25th-31st)

the FOCUS: One Word will be


He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Psalm 23:3 ESV

In the devotional, these are the other scripture verses:

Jeremiah 31:25 ESV
Psalm 19:7 ESV
Proverbs 3:7-8 ESV
Acts 3: 19 NIV

"Jesus, when I drink {deeply} You REFRESH me."

{reworded so that I use the One Word}


We can be REFRESHED!

Drink in deeply as you wake every morning


your soul

by God

Dip, soak, and plunge into

His Living Water

[image credit]


As you may notice I have shared all 4 weeks of FOCUS for AUGUST in this one blog post along with the author's (CCR) main chosen scripture and the other verses included 
to go with her devo. I still hope that you will only do One WORD each week 
and then come back here or to the current week blog post to share from
the FOCUS devotional by Cleere Cherry Reaves.

At the time that I am preparing this post, I have not yet read any of the devotions nor have 
I decided how, or if I will be able to expound further due to a personal family situation.
I will fill in each week (possibly more, especially empty boxes) or share a new post.

But I will still be reading and FOCUS on each of these One Words each week.

I have an inkling that this month & these 4 One Words are probably going to be

a very important connection and especially significant in our maturity as

Christians, followers of Jesus Christ

anointed by the Holy Spirit

in a fresh way!


The Father is calling us to really


and deepen our spiritual lives even more

[it's CLEERE (I mean CLEAR)]

The combination of these 4 One Words seem very powerful!

I pray that our Heavenly Father touch you as you trust

Jesus Christ in making His home in your heart

even deeper still so that you are


into God's love even more 

and your faith roots

will keep you


as you receive




close to the heart of Jesus

and find your 

life journey


by His Spirit

alive in


[image credit]

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


