"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Sunday, January 26, 2020


JANUARY PROMISES from 365promises 

I look after foreigners and I help the fatherless and the widow.
Psalm 146:9

I will guard those who have a childlike heart. Psalm 116:6

You are more than a conqueror through My love in Jesus Christ.
Romans 8:37

When Jesus appears, you will receive a crown of glory that will never dim. 1 Peter 5:4

At the end of the age, My righteous ones will shine like the sun in My kingdom. Matthew 13:43

Not one of My promises will ever fail you.
Joshua 23:14 

God's Promises for You: Scripture Selections from Max LucadoPowerful Promises in the War Room: 100 Life-Changing Promises from God to You (Spiritual Battle Plan for Prayer Book 4)

So these are the books in my collection thus far for 
my 2020 One Word 

Last week, I shared from the last book, giving the scriptures cited as Strength Promises, basically that is what this book does, which is similar to Max Lucado's book (in the middle) but Max includes a devotional portion from various books of his on each topic/category of Promises as I shared in this blog post

Back when I began this journey into God's PROMISES, I started out with the first two actual books above. I started sharing from each one for the week. In "Bible Promises for Women", I started with Guidance; the scripture and prayer, for my blog posts of  January Promises Week 1 and Week 2. In this blog post, Week 3, I listed all the scriptures given up until then in this book for Chapter 1: Daily Guidance.

I will continue to list from this book on
Daily Guidance

"... God, when life feels like a ride that won't let us off, remind us that You are waiting for us to reach up to You. And when we finally do, thank You for being there to lift us up to peace & safety." for Psalm 30:1

I also like to share the categories/topics of this beautiful book before I go on, because I never did share them:

There are 16 Chapters/Topics covered ...

  1. Daily Guidance
  2. Everyday Faith
  3. Family
  4. Forgiveness
  5. Grace
  6. Gratitude
  7. Help in Hard Times
  8. Hope
  9. Comfort
  10. Joy
  11. Love
  12. Praise and Thanksgiving
  13. The Promise of His Presence
  14. Serving Others
  15. Wisdom
  16. Peace


Although January is quickly coming to a close, I still do not have a given direction of which category or area of PROMISES God intends for me to focus on, yet I trust He will let me know as I pursue His Promises. But, if you can believe it, at the end of February, it's already the beginning of Lent, and I have yet another book I've chosen to use for Lent - "The Promise of Lent - A 40 day Journey Toward the Miracle of Easter" by Chris Tiegreen. I will continue each month to list and use the Promises from 365promises website (at the top of each weekly blog post). 

As I now have begun the OBS of FaithGateway and Rebekah Lyons' book, "Rhythms of Renewal", I hope to narrow down my scattered journey of books and plans of God's PROMISES as I began to do in my You Version (bible.com) where I will be continuing to use 365 promises and photo each day and more than likely "Once-a-Day-Bible Promises" (2nd row, 1st book in images) because YV has a sample NIV plan of this, but does not obviously do every day - the next one is the 51st, so I hope to fill in the gap between the 26th and the 51st over there because as I've shown the samples in previous posts, these devotionals help me the most in defining God's PROMISES. Hopefully, this will allow me a chance to stay caught up in the weekly OBS, continue my YV plans and reading God's PROMISES in these other books as time allows. 

If any of the areas or categories/topics are of interest or need for you, and you'd like the scriptures for that, please let me know so that I cover those PROMISES according to your need too. God did not give me the One Word 'PROMISES' just for me, and without a doubt, I know HE desires for me to share HIS PROMISES with others - you (& my loved ones); so that I am Praying His Promises just like that first book above in the images says ... what good would His Promises be, if we don't use them and pray them in our daily lives? We serve a God who keeps His Promises. His Promises are Enduring! (right, K?) And these Enduring Promises are for Every Season, so that we might "abide to endure" and press on "abiding in Him" and leaving the 'enduring' to Him. In Him, we have been given 'Guidance' and by His Holy Spirit & His Word, we have enough promises that we can hold on to, trust in, count on - to get us through, to see us through, to encourage us, in the daily struggles or battles, His Word will not fail nor does He. His Promises are true and available for us to believe & know, pray and stand on when all else around us seems to fail, He is faithful and trustworthy, beyond what we can imagine - HE IS...

Sunday, January 19, 2020


continuing with

JANUARY PROMISES from 365promises 

I will bless your life and keep watch over you always.
Numbers 6:24

If you search for Me with all your heart, you will find me.
Jeremiah 29:13

I will shield your life and deliver you from the wicked.
Psalm 97:10

Cast all your worries on Me, for I really care about you.
1 Peter 5:7

I will not let you be tested beyond what you can endure.
1 Corinthians 10:13

My love will persevere through every situation.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

I will not withhold anything good from those with an upright heart.
Psalm 84:11

I look after foreigners and I help the fatherless and the widow.
Psalm 146:9

plus I will be continuing in these 3 books:

Last week I also mentioned my new additional book by Max Lucado, "God's Promises for You" which like "Bible Promises for Women" has a section as I started on "Guidance", as I seek what area of God's Promises, since there are thousands, should I focus on ... and clearly "Guidance" is a good one for the beginning of a new year or a search for direction and wisdom.

However, I also added another one (yet have not even opened the cover until now) but it goes along with one of my YouVersion reading plans also on 

"Powerful Promises ..."

so this is where I hope to focus on for now, as I continue "Praying the Promises of God" and "Once-a-Day Bible Promises" - the rest of the title of that new additional book of PROMISES is

... in the War Room"
100 Bible Promises from God to You

starts with this quote

"Let God's promises shine on your problems.
Corrie Ten Bloom

10 sections of Bible Promises:

  1. Confidence Promises
  2. Deliverance Promises
  3. Faith Promises
  4. Healing Promises
  5. Life Promises
  6. Peace Promises
  7. Power Promises
  8. Protection Promises
  9. Provision Promises
  10. Strength Promises 
then 10Bible verses are listed in each of these

Here are the 10 for #10 Strength Promises:

Isaiah 41:10 (NASB) 
1 Corinthians 1:27-29 (NKJV)
1 Corinthians 10:13 (NIV)
2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV)
Matthew 11:28-30 (NASB)
Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
Romans 8:26-28 (NKJV)
Psalm 28:7 (NASB)
Isaiah 12:2 (NIV)
Isaiah 40:31 (ESV)

I really like this closing statement in this book's Introduction, which I pray for me (and you):

"... Let these Promises wash over your soul and renew you. Let them restore the joy of your salvation. Let them cleanse and strengthen your heart. May they draw you closer to the our God who always keeps His Promises." Daniel B. Lancaster

May our Lord God fill you with the Strength as His Word PROMISES!

Sunday, January 12, 2020


continuing further with

JANUARY PROMISES from 365promises 

I am at work in your life through the desires of your heart.
Philippians 2:13

I will give you rest in green pastures and lead you to still waters.
Psalm 23:2

I give My Spirit in unlimited measure.
John 3:34

I will take hold of your hand to keep you from falling.
Psalm 37:24

I will provide every good thing you need to do My will.
Hebrews 13:20-21

I will discipline you in love, as a father who loves His children.
Proverbs 3:11-12

My power will rest on you when you are weak.
2 Corinthians 12:9

I will bless your life and keep watch over you always.
Numbers 6:24

Blog Promises shared in other 2 posts for

January 1 to 4 (1)

January 5 to 11 (2)
linked to my blog posts

each of those promises in the box above are linked to
365promises website

"Praying the Promises of God"

12. Get by Giving-Proverbs 3:9-10
13. My Innermost Being-Psalm 11:4
14. Pure Promises-Psalm 12:6
15. Don't Be Afraid-Matthew 10:29-31
16. His Promised Rest-Matthew 11:28-30
17. The Life-Changing Power of His Name
Matthew 12:21 
18. A Wonderful Inheritance-Psalm 16:5-6

verses so far

I have this in my Kindle, and currently only $1.99 {well worth it, in my opinion}

I shared an example last week from the YV devotional of this book.

Here are two more for this week:

"God Promises Good Plans for Your Life" 
(day 3 YV or 15 in book)

"These powerful words are part of a letter from the prophet Jeremiah to the Jews who had been exiled to Babylon. Their beloved city, Jerusalem, had been destroyed, and the people had been carted away from the land. Things could not have been much worse. Yet this was what God had promised if the people continued their disobedience.

Reading 1 and 2 Kings will quickly reveal the depth of the people’s faithlessness. So great is God’s love, however, that He promised to bring His people home again (see Jeremiah 29:10). Then follows the amazing promise that God has plans for them—good plans—that give them a future and a hope. When they pray, He will listen.

As God’s people today, we also can claim this promise. God does have plans for us, plans to prosper and not to harm, plans that will give us a future and a hope.

God’s plans are good. Thank the Lord for the promise of good plans full of hope.

God's Promise to Me
• I have plans for your life.
• When you pray, I will listen.

My Prayer to God
Thank You for Your plans, Lord. You promise that when I pray, You will listen. Help me persevere in seeking You. In seeking You, I know that I will find You. "

"God Helps His People" 
(day 4 YV or 17 in book)
Psalm 107:19 & 21

A few questions for those with a tendency to worry (pause briefly and ponder each one):
• What situations in life are you most worried about right now? Why?
• Of the various situations currently prompting anxiety in your life, which can you personally change?

Over what issues do you have absolutely no control?
• What are the inward and outward signs that something has got you really concerned and nervous?
• List all the benefits of worrying. What are some of the drawbacks?
• Is worrying a “sin”? Why or why not?
• How do you think God feels when his children are panicky and anxious?
• Why do some people seem almost immune to worry?
• When is the last time you truly felt at peace?

Instead of worrying, you can cry out to God for help. In times of trouble, trust in God’s unfailing love.

God's Promise to Me
• When you cry out to me, I will help you.

My Prayer to God
God, I’m crying out to You for help. Help me trust that You will come to my rescue.

In the book "Once-A-Day ... Bible Promises"
Day 12 "God is Thinking about You" Psalm 40:17
Day 13 "God Disciplines His Sinning Children" Psalm 32:3-4
Day 14 "God Offers Rest" Psalm 62:1
--- above
Day 16 "God Forgives the Repentant Soul" Psalm 51:16-17
--- above
Day 18 "God Makes You Secure" Isaiah 41:10


I also picked up another little book "God's Promises for You" by Max Lucado, which seems to contain many promises by subject but also contain small devotional portions of other books by him for each of the given topics: love, faith, hope, truth, strength, contentment, patience ... and many more. This is similar to "Bible Promises for Women" because it shares the verses under a given topic. In Max's book, these topics are under main sections, divided into the following:

Promises to Give Insight
Promises about God
Promises about Christian Living
Promises of Guidance
Promises about Personal Relationships
Promises of Wisdom
Promises about Jesus
Promises when You have Special Needs
Promises of Assurance
Promises about the Christian Life

My main problem is that I'm sure between all these sources that there will be duplication of verses of God's Promises and I still haven't figured out where I am suppose to focus or how to organize. Only 2 of the books have a Scripture Index, so this is why I am using all of these at this time plus the 2 reading plans at You Version. I enjoy having the verses in the categories as well. So this is why I follow along with One Year ones and share from the categories of the other (this far, I am not sharing the verses from Max's book). With so many promises of God, it looks like I need all of these sources until I get a better grip on which ones are meant for me in particular or perhaps meant for loved ones (and it's up to me to share them when needed). The most important lesson so far is that ALL these promises are given to us from God in His Word; and I, for one, have a difficult time understanding how each of these scripture verses are Promises, so I'm glad when these books point out the promise. I've read the Bible many years and have so much still to learn & better understand how God is speaking to me personally in my life journey (the Holy Spirit & others do help me), but I need to hear God's whisper clearly and concisely. Looking at His Promises is the best way for me to embrace and "find that His Promises speak of His personal passion for" me (for each one of us). [the quoted part is from Max Lucado's forward] As God draws near to me in 2020, I desire to draw closer and closer to Him and receive His Promises. 


Sunday, January 5, 2020


continuing with

Last week's blog covered January 1-4, 2020 and more.
Each of the following should be linked to 365 devotion promise. 

JANUARY PROMISES from 365promises 

I chose you to be adopted into My family before creation.
Ephesians 1:4-5

I delivered you from darkness into the kingdom of My beloved Son.
Colossians 1:12-13

I have given you eternal life because you have believed in Jesus Christ.
John 3:16

I sent the Spirit of My Son into your heart so you could call Me Father.
Galatians 4:6

Since you are in Christ, I have made you an heir of all My promises.
Galatians 3:29

I have given you a new heart and put My own Spirit in you.
Ezekiel 36:26-27

My plan for your future is filled with hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Also continuing with:

"Praying the Promises of God"

5.Be Weak to be Strong-Matthew 5:3
6.Step by Step-Proverbs 1:33
7.The Secret Place-Matthew 6:6
8.Kingdom First-Matthew 6:33
9.Sheltered from the Storm-Psalm 9:9
10.His Healing Touch-Matthew 8:2-3
11.Leaning on His Strength-Prov3:7-8
12.Get by Giving-Proverbs 3:9-10

"Bible Promises for Women"

still in Chapter 1 of 
Daily Guidance

Galatians 5:25 "Thank You Father, for Your Spirit, my guide through each day. May I willingly follow, no matter when or where. Help me to obey quickly when You direct me to serve or forgive others. May I always be thankful and rejoice in the blessings You point out to me along the way."

Matthew 25:34 "... Lord, no matter what this day brings, help me get through it with Your loving guidance."

John 10:14 "Your Word says ---and I've heard it elsewhere --- that a flock of sheep knows its own shepherd's voice and won't respond to the voice of a different shepherd. It's true of my relationship with You, too, Lord. I know Your voice. I know when You're speaking to me heart, and I know when I'm being coaxed by "other voices" --- wrong desires, worldly values, anxiety, pride, and the like. Thanks for helping me see the difference. Coax me to follow the sound of Your voice alone today & always.

I'll be back to complete the rest of these with more
...instead I only wrote a portion...

James1:12 "To spend my life with God is a choice I freely make. To love God and let God love me is the light of my life - "...

"...The blessing that James promises feels to me like God's love:
It shines on me every day, lights the darkness and
illuminates my path."

Ephesians 6:13 "Lord, be my warrior, my guard and my guide. Let Your love be the armor that shields me from the slings and arrows of the day. Let Your compassion be the blanket that protects me... "

2 Samuel 2:6 "It's hard to be pleasant these road raging days. Everyone's too immersed in their own concerns to be mannerly or kind. Encourage me ... Nudge me ... May I, with Your guidance, be first to pass them on."

Daniel 12:3 "Let me do what lies clearly at hand, this very minute. Grant me the insight to see that too much planning for the future removes me from the present moment. ... may I use this next moment wisely."

I am so glad that I am completing some YouVersion (YV) plans on Promises too:

25 Powerful Promises from God

Promises of God
(27 days)

...but because I already completed one previously, I was reminded of another book I have in my Kindle for the full year:

NIV Once a Day Bible Promises

Here's a sample from this book:

"God Uses Problems to Shape You"(day 2YV or 10 bk)

Tell the truth. When you run into problems, what is your first and most common response: complaining? crying? yelling? denial? pouting? rejoicing?

Unless you’re highly unusual (or slightly dishonest) you probably didn’t answer “rejoicing.” Let’s face it—it isn’t normal to be joyful in the face of trials. But you can develop this trait. According to the promise above, trials are good for you. How so? In the same way that an excruciating exercise regimen is good for you. You sweat and strain through painful and unpleasant workouts. But over time, if you keep at it, you see big changes. You’re stronger and healthier.

Viewing your troubles as a kind of “spiritual exercise program” enables you to rejoice (see 1 Peter 1:6–7). It enables you to see your suffering as something good in your life. God is using trials in your life to stretch you and strengthen your faith. Without these pressures, you’d be just another flabby, out-of-shape Chris­tian.

God's Promise to Me:
• I allow you to go through trials so that you might grow.

My Prayer to God:
God, You want me to trust You in the hard times. Rejoicing isn’t natural for me, so make it my supernatural response to difficulties and pressures in my life. Teach me to endure, Lord, so that my faith will grow and get stronger.

Standing on the Promises of God
{ok, I'm really tryin' and really need to ...thus, my One Word}

I've heard and seen
as being a
for many
I think is a great one for 2020 also!

as I stand
I will believe
God has a wonderful
of all of

Wednesday, January 1, 2020



*when I looked at how long this list of January Promises appears, 
I decided to break it down and post each week rather than the full month

JANUARY PROMISES from 365promises 

 I am the Lord your God and I never change.
Malachi 3:6

I am full of mercy and grace and I overflow with love.
Psalm 103:8

The intentions of My heart will remain steadfast forever.
Psalm 33:11

I created you in My own image with My special blessing.
Genesis 1:27-28

*I will be checking if these change for 2020
-they look the same so far but
It really doesn't matter, they are still God's Promises


So far, I have 2 other books besides 365 website that I will be using for 2020 and a few pdfs. I shared one of these books here previously on my blog (perhaps only in a book review).

The One Year 
Praying the Promises of God

Bible Promises for Women

I received the Bible Promises for Women as a gift from a dear precious sister in Christ and friend. It is simply beautiful from cover to cover! However, you hopefully will see or notice some as I am able to share from this in 2020.

Before I even begin to share from my books that highlight
the Bible Verses of God's Promises,
for many years but especially
I believe that I need to claim these first two Bible Promises:

(Bible Hub)

NIV "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household." NLT “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.” TPT “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved—you and all your family.” The Voice-Paul and Silas: Just believe—believe in the ultimate King, Jesus, and not only will you be rescued, but your whole household will as well." Acts 16:31

Joshua 24:15
(Bible Hub)

{only the last part of the verse}

"...But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." NIV
(those who live here, have lived here, or somehow are related)

These are classic verses for salvation, so I'm sure that they will show up again in the readings of these books and others.

In The One Year Praying the Promises of God (book on the left), the Promises come in the devotionals & end with a prayer and it's considered to be a companion book to The One Year Bible so the readings move chronologically throughout the year as in yearly reading plans that include a reading from the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms, or Proverbs. So each day shares a reading from one of those parts of the Bible, not all 4 as many plans do. 

January 1 - January 4 (only)

1. Fruitfulness - Psalm 1:2-3
2. Faithful & True - Matthew 2:15
3. Walking with God
Genesis 5:23-24
4. Calling Toward -
Genesis 12:1

With the book on the right, Bible Promises for Women, the Promises are divided into categories (16). Starting with:

Daily Guidance

... then it seems that each scripture verse has either
a prayer or a meditation (devotion) like the following:

1 Timothy 2:1-2 "Life is full of trade-offs, Lord, and I need to make one."...

Proverbs 4:23 "God, we live in a fast-moving time. There are so many distractions."...

1 Samuel 16:7 "When teetering here on the "cutting edge" of technology, cyberspace, and everything in between, O God, it is reassuring to know that from the beginning of time, You guide, direct, and hear our voices as we continue to ask for guidance. Our scenery changes but You are eternal."

Numbers 14:20-21 "Lord, the best way I know to say thank You for Your wonderful guidance is to try to be the kind of person You have taught me to be. Please continue to lift me up every day as I strive to be my best self."

I came to write a blog today, thinking I would do a Promise a Day, but I don't think I could keep this up for the full year and have not yet decided how. For now, at least, once a week, most likely on Sunday evening, but i won't PROMISE. I'm not as good as God about keeping my promises. Perhaps this is why, it's my Word for 2020.

I also wanted to do an initial post of my new One Word for 2020. I hesitated only because I began thinking I was receiving other words like faith ... when I decided on Promise, there were other 'p' words that surfaced like my passion, pray(er)(ing), purpose, praise, principles, Presence, ... Then I read about a Life Word and reread about One Word, thinking I needed a confirmation when I found out (I think) that I was not really understanding this One Word concept. As I was rereading it seemed that what you should be looking at is picking One Word of a needed change you need to make. (???) In reality, I need all kinds of changes so this is so you have a single focus. I do need that, that's for sure. In all the previous years, I have never done this, this way. 

My One Word” is an experiment designed to move you beyond this cycle. The challenge is simple: lose the long list of changes you want to make this year and instead pick ONE WORD.

This process provides clarity by taking all your big plans for life change and narrowing them down into a single focus. Just one word that centers on your character and creates a vision for your future. So, we invite you to join us and pick one word for the next twelve months. LEARN HOW! "

Course, I was not one to do resolutions either.

Yet, 2020 is special, it's not just the beginning of a new year but a new decade. So I certainly want to get this right. I pray that focusing on God's Promises will remind me of His steadfast love. I will consider the Promise of His Presence in everything from the mundane to the miraculous. Looking at my blog title of aMazing Grace, I am reminded that added to this Grace is my list of M's: Mazes, Messes, Miracles... and the best is Miracles! However, I've had to get through those "mazes" and "messes" to discover that all along, I've been surrounded by His aMazing Grace and His Presence ... As I search His Promises in His Word, I will find hope to strengthen my heart. I pray that you also will as I share this year and in your One Word. 

"...God's Promises are not platitudes; they are Powerful statements of who He is and what He does."

{Bible Hub, is linked, which, by the way, shows many versions at once}

The Bible is full of God's Promises.
In fact, from what I've been reading, there's between 
3,000 to 30,000{kinda exaggerated, I think}

So now to focus ... and I'll settle for what a YV plan says:
"7,487 promises in the Bible"

and starts me out with

which certainly is more than a
year's worth
those listed in my books
plus the
by Barry Adams
{which you can also follow by going to their site daily}


If you have One Word, please share in the comments or if you have any clarification or confirmation for me, please let me know. Thank you and

A Blessed and Happy New Year

Image result for happy new year 2020

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


