"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.
Showing posts with label MY ONE WORD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MY ONE WORD. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2019


[My plan was to finish this Part 3 in August, but I needed to take a pause and tried "EMBRACING JOY in His Presence" (another devotional book, but by Sarah Young, which You Version had 2 different reading plans that I sampled). There are 10 "Embraced..." devotions left in this part that I have divided into the next two weeks while I continue "EMBRACING Him (even) in the midst of hurt and heartache", because no matter what, "Embracing Him" is the best way, and for me, the only way I get through, move on and move forward with His Grace.]

... Knowing God is Holding Me (YouClose

Part 3: 
in the Midst of Hurt & Heartache
Devotions #49-75 
(#66 - 70 in this week's post)

66. "Alone in a Crowded Room" John 13:34

"Proximity and activity don't always equal connectivity."

{that's for sure!!!}

67. "Three Things You Must Remember When Rejected"

Psalm 34:19

..."Satan knows what consumes us controls us."

68. "The Best Worst Thing"  Matthew 8:26

"We live in a broken world full of broken people But isn't it comforting to know God isn't ever broken?"..."He can take our worst and add His best."

69. "A Better Place to Park" Philippians 4:8

"To dwell on hard things keeps us in hard spots."

70. "Wisdom Together" James 3:13

"When we can rise up on the wisdom of others and get a new view of our situations, our next steps seem a little clearer."


Lysa has such a gift of writing devotions applicable to her life, but there are times when I read them that I cannot relate to experiences in my own journey (other times, instantly they are triggered) however every devotion makes good points for the reader and the brief prayer prompts at the end of each one often speak my very heart leading me to a deeper reflection, like some of the chosen ones that follow (which even if the devotion did not seem applicable, the prayer somehow was, bringing it home for me, tying it into the scripture with her devotion - now that's the gift.) 

So I just had to share some from this Part 3 that helped me heal while "EMBRACING HIM in the midst of hurt & heartache":

{not just from this week}

Lord, I can't thank You enough for the promise that I can trust You at all times. Even though people may fail me, {or I may fail them} others may abandon me, You never will. I'm choosing to let that truth steady my heart today. ...

Father God, I don't understand this situation. But I do understand Your goodness to me. Help me replace the fears threatening to consume me with truth, I know You love me, You are for me, and I absolutely can trust You with all of my heart. ...

Dear Lord, thank You so much for the way You love me - with a love that can never be shaken, taken or tarnished. Help me look to You and You alone to fill and satisfy my heart. ...

Dear Lord, You know the hurts I have from the past that still drain me {or affect me}. Please show me a good place to park my mind when that pain stings me{or someone or something else reminds me}again. [Help me not to dwell and rehash on the hard things that keep me in hard spots because that only serves to deepen my feelings of emotional emptiness.] ...

Dear Lord, Thank You for Your mercies and patience in this journey of imperfect progress. Forgive me for allowing disappointment (etc.) to capture my heart so easily. Adjust my perspective and help me to see things You have brought to life in me. ...

Dear Lord, I choose to hand my situation over to You today. ...


in the midst of hurt & heartache

also and always
as I face each heartache
and heal each hurt
in Jesus' name

I will continue to


Your Joy




Sunday, August 18, 2019


At least I'm trying ... reminding myself

Image result for embracing joy in his presence
so then I'm

as I prepare and read

Image result for embracing joy in his presence

{I just finished the sample 7 day devotional and will continue with the 5 day.}

Day 1
Choosing to Rejoice

starts out with

..."REJOICE Always! ...
1 Thessalonians 5:16

I don't know about you, but to "rejoice always" (evermore, continually) seems like a very difficult task in this world more and more, especially in any adversity, hardship or challenge. I mean "always" is a long time and counts every second of every day, all the time, so how is this possible? With this in mind, I decided to look at other versions, what this means, and choose to look more closely at the word "rejoice". Here are two versions that helped me somewhat:

"Be happy [in your faith] and rejoice and be glad-hearted continually (always); " AMPC

What helps me here is the part in brackets "in your faith" along with be happy and be glad hearted, yes ... even in adverse times I can be happy and thankful in my heart for or in my faith. But the following from TPT, let's me come to feast in JOY

"Let joy be your continual feast." The Passion Translation

... so this I like and can do a bit better ...

actually believing God's promises
is what gets me through
tough times

A perpetual state of rejoicing is only possible through or with the supernatural joy of the Holy Spirit - a fruit and gift - that bubbles up from the inside, when we battle or encounter adversity ... God enables us with this power and strength that comes supernaturally by the Holy Spirit and our precious salvation of Jesus Christ. In this, I can rejoice! Our joy is not determined by our circumstances BUT inspite of them, nor is our ability to rejoice based only on happy experiences. Focusing on "Jesus Always", even when we may not feel like it ... reminds us of our Lord's goodness, grace and redemptive sacrifice for us.

I did not think I had this ability when it seems like day after day is an uphill struggle and battle against the forces of evil yet I so need to EMBRACE some JOY ... ok, Rejoice always ... and surprisingly, when I recently met a new addition to our family, married to a dear cousin, who knew little about me or my story, as I poured out facets, this sweet sister (cousin-in-law) mentioned how she noticed so much "joy" still coming forth through me, even with my adversities and tribulations ... another dear cousin, who I see as having so much "joy" also agreed, which frankly astounded me and I was relieved to know that the Holy Spirit still shines through in my darkness or tales of woes. So very thankful! And I will hold on to this and treasure this and her words always as I continue on with "Jesus Always" and really EMBRACE the JOY within me and around me, because of His Spirit within me. Now, there are others, who may not see this emanate from me, however I will keep trying to shine Jesus always on their darkness and inability - so it's on them.

I will be continuing with the You Version 5 day plan now, still debating whether to get this as an ebook or a real book or at all, but I did download a 52 week discussion guide (pdf) of "Jesus Always" ... and the book is 365 days of devotions, maybe it's meant for me for next year, we'll see. I do have others by this author (but lately, I've been seeing so many *authors I like being ostracized by other Christians, deemed as 'false' teachers, etc. which I don't like at all, especially because I have liked and read or listened to them for so long, gotta wonder about myself{I read and listen to quite alot of them that have been put in this category

The first discussion in this "Jesus Always" guide is the "Fullness of Joy" ... this is what I choose to EMBRACE so even though I was in the middle of Part 3 in "EMBRACED..."{by another *favorite in that category} and should be continuing with "Embracing Him in the midst of hurt and heartache", I will be, only by Embracing Joy or Embracing His Presence, which undoubtedly brings Joy! with "Jesus Always" ... so just a reminder that the EMBRACED one is only on pause - not forgotten, plus tomorrow that author is starting at FaithGateway, a study on her other recent book that I shared here before ... 

Here's the rest of "Embracing Joy in His Presence" 5 days:

DAY 2 - Blessed by Jesus "Seek to live in the present - with Me!"

DAY 3 - Led by Jesus "Seek to become..."

DAY 4 - Seek Him First {as always}

DAY 5 - His Unfailing Love "I am Your Joy!"{Yes, You are, Jesus}



JOY brings Healing, too

don't you think so? 
(like laughter)

Sunday, June 16, 2019


in June of

the Pursuit of Him and His Direction

my 3rd week and a little more
... Knowing God is Holding Me (& YouClose

The first devotion for this 3rd venture is also the last one in the You Version (day 5) as I continue to EMBRACE Rest Reassured or in Lysa's book, it's ... #16 "Space to Exhale" [Isaiah 58:13-14], which begins with the word "Rest. ..." so clearly, the order of this day, falling on Sunday ... Sabbath ... is REST still, in fact the Bible verse tells us to keep from breaking the Sabbath and doing as we please on the Father's Holy Day, even if it's "father's day", our Heavenly Father should always come first.

So I will pause, for now, and continue the rest of this at another time ...

17. "Chasing Down our Decisions" Proverbs 27:12

18. "Read This Before Making that Decision" Isaiah 49:10; 
Psalm 23:1-3(NKJV); Jeremiah 31:9(ESV)

19. "Paralyzing Fear" 1 Peter 5:7; Isaiah 43:1; Romans 8:38-39

I recall back in the late 80's listening to a wonderful woman give a message and prayer call at an Aglow meeting if anyone needed prayer because of 'fear'. I was certain that this was not so, for me and even when someone asked me if I wanted prayer for that, I said "no, I don't have a problem with fear" - little did I know that I soon would find out (and am still discovering) just how much 'fear' I do struggle with ... accompanied with insecurity. In fact, I have recently experienced (as I did back then after this meeting) I have fear that indeed paralyzes me! PTSD - I have post tramatic stress disorder and I never fought in a military war but seem to battle spiritual wars frequently and am just learning better how to know the enemy, his strategies and how to use my spiritual weapon yet I still find myself weak at times and become paralyzed by fear, even certain sounds cause that fear to rise up within me (elevates my bp too, dealing with this currently). {sigh} so I've learned to battle on my knees and use verses from God's Word. Lysa's devotion just reminded me to use scriptures rather than cling to fear or let fear paralyze me, one of which is my Life Verse: 2 Timothy 1:7. I have also added deep breathing exercise along with ABIDE at night time to help me let go and sleep. Dr. Michelle Bengston has the perfect Rx of 40 Scriptures and sound advice, sent in my email (again) just in time 

20. "The Most Nonfrantic Woman I've Ever Met" Proverbs 22:1

21. "The Two Most Powerful Words" Matthew 3:17

22. "Analysis Paralysis" Romans 8:26-28

23. "Five Questions to Ask When Making a Decision" Luke 14:28-30 (NKJV)

... which only leaves 3 more devotions in Part 1 
so I'm including them here also rather than
another post with only these last ones

24. "God, I'm Worn Out" Psalm 142:3 NLT

25. "In the Flow" 2 Peter 1:3

26. "Practicing Wisdom" Proverbs 2:1-2; 4-5

*words in this color are Lysa's from in her book

this quote as my favorite

..."Seeking to obey God in the midst of whatever circumstance I'm facing will position me to work in the flow of God's power."...Lysa T. #25

... however, if I reword the one in #21 that probably suits me better ... "When a woman lives with the stress of an overwhelmed schedule, she'll ache with the sadness of an underwhelmed soul." ... I would replace 'schedule' with "life", because even though I no longer have a busy schedule, my life daily often leaves me overwhelmed, but since that devotion focused on the "two most powerful words" as being "yes" and "no" as regards your schedule, that is why Lysa uses 'schedule', which is so true, that we need to know when to say yes or no. I still probably need to know when, but my stress has nothing to do with an overwhelming schedule. (sigh) For me, it might even be the stress of aging, which is overwhelming and not just my own aging ... I pray that my soul is well and not underwhelmed

so for this journey

"Letting Go"
from #19
if only
whether it's fear or whatever 
causing me unnecessary stress
easier said than done


Happy Father's Day, Abba!
to all the wonderful dads too

Missing our lil Papa Chimi!
{his 3 daughters and I send him our love}

Thursday, June 6, 2019

A.D.D. to your AGENDA being EMBRACED

Today's #6 is available in the You Version reading plan, day 4 or over here for

#6 "An Agenda That Will Never Satisfy"
                    Mark 3:14-15

In my overly busy, younger days, I probably frequently found myself in this place of today's devotion, but not any longer. Guess that's one of the benefits of aging (lol) - you're just not as able or tire out for seemingly not much of anything so you learn to pace and rest. However, as I read this 'agenda', I could relate yet this is precisely why I need and have set aside my Fridays. This began in Mexico to prepare for ministry on the weekends or Friday evening through the weekend and longer. Yet even when I came home, I did not sense that God was releasing me of our special time set aside, so I  gladly continued even without the intention of ministry. I need this time (sometimes Friday to Saturday) to be filled up again by His Spirit. I really enjoy spending time getting refilled by God and believe it or not, I need it even more on this home front with battles or struggles that face, not necessarily daily, but ... my, oh my, when the onslaught comes, I really feel the drain and immediately know that I need to be refreshed and refilled -  step away and take this blessing of solitude with God. I cannot 'run at breakneck pace' any longer as Lysa writes and have learned this lesson of slowing down enough to receive. I treasure these moments with Him! (especially before going out to work for Him, but even now, I need to be "fueled by His power and encouraged by His Presence" - precisely what my day away with Him is all about! So thankful that I am able to do this

"Dear Lord, I'm choosing to stop in the midst of everything to just be with You. Let me never forget what a gift it is to spend this sacred time in Your presence. In Jesus' Name. Amen"

With this being said (written) you might think I'm running on a full glass, but sadly I often still find myself exhausted and overwhelmed, because frankly, fighting the enemy (on our own) wipes us out and that's when I know I need to run to Him, climb up into His lap and let Him know I need Him so - He's a much better Defender, Advocate and Warrior than I. Even with this time set aside, I, too, can identify with what Lysa wrote about being empty - "where your hands are full, but inside you're nothing but an exhausted shell" without being as busy as she ... I need God to breathe life back into my depleted and dead places




"...all words used to describe us being with Him..."

"Fix your eyes, not on a worldly prize,
but on staying in love with Me."

"That's an AGENDA that's always
completely satisfying"
Lysa TerKeurst

*all words in this color are Lysa's in her devotion(s)

my date with Him
I will
(of A.D.D.)

{not in YouVersion}
Psalm 119:18

I'm sure I will!

{There is only one day left with You Version reading plan, but many more in Lysa's book, EMBRACED... #7-15 are in her book and not in YV plan, so the final one in YV is #16 in the book. So I am not sure if I will post on all of these or how often, and the other 3 parts of this beautiful devotion book; but I will at least post something for each of these parts that follow these first 26 in Part 1: Embracing the Pursuit of Him and His Direction. I will post #16 when I get there in the book. And we'll have to see about the rest. Yet know that this journey of EMBRACED, is being done with Him and that I realize it's only the beginning of this One Word and all God will do in me with this in 2019. Hugs!!!~Peggy}

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

EMBRACING Spiritual Discernment and Being Still

#5 today also is not in the You Version reading plan

{but click on the title below and be linked to read it in full}

#5 "Is This The Right Decision?" Philippians 1:9-10

How many times have I asked this? or worse, how many times did I fail to even ask, and just decided or acted? Embarassing. Shameful. Sinful. Impulsive behavior of my younger life. Just for failing to ask is this right? Should I give more time to processing this decision or choice before acting? My, oh, my ... if I had gone to God first and foremost. If only the Godly principles I believed, I lived and acted by, decided by ...

Lysa states:

"... Find that courageous yes. Fight for that confident no"... and move on. "Know it. State it. Own it."Lysa TerKeurst

What Lysa writes about knowledge, insight and discernment
is worth its weight in gold! (page 17)

Trusting the Holy Spirit to do what Jesus promised in
John 14:26

As I mature and develop spiritually, I've come to realize the importance of what Lysa ends this devotion with:

"... When we've done what we need to do to acquire knowledge and insight of truth, then the discernment of that truth is there. We must learn to trust and use that discernment because the more we do this, the more wisdom we acquire to make God-honoring decisions." Lysa TerKeurst

This is exactly what I hope to do, as well as those I know & love will do. I desire to make decisions that honor Our Lord Jesus Christ more and more every day. I ask Him not only for Godly wisdom and choices but that I develop spiritual discernment ... oh Lysa, you get me so well

Spiritual Discernment
and being
I pray

I've been saving emails that contain "EMBRACE" from Bible Gateway or any place. I think what Sheri Rose Shepherd wrote in the following certainly applies to this and sense God whispering this today:

Beloved Princess,

I long to be closer to you. I’m never too busy for you, My beloved. If you will turn off the things around you that drown Me out of your daily life, you will begin to hear Me in your spirit. When you don’t know where to go, you will hear Me give you divine direction. When you are in need of a friend, you will hear Me whisper, “I am here.” When you need comfort, you will hear Me call to you, “Come to Me.” Don’t let your agenda distract you from time with Me. Quiet your spirit. Know that I am your heavenly Father and you are My precious daughter, and I love when you crave time to be still with Me.

Your King & The Voice Of Heaven

Today's Treasure of Truth
When you are still, I am closest to you. Draw close to me and I will draw close to you.

Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for Him. 
Psalm 37:7 (NIV)

For more about Sheri Rose’s visit HisRoyalFamily.com

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Continuing EMBRACED ...

[I'm trying to respect and be a little cautious regarding copyright and what I share on here (not being aware or knowing is not an excuse), however I truly wanted to share this 100 day journey - EMBRACED - with you all (it'd be better if you actually had Lysa's book or at least the YouVersion plan). I'm not even sure how much Lysa has on her own website, because it's the publisher's, not the author (I think].

Anyways, today is the first day that the YouVersion 5 day sample plan does not have, and the next one they do have is #6. So, first I'm going to list the ones covered in days 1 -3, in Part 1: EMBRACING the Pursuit of Him and His Direction, then I will share #4.

#1 "Giving My First Moments to God" Psalm 86:11 (Key verse), 
Psalm 81:10; Psalm 84:1 and Psalm 86:13

#2 "The Pineapple Principle" James 1:21-22

#3 "Stop Reading Your Bible" Psalm 119:34; Jeremiah 29:11

In Lysa's book

#4 "Great Sermons aren't Preached, They're Lived" 
2 Timothy 3:16-17

Now, you may be thinking or reading this to see what these devotions have to say and that I am sharing my EMBRACED journey here to stay accountable (which in part is true) but it's always best to go to the source, in this case, the devotion Lysa wrote -  and as usual, each one so far, is like her other books and writings for me, true to my heart, as if I had written or said this, although so much better from Lysa - trust me (here's one of her paragraphs that stood out in this short 3 page devotion, after the Scripture verse of 2 Timothy 3:16-17, yet every single sentence rings true to this soul) "... essential that I view my time with God each morning as a preparation and an invitation":

"... Every verse I read is part of God's preparation for me that day. So, instead of just rushing to check off my to-do list that I spent a few minutes with God, I must allow His teachings to seep into my heart and mind. Then I can prayerfully ask God to interrupt my natural flesh response and remind me throughout the day of the truths He taught me that morning." ...

That's what this journey is about ... EMBRACE all God has for me that will help me throughout the day so that I may LIVE what iBelieve and read in God's Word, that I would be the "greatest sermon" ... the only Bible page some may read; 
'Be careful how you live. You may be the only Bible some person ever reads.'
and not live by my natural flesh and react in the flesh to so much that is part of my every day encounters
"For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. Who is sufficient for these things? 17 For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ." 2 Corinthians 2:15-17

After I read today's devotion, I changed what I was planning to share here, hopefully led by the Holy Spirit. I've been thinking since I began and shared that this Part 1 is about EMBRACING ... God's Pursuit and all that means, which is what I thought I'd write about today ... and then God's Direction. Clearly, this devotion today is about God's Direction; "not my will, God, but Yours be done" (Lysa covers this in her last page of this devotion, in her 'invitation' part of "recognizing I've just invited Jesus to do life with me" and that phrase"...minute by minute becomes" the theme ... in my thoughts, reactions, words and actions. My, how I desire to live like this and pray I will. Not a sermon preached but lived.


This is what each and every Christian should be doing and wouldn't this world and its darkness be much better if and when we do ... instead we disagree and judge others rather than addressing our own behavior and words. With God's Direction, we can live a message that speaks loud and clear "Jesus is true and the principles found in His teachings work." Well said/written, Lysa.

However, I really was thinking more about writing of God's Pursuit and what EMBRACING this ... looks like to me. By the end of these first 26 devotions, I'm sure to have a better grasp of how EMBRACING God's Pursuit draws me closer ... to know Him is to love Him. Today, I just need His EMBRACE ... and to know He is holding me closer (until I step out and am awakened to the reality of the world outside or around me, which for years I was away from and now have returned to the heartache and the unresolved conflicts that I left behind some 20some years ago, believing that with Christ and in Christ, "all things are possible" still ... at least tolerable. Some days are good and some days I want to runaway again, so I try to avoid or isolate, which isn't always possible - hoping to lower my high blood pressure and spend time with the Healer, His Embrace brings the healing and this is why I choose to spend Fridays with Him. He builds me up and gives me strength to meet another day, so I think ... until it happens ... 

Knowing that so many others face even more difficult days and situations, circumstances far beyond mine ... I feel trivial ever writing anything about my days and pray that God is near to all the broken hearted and the struggles that others face that He cares and is there.

Thankful for His everlasting EMBRACE - hoping I remember the lesson from today's devo.

Sunday, May 26, 2019


I cannot believe that it is already Memorial Day weekend 2019, and I never announced my One Word for 2019, nor have I written any posts, except for one book review (sadly, it may be my last, because of some new guidelines with them, and I've been inactive too long {again} so my account is expired)

You may think by now, that I did not get a new One Word for 2019, or that I've given up on blogging, neither is true - I wasn't even waiting for confirmation of the Word I thought I heard. The only truth about it is that I was not sure what form that Word should have, whether it should end with -ing or -ed or just as it is, so I guess I settled on:


{still leaving it open to be that or 'embracing or embraced'}

because it simply seems to be what I need in this season of my life. I just need to 'embrace more grace' and so much else about me: embrace myself, embrace my identity and my identity in Christ, embrace my failures, embrace my strengths, embrace my past and my future, embrace the highs and the lows, and there is so much that I still need to EMBRACE - {things that are that I cannot change} the unchanging, and the changeable; and deal with life as it is. Looking at the definition is important: 

"To embrace something is to welcome it with open arms, hold, hug, accept completely."
"Embrace is from the French verb embrasser, which started out meaning "to clasp in the arms" (but now includes kissing). You embrace someone by giving her a giant hug, and when you embrace a new idea, it's like your brain gives it a hug. The noun and verb form are similar: If you embrace someone who isn't your sweetheart, you might get caught in an embrace. ..."

Primary Meaning of  'embrace':
squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness (verb or noun)

take up the cause, ideology, practice, method, of someone and use it as one's own (verb or noun)

include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory (verb)
From: Vocabulary (dot) com dictionary

My primary reason for choosing this is because I want to EMBRACE whatever God has for me. I really like what I read, in a sample copy of a *book by Lysa TerKeurst that I received at a conference last year, and just found out that it's the 2019 Christian Book of the Year, because the book description and title confirm my choice of One Word:  

"... A real embrace indicates an intimate level of closeness. It’s not a high five or a casual handshake. The best kind of embrace is when someone we know deeply loves us flings their arms wide open and pulls us in close. Our hearts were made for this kind of love and security but for many of us, we know more about the pain of heartbreak and fear than the unconditional love for which we were created." EMBRACED..." by Lysa TerKeurst

Yes, that's what I need in 2019 and forward in my life, an 'intimate level of closeness' with Our Lord ... "the Ultimate Embrace"
"God opening His arms wide on Calvary through Jesus so that He could pull us close for all of eternity. Welcoming us into the safety and hope of His grace and His love." Lysa TerKeurst, Embraced: 100 Devotions ...

As my One Word for 2018 was BELIEVE ... iBelieve this with all my heart and I look forward with hope that others will soon be able to EMBRACE the Jesus that I know, love and serve as best I can, and long for an eternity like this, for me and them! Yes, my deepest desire is to EMBRACE His Love, His Word and His plan! {even the parts that I don't like or understand} ... and hold on to each of His Promises!

Time to
who I am
all God is
in me
all God has
for me

*I never even made the connection to Lysa's book with my choice of EMBRACE until I received a promotion to get her book now with the announcement that it's the Christian Book of the Year. It certainly deserves it, as Lysa herself does also ... Bravo Lysa! Sending a warm 'embrace' of congratulations your way!

However, there was a book by another author that was at that same conference that I did think of after I chose 'EMBRACE' because I have wanted to get it and read, "Embrace Grace..." by Liz Curtis Higgs. I just felt that "EMBRACE" and His "Grace" belong on a blog called "aMazing Grace ..." 

So now I have two books plus another 40 day devotional 'to embrace your inner healing' (I thought this was a good place to start).  

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


As I kinda mentioned in last FRIDAY FOCUS that I should change my PROJECT H.O.P.E. to my 'new' Project "ANYTHING" {since HOPE was My One Word in 2014, not 2015, I named it that last Lent} but it certainly is "ANYTHING" and ties up so well all my "anythings" here in Mexico. since coming here in 1996 to step out in faith and my calling since 6th grade {I waited} ... this one "Project" among so many others of a different nature ... is one that more or less puts all of my HOPE and all of my ANYTHINGS together ... so let's take a different kind of WALK On {thisWEDS. looking at the partial completion (which means - so far, but not yet finished) of my PROJECT ANYTHING

Unlisted Video

{PREFACE: I can't believe that I came back and am adding to this already "way too long" blog post but I just had to preface all of what is written here with I am not sharing this to say what I've done because it's not what I have done at all or alone, it takes many ... and this is just one of ever so many in need of much: HOPE or an ANYTHING project in this vast needy world in which we live ... this is what God laid on my heart, but it took more than me to accomplish this, to God be the Glory. I am not submitting this story to the ANYTHING PROJECT although this is exactly what it is. And it can be duplicated many times over and over to reach others and make a difference in His Story for His Glory and theirs in the Kingdom of God. I submit this here humbly as ...

"My Long "ANYTHING" Story: Testimony to God for His Glory"

When I came to Mexico in 1996 finally, I wanted to work with the kids (after all I'm a double major in Elementary  Ed. (K-6) and Spanish, so that only makes sense, right?) and have been waiting and preparing for this mission adventure since 6th grade with all my educational goals headed south of the border in this direction. So, of course, I was meant to seek out the "orphans" and ministries of this nature with kids because this is exactly what moves my heart. And that's exactly what I did do when I first came. After God spoke to me on the beach the year before I first came through Susana (my 108 year old inspiration), God altered my heart just a little to include "women" with the "children" --- those that may not have as many opportunities for education and learning about Jesus. Soon I readjusted once again to include teaching "English" through God's Word and Christian songs and began putting together lessons in English to go with this, which soon became just teaching English. (sigh) Little did I know that God had something totally different in mind for me. Something that I knew very little about but He spoke with an almost audible voice in one of my trips back to Mexico from Minnesota in 2007. I was certain I had heard Him wrong, after all, I knew absolutely nothing about "trafficked victims" of tourism or worldwide exploitation, but He was sure to confirm and show me. For many reasons, I will not go into the details of this course, but God began to open my eyes to so much more as I began to learn about this, the ministries and all that is involved; calling this my "Project A" ... {who knows, some day I may be able to share more on this "A" of Anything and who would have known when I labeled it Project "A" that the Anything Project would come along, starting with 'A'}.

God began putting together pieces of my own life, pieces of my life here since 1996-2007 and then 'outta the blue' something new showed up with the construction project on the house that I was renting ... or actually someone new. The workers that came to do the construction for the "Architect" were from an "albergue" {sorry, I realize that this a Spanish word and the closest that comes to that is a "Shelter for the Homeless"- the forgotten}. God had yet another plan that He would reveal through these workers, many of whom were new Christians, because their "shelter" was administered through one of the first churches I knew from here, "Espiritu y Verdad" which I had lost touch with because they had moved and moved and finally acquired land and began building a church in the "colonia" known as Villa Verde. {colonia/ colony is another word for just a specific section of the city; it is broken into many}. 

All of this previous explanation, is in part to show you when you step out in obedience, thinking you are ready for God's ANYTHING, He may have something entirely different from what you thought or had planned as meeting His will and following His way - your way, He will definitely pull out all stops to show you HIS way and then go about putting the pieces altogether, or running a silver thread from the beginning to the finale, for you to see how HE really was in this from the beginning and kept trying to get you to see it from His perspective. In the meanwhile, He allows you to "mess" up but He'll keep bringing you back to the ANYTHING He had planned. 

Introduce one of the workers that stands out from the others and faithfully stays with the construction project from the beginning to the end. The short of this individual's complicated life story up to the age of almost 50 ... is he is one of those "forgotten" (abandoned child, left in the care of his grandma until she dies; parents never took care of him as they parted ways and moved on with others starting over with new families, which become his "step" family, half brothers and sisters; yet (until recently by some) he is never acknowledged as family ... in fact, his life went clearly off the deep end in the wrong direction and he was thought dead, so all that was his from his "abuelita" was sold by his mother and sister. He had nothing and no one and really no reason to live, until Christ came into his life on Dec. 20th, 2011 changing everything) ... he was one of those sent to work on this construction project. 

The significance in all this, is I was ready to go home to MN, call it quits (for now) when God showed me that this precious new Christian needed a 'Shelter' of his own that indeed God is Our Shelter and Our Refuge but He does have a plan for each one of His children. This individual needed to get away from other individuals in the "albergue"- the influence that could have pulled him back to his former old self (like me or you) and given a chance to grow in Jesus Christ with his own place to live. God tugged on my heart last year to begin in Lent, a Project to give him this H.O.P.E. thus began Project H.O.P.E. ... land was finally acquired, construction of his own house began in 2015. And the above video (a documentation of God's work) is where and what he has accomplished with God on his own (mostly) through the blessings of a few donations and months of saving and looking [for another version of this story, you can go to the original blog when I got this in my spirit HERE]

He and another Christian friend (brother in Christ) found this land and divided it to have their own place to live ... so already the HOPE was spread to more. His home is built in the colony of "San Antonio"  here ... {"San Antonio"/St. Anthony is the Catholic patron saint of "lost things" ... or lost causes, or patron of the poor} ... I don't believe it was just a coincidence that they found their land here, it was most definitely a GOD-incidence, and God put all of what I had hoped together in this one person, this one soul, who needed His Heavenly Father to provide and care for him, and I pray that God still will, because he will and has many needs yet to come. He is one child among many that somehow in society (whether it's in Mexico or right in our own community) slips through the crack ... never finishes their education, lives on the street, never is able to find acceptance in a family, never draws near to God or a church, for fear and lack of knowing that there is one God, who cares and is willing to go that extra mile to WALK with us to show us His Love ... His ANYTHING -  to make us SOMETHING outta NOTHING. After all, He's God of the Miracles and this one is just getting started. 
We have excellent programs to sponsor many children throughout the world, by supporting them each month, which I totally recommend and am all for ... it's easy to love a "child"; however, on the other spectrum of life, those of us that have reached beyond mid-life ... have been forgotten and quite often need support also. Many, even if they wanted to continue working to go on living, can no longer find employment and in third world countries, economics just don't take care of the aging ones without families to care for them. More and more, families cannot take care of their own, much less their aging parents and sadly too many have forgotten them. Much of what I admired in the Mexican culture of extended families, caring for sometimes 3 generations under one roof is fading and not much of a reality any longer, at least not for the poorest among them. {well, this is another dilemma and topic for another time and journey but meanwhile there are many that are being left "forgotten"  living on the streets, homeless} God forgive us. So many needs ... so much to do ... so many left by the road side

Luke 12:48b

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Matthew 7:24-27

Matthew 9:35-38; Luke 10:2

"We instinctively tend to limit for whom we exert ourselves. We do it for people like us, and for people whom we like. Jesus will have none of that. By depicting a Samaritan helping a Jew, Jesus could not have found a more forceful way to say that anyone at all in need - regardless of race, politics, class, and religion - is your neighbor. Not everyone is your brother or sister in faith, but everyone is your neighbor, and you must love your neighbor."― Timothy KellerGenerous Justice: How God's Grace Makes Us Just "

Some more quotes to think about

"I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love. ~Mother Teresa

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one. ~Mother Teresa

Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you. ~Mother Teresa

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ~Anne Frank


will use


to do


if we are open and begin



by handing God our









who has




as their first


to show


to them







in Jesus' Name

Thank you for giving your ANYTHING!

In His Grace


*additional part to "This is My Story" 7 part series +
giving testimony to the many tests of my mission
a message from my messes; a triumph from my trials

"God Cares About Every Detail" should be the title of this WALK on WEDS. and was my intent until God moved me to "detail" this part or this much of my "ANYTHING". As you can see, I had much bottled up to share and pour out as I put together this video of our progress update to God's Glory that I just had to show how very much God cares, I care and we should care for others - one by one, WON by One ... please take the time to pop over to "Meet Me in the Meadow" to read the "Someone Cares" #4 for this week ... I'm sure it will bless you as it motivated me! 

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


