"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

T.H.A.N.K.S Prayer Prompt 30 Day Challenge - 2

[This is the 2nd blog post in my series: T.H.A.N.K.S. ...]

Continuing with 
Days 11-20

- Thank God for one thing (given)
H - Hymn for Him/Song Psalms of Praise
A - Adore Him an Attribute of God 
NName of God (El Shaddai, God Almighty)
K - Kind Act to do
SSupplication: how He can or has supplied

[Box acronym explained a bit  in previous post but]

For today's blog post, I'm hoping to explain more of my acronym. Since the "T" is self- explanatory (because I give one for each day or you can certainly choose one thing of your own), let's start with "H" for a Hymn for Him ... starting out with just a few Hymns and then sharing some links for more. If a Hymn doesn't sound familiar or come to you as you meet with God, then maybe a Song will, but that's also why I opened this up to Psalms of Praise (which means from the book of Psalms in the Bible). As we take time to thank God, it's a way to come into His Presence and honor Him with worship; it's a form of thanks to sing or recite from our hearts or His Word and pray the words back to Him. There is a Hebrew word that includes Thanksgiving Hymns and other names that refer to "thanks" or "thanksgiving" - it's Hodayot.

Lifeway Worship has an album "Top 20 Hymns of Thanksgiving" (available on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, etc.) which pretty much covers the ones I know best and seem to be the most familiar. Here are a few:

"Great is Thy Faithfulness" 
"All Creatures of our God and King"
"Now Thank We All Our God"
"I Stand Amazed" (How Wonderful)
"We Gather Together"

I'm sure that this helps you start thinking of many hymns/songs; but if not, here are the promised links and of course, there are plenty 

100 Praise Hymns for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving and Thankfulness 
(in the Cyber Hymnal)

10 Amazing Hymns

30 Thanksgiving Worship Songs ...

{this would give you one for each of these 30 days of T.H.A.N.K.S and we already did 10 days, so you have plenty to choose}

PSALMS: Included in each day are Scripture(s) verses - many of them are from Psalms. So here is a short list of some powerful thanksgiving praise: Psalm 7:17; Psalm 9:1; Psalm 35:18; Psalm 106:1; Psalm 100:4; Psalm 95:2; and Psalm 107: 8-9 in the image on top.

"A" for the Attributes of God is to let Him know that you are aware of them in Him and how much you Adore Him because of His ... Faithfulness, Holiness, Greatness, Merciful, Just, Unchangeable, Eternal, Wise, Powerful, etc. (many of these are in the Hymns and Songs). In fact A.W. Tozer wrote a book "The Attributes of God"(which is what you get first in a search). I really like this image. Yet as I  read through these 17 more carefully, it left me with some questions, even though I know these are characteristics of God, I'm sure there are more.

Perhaps this image will inspire you and you might have some questions too.

"N" stands for choosing one of the many Names that refer to our One God. There are many songs about these also and it just helps to Thank God that HE IS who His Name says He is - like "Jireh"; or the one I gave in the acronym "El Shaddai"; or "Adonai"; "Jehovah Nissi"; "... Shalom" - there are many resources available, even a Bible "Names of God", where the Name is expanded from Yahweh or Jehovah or Lord, God Almighty to an even more specific one.

Here is a good link to help you with both the Names & Attributes: Navigators  "Praying the Names and Attributes of God" ... I suggest trying this because it has helped me focus and feel closer to God and truthfully allows me to worship Him with a heart filled much more in gratitude to recognize God as GOD - Father, Son and Holy Spirit through all these many facts, shows me how I truly can trust and believe that He's not only in control, but He's got all this covered & I just really need to thank Him for the Immensity of His aMazing capacities and ways, far beyond my own and even what I might imagine. How can this not increase your awe and respect as you realize and acknowledge by giving Him THANKS!?

I hope that the last two letters ("K" and "S") are not overlooked because this is where you choose to decide how to go beyond yourself and apply with acting in KINDness and asking for God to supply your needs but also the needs of others. I think this just comes naturally from spending time with God and is simple enough to understand without me giving examples. It's letting God know that you intend to show your thankfulness in a tangible way. 

I thought it was important for me to explain this acronym format so that the rest of the 20 days of the 30 are possibly more fruitful and challenging by trying this out as an encouragement in your Prayers of Thanks and expanding your communication with God (which is all our prayers really are) but don't forget the listening part or the "pause" throughout your day when God will speak or maybe prompt you with "here's a good time to practice that "K" and show the same Kindness to someone else who needs to be blessed through you" from God. I need this too. 

I strongly recommend that if you need more examples of using this Prayer Prompt Acronym that you return to the comments of the first blog post for Days 1-10 from KT (Anonymous) only because Blogger does not allow her to post otherwise; and I have no idea why or how to fix it. Anyways, KT faithfully participated by sharing every single day with the most beautiful prayers which flow from her precious spirit and heart following this T.H.A.N.K.S acronym in each one. I do hope that you go back & pray these (or check 'em out at least) so that her prayers may help you like each one helped me & truly blessed me daily! Great examples that showed me that my acronym does work! So thank you KT, hopefully this encourages others to participate & give this a try too! There is not any set formula to give thanks to God, He just wants to hear from you and this tool of an acronym is only to help you focus on God first in your prayers because He is so worthy & deserving of our thanks for each 'one thing' given & so much more!

NOVEMBER 11 - 20

Day 11 Thank God for Your Future.
Jeremiah 29:11, John 10:10, Romans 8:28

Father Almighty, You are Omnipotent, all -powerful! You are Omniscient - all knowing and Omnipresent - all present. Thank You for being available everywhere and at all times. There's a quote currently used that says "I may not know what my future holds, but I know who holds my future." How we thank You for the truth in this and that You do hold our future. Thank You for always working, even when our present circumstances seem hard yet we need to trust that You will work things for our good now and in the uncertainty of the future. Thank You for preparing us for great things to come. I ask for more patience and increase faith when doubt or hopelessness creeps in. I thank You for Your unseen hand. May I give the same encouraging words to someone else facing difficulties. I give You praise with the words of Psalm 121:1-8 and Psalm 18:2 while I sing of Your Strength and trust You as the "Way Maker"! Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come—remind us that You are the Lord of past, present and future, and help us to turn all of those over to You. Thank You that our future is in Your hands and that I can be confident in this assurance.   

Day 12 Thank God for Prayer.
Psalm 34:15-18, Philippians 4:6, Matthew 7:7-8, Romans 8:26-27

Day 13 Thank God for His Provision.
Philippians 4:19, Matthew 19:26, Psalm 34:10, Matthew 6:25-26

Day 14 Thank God for Our Gifts.
1 Peter 4:10, 1 Corinthians 12:4-5, 1 Corinthians 14:26

Day 15 Thank God for Forgiveness.
Matthew 6:15, Luke 17:4, Acts 2:38

Day 16 Thank God for Children.
Psalm 34:11, Luke 18:15-17, John 1:12, Ephesians 1:5 

Day 17 Thank God for Your (True) Identity. 
John 15:15, Romans 3:22-25, Romans 8:35-37

Day 18 Thank God for the Bible.
Psalm 18:30, Psalm 33:4, Psalm 130:5, John 1:1

Day 19 Thank God for His Peace.
Isaiah 54:10, John 14:27, Philippians 4:6-7

Day 20 Thank God for Your Freedom.
 Romans 6:6, Romans 8:1-2, 2 Corinthians 3:17, 2 Corinthians 5:17, James 4:7

[will publish on November 20th]


  1. Oh, Sovereign Lord, tonight I thank you for my future. My sweet Momma used to always remind me that You are in control. Always. And we know all that happens to us is working for our good if we love You and are fitting into Your plans. You are so patient and long suffering with me even when I try to second guess and help Your plans along. Forgive me, Lord! You know deep down in my heart that I can’t wait until the final chapter in my life’s book is done and I get to dance into glory with You! Now that’s a future that should bring joy to everyone…. and I don’t want anyone to miss out on that….so please help me especially with my loved ones to make them realize there is no future without You. Open their eyes to see that while the thief’s purpose is to steal, kill and destroy….Your purpose is to give life in all its fullness. In the wonderful Name of Jesus…amen…and now KT needs to sing…
    🎶 There will be a happy meeting in Heaven, I know
    When we see the many loved ones we've known here below
    Gathered on that blessed hilltop with hearts all aglow
    That will be a glad reunion day.

    A glad day, a wonderful day,
    A glad day, a glorious day
    There with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay
    That will be a glad reunion day.

    When we live a million years in that wonderful place
    Basking in the love of Jesus, beholding His face
    It will seem but just a moment of praising His grace
    That will be a glad reunion day.🎶

  2. Holy and Eternal One, thank You for prayer… my lifeline to You. Anytime and anywhere I have a direct connection to You by praying. I know You hear me, see me, and love me. Your Word tells me to not worry about anything but to pray about everything. When I don’t know how to help someone in need, prayer is my first defense. When I’m overwhelmed to the point I don’t even know what to pray, Holy Spirit intercedes without words. And my favorite prayer of all is one of praise and thanks to You, for who You are and what You have done!
    🎶 And He walks with me,
And He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.🎶
    Such a wonderful gift for all Your children! Thank you again, Lord, in Jesus’ name…amen…KT

  3. Jesus, Our Intercessor, You are seated at the right hand of God, also interceding for us. You are our Advocate with the Father and the best example to us in scriptures of how we should pray. Thank You for the beautiful gift of prayer always available to us! Thank You Holy Spirit for always being with us and praying when we hardly know what to say, You show us & help us & even pray through wordless groans for us. As we cry, You pray and comfort us. When we are weak, You strengthen us. When we are at a loss for words, You guide us. When our hearts are heavy or we worry too much, You lead us to the Father's arms. Praying is such a necessary way to stay in touch with You throughout our day, from when we rise to when we repose again. You open the doors of heaven as I praise and give You thanks for my day or even in the midst of trouble, You encourage me to come, sit awhile and be still. In the stillness, I lean in to hear You speak; through Your Word, I find all answers. When I worship and pray, I am connected to You like no other time. I love to be in Your Presence, hear Your quiet whisper, feel Your gentle touch. When my heart is overwhelmed, You lead me to the Rock, a firm foundation, where I am restored. It is a great honor to pray for the needs of others and a privilege to lift them up to You. Show me how to pray more effectively and boldly with others that may need prayer today. Thank You Father, for Your Son, who taught us how in the model of the prayer 'Our Father' and the way He set time aside always to commune with You. You are Holy and I bow before You humbly asking daily for Your provision and protection. I thank You for this time with You. Yet I know that this is also the time & call for more prayer warrior prayers so I'll continue asking You to deliver us from all evil. I thank You that Yours is the Kingdom and the Power, and the Glory now and forever.

  4. Jehovah Jireh, thank You for being the ultimate provider. Whether the need is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, financial, or a combination , You alone know the best way for that need to be met. The things that are impossible for us are possible with You. Your Word says those who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing, so help me not to worry so much and trust You more. It’s hard to fathom Your total care for all creation ….feeding the tiny sparrows or Your watchful eye on a fallen one ….but none of that can ever compare with the tender love and mercy you show for Your children. Lord, please help us be more mindful of the needs around us that we can do something about and stir our hearts to compassion when we’re bogged down in apathy. You have never failed us so we need to let others know there is always hope… even on the darkest days.
    🎶 Be not dismayed whate’er betide,
    God will take care of you;
    Beneath his wings of love abide,
    God will take care of you.

    God will take care of you,
    through ev'ry day, o’er all the way;
    He will take care of you,
    God will take care of you.🎶

    Thank You, Lord, for being our Provider..amen…KT

  5. Day 13 Thank God for His Provision.
    Jehovah Jireh, You are our Provider. I come to You and thank You daily for Your many benefits and Your Provision daily. You are endless! You are more than enough! Thank You for Your sufficiency in lack or in plenty.
    Your Grace is sufficient for me, but You not only give me a generous portion of Grace, You give me enough to overflow to others, if only I would as well as You do. Help me give Grace to someone today. As it is Your will, perhaps You will put someone that needs a special touch or simple provision from me that comes from Your benevolent hand. Remind me how You have provided for me beyond financial or physical means! Thank You Jireh that You never fail as I come to You. Thank You Jireh, that You are enough (so) "I will be content in every circumstance...I'm already loved. I'm already chosen. I know who I am. I know what You've spoken. I'm already loved, more than I could imagine, And THAT is ENOUGH." "My God shall supply all my needs, according to His riches in Glory." You will provide angels charge over me. Perhaps I need to be an angel to someone You point out today or this week. Help me always recall that You, Jehovah Jireh, care for me! and for each of Your children ... give me eyes and a heart and a double fold blessing to pass on to those who need to see You, as Provider and how You provide. That they need to acknowledge that all things come through You and not be one of the ten lepers that do not return and give You all the thanks You deserve! To You be all glory

  6. Our awesome and generous God, thank you for the gifts You give to each of us. So many things that are too numerous to name are gifts from You but today I’m giving thanks for spiritual gifts. It is amazing the diversity of these gifts and how You orchestrate them to edify believers and use them to reach out to unbelievers. Please help us use these gifts to serve others as You desire us to do and not to hide them away or misuse them. Sometimes we feel like we don’t have anything to offer others but You have given each of us a part to play in Your kingdom that is unique and necessary. Draw us closer every day so we remain in Your will. You are Yahweh, and although you don’t need us to do anything….but because You love us, You equip each of us to be a part of Your perfect plan for mankind. We praise Your Name and say amen! KT

    🎶From the dust of the earth,
    God created man,
    His breath made man a living soul.
    For God so loved the world,
    that He gave His only son,
    and that is why I love Him so.

    I was made in his likeness,
    created in his image,
    for I was born to serve the Lord,
    And I can't deny him,
    I'll always walk beside him,
    for I was born to serve the Lord.

    My hands were made
    to help my neighbor,
    My eyes were made
    to read God's word,
    My feet were made
    to walk in his footsteps,
    My body is the temple of the Lord.🎶

  7. Lord God Almighty, You are the best Giver of gifts! Thank You Giver for the Gift of Life! And thank You for the very best Gift, Jesus and then also the Holy Spirit! All the many gifts and benefits come from above - You! Every good & perfect gift is from You, so how can we not praise You & thank You for this. From the very best Gifts of Jesus &
    the Holy Spirit flows many other wonderful & amazing gifts. I thank You for Jesus, the Gift who keeps on giving & because of Him, we are blessed with the Gift of Eternal Life through the free gift of salvation, to all who believe & receive Jesus as Lord & Savior! I'm so grateful for the gift of forgiveness and Your mercy because of Jesus. No greater gift than the one that Jesus gave - His very life as a ransom. I thank You, Holy Spirit for the continual gifts
    that You give us & make available daily: Your Wisdom, Your Comfort, Your Guidance, Your Power, & the fruit of Your Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. I thank You for the spiritual gifts You give us to serve one another uniquely to edify God's kingdom & point others to You, Lord. For many years - decades, I am grateful for the power, love & sound mind You give me, it is my life verse, the very life & breath of each new day, is the gift I thank You for each morning. Today, & every day, may I share more of Your gifts with the many who still need to see You through me. May I use the gifts You've given me to lift others up & teach them about You & Your Word through my words, actions & prayers. Thank You for filling me up with more of You to be able to pour out more of the aMazing Grace, You give me & I endlessly grateful for all these gifts given so we, as believers may see Your Kingdom come & give You all the Glory, now & forever as I sing
    🎶 Hallelujah, every day's a gift from God; Hallelujah, every day's a gift...🎶 (from Chris Tomlin) May each day of the rest of my life be a gift as an expression of my love & gratitude to You for the privilege of knowing, loving & serving You. It's an honor & such a blessing, Lord - that I can hardly imagine what my life would have been without You! Thank You so very much for loving me & rescuing me! What a Gift Giver, You are!

    1. Day 14 Thank God for Our Gifts.
      Lord God Almighty, You are the best Giver of gifts! Thank You Giver for the Gift of Life! And thank You for the very best Gift, Jesus and then also the Holy Spirit! All the many gifts and benefits come from above - You! Every good & perfect gift is from You, so how can we not praise You & thank You for this. From the very best Gifts of Jesus & the Holy Spirit flows many other wonderful & amazing gifts. I thank You for Jesus, the Gift who keeps on giving & because of Him, we are blessed with the Gift of Eternal Life through the free gift of salvation, to all who believe & receive Jesus as Lord & Savior! I'm so grateful for the gift of forgiveness and Your mercy because of Jesus. No greater gift than the one that Jesus gave - His very life as a ransom.

      I thank You, Holy Spirit for the continual gifts that You give us & make available daily: Your Wisdom, Your Comfort, Your Guidance, Your Power, & the fruit of Your Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. I thank You for the spiritual gifts You give us to serve one another uniquely to edify God's kingdom & point others to You, Lord. For many years - decades, I am grateful for the power, love & sound mind You give me, it is my life verse, the very life & breath of each new day, is the gift I thank You for each morning.

      Today, & every day, may I share more of Your gifts with the many who still need to see You through me. May I use the gifts You've given me to lift others up & teach them about You & Your Word through my words, actions & prayers. Thank You for filling me up with more of You to be able to pour out more of the aMazing Grace, You give me & I endlessly grateful for all these gifts given so we, as believers may see Your Kingdom come & give You all the Glory, now & forever as I sing:
      🎶 Hallelujah, every day's a gift from God; Hallelujah, every day's a gift...🎶 (from Chris Tomlin) May each day of the rest of my life be a gift as an expression of my love & gratitude to You for the privilege of knowing, loving & serving You. It's an honor & such a blessing, Lord - that I can hardly imagine what my life would have been without You! Thank You so very much for loving me & rescuing me! What a Gift Giver, You are!

      {I did this when I woke up and did not like the way it printed but did not want a new comment on another date since this was for Nov. 14, 2022 Thank God for Our Gifts

  8. Day 15 Thank God for Forgiveness.

    Yahweh Hessed (God of Forgiveness), I thank You today for Your infinite Mercy, Grace and Forgiveness! The gift of Forgiveness made possible through Jesus Christ is the reason for our salvation and continual praise & thanks. Not only have You made Forgiveness possible for each of us as a sinner but Jesus also told His followers to "Forgive 7 X 70 times" and "To forgive others as we have been forgiven" and so much more. Thank You for the parable of the leper showing us to return and give You thanks or even praise before we see it completed. Thank You that forgiving others, frees us. Thank You for making it so easy to receive Your forgiveness, by confessing our sin (which means we must acknowledge and admit our wrongs), so that You will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I thank You for the power in Forgiveness! I ask that as I forgive that You will help others to forgive. I'm so grateful that You are faithful to forgive. When I mess up again and again, You are open to forgive me, help me to do the same with those who have offended me. Here is a prayer I found: "Father, thank You that our many sins can be forgiven through our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for Your promise to put our sins behind Your back, to bury them in the depth of the sea, and to remove them from us as far as the east is from the west. Let the blood of Jesus cleanse us from every sin we pray."

    1. It's the hardest thing to give away
      And the last thing on your mind today
      It always goes to those who don't deserve
      It's the opposite of how you feel
      When they pain they caused is just too real
      Takes everything you have to say the word
      Forgiveness, forgiveness
      It flies in the face of all your pride
      It moves away the mad inside
      It's always anger's own worst enemy
      Even when the jury and the judge
      Say you've got a right to hold a grudge
      It's the whisper in your ear saying set it free
      Forgiveness, forgiveness
      Forgiveness, forgiveness
      Show me how to love the unlovable
      Show me how to reach the unreachable
      Help me now to do the impossible
      Forgiveness, forgiveness
      Help me now to do the impossible
      It'll clear the bitterness away
      It can even set a prisoner free
      There is no end to what its power can do
      So let it go and be amazed by what you see through eyes of grace
      The prisoner that it really frees is you ... [Matthew West]

  9. Merciful Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of forgiveness. Where would we be without that forgiveness? We don’t deserve it...we can’t buy it or work for it...all we need to do is ask for it and thank the One who did pay the price. As far as the east is from the west and remembered no more are our many sins, oh, Lord. Yet, even then, we hold grudges in our hearts and are slow at extending forgiveness to others. How can that be...so we ask again for forgiveness for our hard hearts and our selective memories that cause us to find fault with our brothers and sisters and take offense at petty differences. May we be more like Christ in how we treat our fellow man and be longsuffering instead of quick to judge. May Your forgiveness and its unmerited favor grow our hearts into overflowing vessels of mercy and grace that spill onto everyone we meet. We can only do this by Your Spirit and the power of Jesus’ name. Amen....KT
    ♫Let the weak say, "I am strong"
    Let the poor say, "I am rich"
    Let the blind say, "I can see"
    It's what the Lord has done in me
    Into the river, I will wade
    There my sins are washed away
    From the heavens mercy streams
    Of the Savior's love for me (yeah, I will rise)
    I will rise from waters deep
    Into the saving arms of God
    I will sing salvation songs
    Jesus Christ has set me free (and we will sing)
    Hosanna, Hosanna
    To the Lamb that was slain
    Hosanna, Hosanna
    Jesus died and rose again♫

  10. Day 16 Thank God for Children.

    Abba Father of all Your Children, especially the little ones, but all ages
    are counted as Your children. I give You thanks for making and accepting
    us as Your children. I thank You for all the children You placed in my life,
    to care for, nourish, love, and teach. Each child so precious in Your sight,
    and I delighted in the many children also - as a teacher & then in adoption.
    And now I give thanks for those children's children. Jesus, You told Your
    disciples "to let the children come to You" and You blessed & embraced
    children as Your own lovingly. I know what that is like - to love other's
    children as your own. Thank You for the joy & privilege of all the children,
    especially Vinny & Tracy, that You placed & trusted in my care. I lift each
    and every one - too numerous to count for me - into Your loving arms of
    care like a good Shepherd. Guide & protect them. Those who may have
    wandered off & away from You, draw them back into Your fold. Remind
    each one that You have called them & adopted them; rescued them from
    evil but they still need You every hour, may they return & stay close to You.
    Lead them to Your Father & open their hearts to understand all they were
    taught of You & return them through salvation in You. Holy Spirit, fill each
    child with a hunger & thirst, fill their emptiness as only You can. Forgive &
    restore their relationships. Thank You for all the children that have stayed
    close to You, love & draw them even closer as You bless their walk with You.
    Comfort all who need You & provide for whatever needs they have. Show me
    once again how to be like a Child; how to love & have simple faith & trust;
    to have patience & grow in Your ways. Let the children come to You, now &
    forever, to receive the gift of salvation & be a little light to others, in Jesus' name
    and by Your Holy Spirit, bless each child over & over ...

    1. Anyways I was 🤔 of a song of praise & thanks for children but the only ones that come to me are 2 worldly ones: "Bless the beasts & the children" (Carpenters) and "Greatest Love of All" (Whitney Houston) - 🎶 I believe the children are our future;
      Teach them well and let them lead the way;
      Show them all the beauty they possess inside;
      Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
      Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to ... 🎶

      {yep, tears well up in my eyes so that's it ... no Hymn from me but
      still I praise & thank Him today for Children} "All God's children have a place in the choir; some sing low, some sing higher..."

    2. So, so sweet, sis! Love this prayer!

    3. Day 17 Thank God for Your (True) Identity.

    4. At the end of my blog page (a large footer) there is a "bell" with verses & statements of our true identity in Jesus Christ & also another image with "who I am" ... I prayed through each one with I thank You God that
      "I am loved" "I am chosen" "I am valuable" ... Thank You Father that I am Your Child ... etc. and verbalized some more as I went along - however, by doing this I discovered that my click here links no longer are functioning so that needs to be fixed. If you are not sure of your True Identity & the many things we have to be thankful for - keeping scrolling down the page until you encounter the list (it's in black on my screen, never sure if that's how it appears for everyone else). Sometimes I really need these declarations to remind me who I am because of our Lord Jesus Christ- and if you don't know Him, the very first part takes you to a page to walk you through this (if those links still work). I pray you know Jesus & who you are, so let's give Him praise & thanks!!!

    5. you need to be in "web version" not "mobile version" (you can switch that by clicking on those words right below the blog posts, comments, my thanks, Newer post and the word Home centered - right below Home
      so keep scrolling (also that is a typo above "keeping scrolling" should just say "keep scrolling" - no edit available in comments - thankfully God allows us to edit (our 2nd & umpteenth chances) to get it right & no tiny print 😉

  11. My tender-hearted Papa God, thank you today for children. You teach us so many lessons through our children. From their unconditional trust, overwhelming love, exuberant delight for the simplest things, and the healing power of a hug, You tell us to become as a child to enter Your kingdom. Their love for us gives us a glimpse of Your agape love and as parents we experience in loving our children a little of that fierce agape love in being willing to sacrifice anything and everything for our children. Lord, may we never take for granted these precious blessings You have entrusted to us and especially never look down on any child for their angels in heaven always see Your face. May we be quick to help any child in need and to show them Your love in any way we can and tell them stories of the awesomeness of who You are and what You have done.. ♫Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight....Jesus loves the little children of the world♫ In Your loving Name, Jesus, amen....KT

    1. 🙏🏼 oh yes Lord, precious in Your sight every.single.one! Thank You Abba for the 🙏🏼of 💚KT with such sweet & tender words to You as Papa & such kindness in how we need to be quick to help any child in need (big & small) You love them all & by Your grace & through Your Spirit so can we! Thank You for this privilege & the gift of KT, Your child, Your beloved daughter who prays like an 😇 & has been this to me!

  12. My Rock of Ages, I am so grateful for my identity in Christ! Regardless of what the world may say, friends and family may imply, or my own mind repeatedly bombards me – I am loved, I am chosen, forgiven, redeemed, and a new creation. You hide me in Your cleft when I am weary and reassure me of my identity in You. I am undone by Your power and glory and that nothing can separate me from Your love. Show me the hurting souls that need to know their true identity so I may point them to You. ♫I am a friend of God...I am a friend of God... I am a friend of God He calls me friend...who am I that You are mindful of me...that You hear me when I call...is it true that You are thinking of me...how You love me, it's amazing♫ In the wonderful Name of my Best Friend, amen...KT

  13. Day 18 Thank God for the Bible.

    1. Almighty Father, Author and Finisher, Alpha and Omega - Thank You for the treasures in the Bible! Thank You for giving us Your Word! We are so blessed to have access to the Bible and in so many versions! Thank You that we can own it and have it in our possession in our homes, our hearts, on our person, even in our phones always available & easy to access (most of the time). Thank You that we can read it, discuss it and experience its life-giving power. I give You thanks for the Bible guiding my life and giving me principles that direct my steps. I thank You for the Living Bread of Life! Jesus, the Word became flesh and in the beginning was the Word! Hallelujah! Thank You that besides being the #1 Best Seller for centuries as a book, it is much more - the Bible is Life! I am so grateful that I have access to God-breathed, supernatural knowledge. ♫ Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path
      Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path; When I feel afraid, Think I've lost my way,
      Still You're there right beside me; And nothing will I fear, As long as You are near, Please be near me to the end ♫ May You use Your Word, the Bible, for this and daily as I spend time reading the precious Word, reveal Truth to me each day as I journey with Christ so that I, too might reflect for others the Truth found in Jesus and why the Bible is the infallible Word of God. I believe and receive the Word and I'm so thankful for the Bible You place in my hands to know You better and live like Jesus to follow as I continue to grow and seek You more, closer & more carefully in tune to hear You speak.

    2. Amen! Victorious prayer with affirmations we all need! KT

  14. The Living Word, how can I ever thank You enough for Your Word- the Bible! It contains everything I need to guide me and revive me. What a gracious gift! From my childhood I was taught the Holy Word of God was always to be treated reverently and nothing should be laid on top of it. Most of all, I came to know it as my very sustenance and that it truly was living. Every day I need Your Word as it continually supplies something new and fresh. Your promises contained in those pages are my constant and tangible assurances of hope. Holy Spirit, thank You for bringing to me the remembrance of what I’ve read and studied. Thank You for the fellowship of Bible studies with friends that reveal new depths of meaning and great encouragement. 🎶 Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
    Through eternal ages, let his praises ring
    Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing
    Standing on the promises of God
    Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God, my Saviour
    Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God🎶
    In Your most holy Name, amen. KT

    1. Glory! Hallelujah! The Living Word breathing fresh into our lives! Thank you KT as you were writing at the same time as I and giving God thanks for this gracious gift! Your words & Hymn flow from your very being. Amen, amen (from my computer-lol)

  15. Day 19 Thank God for His Peace (at the main computer now & found Love is images-thank you)

  16. Oh Jehovah Shalom - You are my Peace! What would I do without Your Peace? Where would I be in this very, loud, chaotic, stressful world without You? This is a constant prayer before me, giving thanks to You for Peace. You, Peace, in my life, keeps & gives me the tranquility only available in You. Not the Peace of the world or that this world desperately needs right now, probably every year since Jesus, because those were His Words given to comfort His disciples (and us) in John 14. O Lord, how we need You & the promise of the Holy Spirit, reminding us of Your Promises! How precious is Your Peace! I receive Your gift of Peace & the manifestation in my life, and even more in the lives of so many in this world in need of You & also Peace! By praising You, we become filled with Peace! Thank You for Your 'Peace for the journey' that You generously give us, a Peace that passes all understanding! Your Peace certainly passes my understanding. Thank You for the calm in my heart and mind as Your Spirit fills me with Your Peace! No matter what is going on around me, I can draw from that inner peace. "Make me a channel of Your Peace ..." Yes, Lord, in everything, in every day, in every way, to every one, I want to share Your Peace, as an instrument of Your gentle Spirit to flow in Peace! Let it be, and with each fruit of the Spirit, I ask for the same! Stop me from acting and reacting in my flesh, crucify my flesh & stir up all that Your Spirit enables me to be and do on a daily basis. I give You all the praise and thanks when You restore me to that place of Peace in You! There is no other. Thank You for leaving us with Peace, not to be troubled or be afraid, but to follow You with al my heart through all my life until I sit at Your feet in the ultimate Peace of Your Glory!

    1. Amen, beautiful prayer, sis! We shared some of the same thoughts today!

  17. Jehovah Shalom, You are truly our Peace and I thank You so very much for that gift! I don’t need to worry or fear because Your peace can not be taken away from me. That peace is nothing like the so called peace the world offers....Your peace is so vast and deep that we can’t even understand the how and why it fills our innermost being when chaos and turmoil are all around. When I can’t even pray in the midst of such times, the Holy Spirit directs me to only speak Your name, over and over, and just as You did with the waves and wind...my heart is calmed. ♫So let go my soul and trust in Him, the waves and wind still know His name. So let go my soul and trust in Him, the waves and wind still know His name♫ Amen! Lord, so many don’t have Your peace, so help me be an example and to shine Your light as evidence it is possible to have peace even in the midst of pain. I can only do this through Your power in me. ♫And through it all, through it all, my eyes are on You...and through it all, through it all it is well♫ Bless Your holy Name, Jesus, amen...KT

    1. So very beautiful!!! Amen and amen 🙏🏼 🎶💙 both our 🙏🏼 very synced😉I think💭 really appreciate & love your 🙏🏼! Thank you 💚 for continuing

  18. Day 20 Thank God for Your Freedom.

  19. My Blessed Redeemer, thank You for the freedom from the law of sin and death. Since I am a new creation there is now no condemnation and I no longer need to worry about what might happen when I fall short. You purchased my freedom by Your supreme sacrifice and although I can never repay You, I can offer You the sacrifices of praise You desire. Spirit, lead me to live a life that reflects honor and glory to the One most deserving of my ALL. ♫Well, I know my Redeemer lives, I know my Redeemer lives, all of creation testifies, this life within me cries, I know my Redeemer lives♫ You set me free from darkness, guilt, regrets, and fear of the future because I know there is a better life ahead in eternity with You. Help me to not condemn those who are still bound by chains, but to show mercy and love so they will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is more than just possible to be free...it is imperative and the only way to have true peace and contentment. ♫Once like a bird in prison I dwelt, no freedom from my sorrow, I felt...but Jesus came and listened to me, and glory to God, He set me free!♫ In Jesus’ name....amen. KT

    1. oh what a precious lyric from that last song ... and another wonderful prayer! Amen & Glory Hallelujah Anyhow! We know our Redeemer lives!!! And glory to God, He set (you & me) free; no longer like a 'jail bird' (lol) Love this!

  20. Father - Freedom Giver, Advocate, How grateful I am for Freedom! How can I possibly express in these days, in this world my immense thankfulness for the freedom we've been afforded in the country that You allowed me to be born! Others have not been so fortunate. And to be free in You, is our true freedom & such a blessing! Not only are You our Freedom Giver but You're our Freedom Fighter! Yet You fight through Your Love & bring Peace, not the ways of this world. All I can think of ... is ... Let Freedom ring! Let Your Freedom ring throughout the countries struggling & fighting for their freedom, throughout our country that people would stop & acknowledge & show gratitude for all the freedoms You bestowed upon us undeservingly. I thank You as a believer in Jesus Christ, I have been reborn & renewed by Your Spirit so that I am no longer a slave to my old nature & past sin. Thank You Lord for setting me free & all You have done to free me & all who place their trust in You. May it be a Divine Exchange & authentic for the many who seem to have forgotten the price paid for our freedom in Christ & in this nation that has been given so much!
    As I began this prayer to thank You for freedom, I don't have adequate words to
    show my deep expression but my heart is so heavy when I see & hear about the evil happening. Guard our freedom and the hearts & lives of all Your children! Precious Jesus, forgive us. Help us trust You more, lead us to repentance,
    show us how to admit & change the direction we're headed, humble those pushing for power, vengeance & obstruction of true justice. Keep me seeking You & Your will, Your ways. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is - there is freedom" Glory to You, all honor & praise, forever & ever I thank You!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


