The main point is I have some loose ends in 2024 to tie up - and who knows if this one is the 3460th blog post or not. Just think of that though! That's enough for a book or two.
I believe that this image is my favorite for CALM!
First off, breathe in - breathe out (CALM down) but I'm so excited about all my new books and many the Kindle Unlimited are allowing me to read until almost the end of February. One of the new books (but not Kindle Unlimited) I just got is/was a really great deal from the same author that introduced me (us) to "Breath Prayers" and what a life saver that concept was for me; and so many are using this now. I must really have been in a cocoon since Covid {well, I kinda have, actually} Jennifer Tucker's newest book, "Present in Prayer" introduces me to another new concept yet somewhat mixed in an old traditional way of prayer and scripture meditation. {More on this later. But this will be part of my January Journey time in Prayer.}
I discovered that the same group leaders with more & different people that I ended 2023 and began 2024 is doing their same prayer project for "A 50 State Prayer Project for Revival" and these are the dates for their Battle Plan (I missed some of the preparation time with them this time). Also their manuscript is available on Amazon, besides the free full-manuscript at their website IFWEWILL.COM
BATTLE PLAN December 1-31, 2024 - 31 Days of Preparation New Year’s Day, 2025 - Time of Prayer and *Fasting January 2 - February 20, 2025 - 50 Days of Prayer |
{I will only be joining them through January
In a recent end of the year email from (in)courage - {it's a Miracle that I can keep up with and sort through all my emails and the emails of the other non-tech person in our household (only by God's grace, am I able), I noticed a special article and then it included a free quiz to find out your One Word (of course, it's limited, right) but it was worth doing. But (no) I'm not sharing what they gave me yet - in case God has another plan. The article was really inspiring and well done so of course, I took the time to do their quiz (even a few times, to see if it changed, or if I changed my response, how would it change) - yeah, I'm like that, but only because on some of the questions & set answers, I was contemplating more than one & then chose one but I needed to see if I had chosen the other what would happen and how would it affect My One Word. I'm sure (in)courage does not like you doing it over and over, hoping to get it to line up with whatever choice you were thinking & wanting it confirmed. Anyways, if you don't have a One Word, I recommend highly and even if you do - try it out.
My other reason to come back and share one more time before 2024 ends is another new book (and not the two that I'm debating about which one to read first, or which book study to do that both start in January - not a good time for me to benefit fully from any community sharing and reading and discussing together, but I do have the books so ...).
The book that I want to share is by the same author as the one we did this past year in 2024 (CCR) with Cleere Cherry Reaves. Although I don't plan on sharing each week like I did with FOCUS, I do want to mention and share some of it. CCR has written quite a few books that I have taken the time to read or do the sample plans on YV (You Version) but unlike "Focus" and this new one, most of her other books are not for 52 weeks or a full year but maybe only 90 (or 30) devotions so without going and checking each one again, I'm not sure.
I believe that the most recent books she has written are: "Unfiltered..." and "REVIVE ..." (which relates to my second paragraph above & the prayer group).
The rest of the last title, which is the book that I want to share today before going offline, continues with "... Declarations of God's Truth to Renew Your Spirit". I happen to believe that many of us, like CCR, need this constantly over our lives and households and loved ones near and far, especially as we enter 2025 and this age in which we live.
It's important: 1st) to know the Truth, especially God's Truth; 2nd) to Renew our Spirit; 3rd) to Revive ourselves and our nation, and frankly to DECLARE God's Truth over and over and over; over ourselves and over our children and over all loved ones and over this nation. That could be a whole 'nther book; if anyone has time to write such a profound Truth Declaring book from God's Word spoken to us, then declare over our nation; and break all the untruths and uncertainties about to be unleashed. God help us. {sorry, but see how I so easily get sidetracked by this *other topic} I'm just overly concerned about all this.
Each of CCR's Declarations are based on Scriptures in God's Word, from what I've read. I'm sure as you read them, you will recall the scripture that it comes from or can find it. It's not given in her book (as far as I've seen). On CCR's website, she speaks these each Sunday.
This is why I strongly sense that I am being called to read "REVIVE..." and DECLARE over our Weeks for all 52 weeks. The devotions and the Word of God (Scripture) are given but the Declarations are what I believe we need. Here are the ones for the Weeks in January by CCR
Week One
"1. I will believe that God is working all things for my good and His glory by opening and closing doors. 2. I will put on the full armor of God every day. 3. I will read the Word and lean into the Spirit for the true definition of good. 4. I will ask for joy, hope and peace when I need them - confident that Jesus hears me and He will provide. 5. I will praise God for the week ahead, knowing He is in control and He always operates in love." |
Great Truth and reminders for every day!
"1. I will devote myself to bring everything to the Father, knowing that nothing is too big or too small for Him. I will commit to being my full self before God. 2. I will unplug whenever possible, allowing moments for my soul to be recharged, renewed, and refreshed. 3. I will believe in the power and effectiveness of prayer. 4. I will talk to Jesus and ask Him to help me see others through His eyes of compassion and gentleness. 5. I will model my prayer life after Jesus, who prayed intentionally, passionately, and continually to His Father in heaven." {and so will I} 1st part of declaration just reaffirming and repeating |
Just typing each of these out word for word
Week Three
"2. I will trust God's covering over my health, my finances, my emotions, my family, and my future. 3. I will live a life that reflects the truth I know and trust." |
[skipped 1, 4, & 5]
Week Four
"1. I will be intentional about stepping outside my comfort zone as often as possible. That's where faith lives." {🙏} "4. I will stop striving for God and let my focus be enjoying God" |
[skipped 2, 3, & 5]