"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Unraveling RELATIONSHIP as my 2022 One Word

As I begin to look to 2023 and leave behind 2022, I will continue with the work that still needs work in RELATIONSHIPS as I indicated in this post and throughout this final week with this One Word as I shared this whole year. It's clear that God knows this because when I was looking and saving new reading plans for 2023, I came across this in the very 1st words of the 1st day of one of them:

"In order to have a successful relationship that will last Jesus Christ must be the foundational center of that relationship." ...

... which goes perfectly with the image I adjusted and chose yesterday
in that post before I encountered that quote above

[image & credit from that post]

so like I stated, God is still speaking to me about 


even with the 1st day of that plan by Dr. Kennetra Bryant which continues:

 "... If Jesus is not sought after and made the primary base of any relationship, in time the relationship will suffer severely, no matter how great one thinks things are progressing. Trials, tribulations, and challenges will come and one’s relational fellowship with Jesus during the storms of life is key to making it through.  Making the conscious determined decision to follow Jesus is paramount for any relationship to grow, thrive, and develop into the God-honoring purpose it is intended to serve in one’s life."... "Although the results are not always visually seen quickly over time God’s purpose, for each relationship will be revealed. Be determined to follow Jesus in your relationships."

"...What relationships are you willing to let go to follow Jesus? What relationships are you willing to pursue and hold on to as you follow Jesus?"(day 2)

Other good quotes saved earlier in 2022:

 "You want to see your relationships flourishing and healthy, and you want them to be God honoring ..." (part of a quote from Proverbs 31 Ministries when introducing Lysa TerKeurst's newest book "Good Boundaries and Goodbyes") that I saved as soon as I read it. I definitely need to get this book sometime just not yet. 

"Being human is hard. Being in relationships with other humans is even harder. People are complex and relationships are messy but loving one another well is possible" - (in)courage promo of "Come Sit with Me" by 26 (in)courage writers


I was hoping as I conclude 2022 with RELATIONSHIP(s) that I might have something of my own that is profound from this entire year, as I wrote in another blog post this last week, life lessons on RELATIONSHIPS. So far, all I came up with is more questions and what others have written. 

Here are the final questions that I still am left with:

- Was it a risk or a long shot to think that RELATIONSHIP in 2022 was my One Word? Is it possible that I didn't hear God right? 

- What did I expect might happen as I decided RELATIONSHIPS was the One Word? 

- Was I delusional to think God had a miracle in store in 2022 for my RELATIONSHIP(s)? for any Relationship? for any change or for them to be impacted? did I change any?

- What have I learned about me & RELATIONSHIPS?

- "What relationship behaviors have/haven’t worked well? What progress did I make in changing myself?"

In some ways, some of what I have written this week & this year are the answers to some of the above questions. I continue to believe that I am changing in my RELATIONSHIP(s) yet know I have more changes to make and dysfunctional patterns to break. It is helpful to assess where we are in our lives & our relationships from time to time. The last day of the year is traditionally a reminder to do that. As I enter this New Year, I can continue doing what works and purpose to stop doing what doesn't. "When we’re in the middle of a problem, it’s hard to see ahead and to believe we will ever be in a different place. When we look back with the insight we have gained, we can see what has been worked out in our hearts, minds, circumstances, and relationships."

I do think that God definitely meant for me to tackle RELATIONSHIP in 2022 and that He has, was and will EQUIP me. [If you've been following along this past week, you'll remember that in one post I shared that acronym of EQUIP from one of the YV reading plans - and I didn't forget that I wrote I'd reveal at least what each letter stands for; to help stay on track & incorporate love in to all of our RELATIONSHIPs, according to the author of that YV reading plan and book]

E ncourage
Q uality Time
U nderstanding
I nvest
P hysical Touch

After completing this plan, I agree that each of these would better our RELATIONSHIPS if we made them part of our RELATIONSHIPS they would impact them positively and they will bring out the BEST in us! God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to redeem our RELATIONSHIP. Each of us now need to be part of building redemptive RELATIONSHIPS in His Kingdom by being open to listen, empathize, nurture trust and share your message by being a more effective witness of God's truths and principles in Jesus' teachings. I will hold on to the BEST RELATIONSHIP I have ... with JESUS and let Him help me and show me how to continue learning how to better RELATE in all my earthly connections. 


Let's thank God for another year

and begin our new year of 2023 in HIS Presence

in prayer & praise of


I intend to spend the next 

"52 Weeks with Jesus!"

and an eternity

Thursday, December 29, 2022

RELATIONSHIP as 2022 One Word

[credit for the original; I cropped this]

As you may have noticed by now in this final week of 2022, I am still searching for the reason or a summary of my One Word for this year: RELATIONSHIP. I have read in God's Word and many sources about RELATIONSHIPs. I'd like to share more of what the Bible has to say. But when I started my search for RELATIONSHIP in the Bible; one source mentioned this:

"Although the word "relationship" does not appear in the Bible, its concept is clearly shown through examples in the BibleThe primary verse depicting   relationship is: 

John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Now that was not real helpful, you'll be glad to know that this is not entirely true if you're open to looking at other versions - perhaps by the wording of John 3:16, you can tell which 'pure' version mentioned this. I am whole heartedly in agreement and behind their choice of the best verse that depicts the clearest example of the RELATIONSHIP concept. But as I hope to show you, the Bible clearly is filled with RELATIONSHIP and is basic to the Christian faith, at least to those who still believe that JESUS came to redeem our RELATIONSHIP with God the Father and we need to follow JESUS, not any other. Most true Christian believers still believe (I think) that our essential belief in JESUS is based on "RELATIONSHIP" not religion. From Genesis to Revelation, it is clear that the Holy Bible - God's Word to us, is not a book about religion but RELATIONSHIPS - from creation, God created people to be in RELATIONSHIP with Himself and one another in friendship, marriage, family, society and the church. Human beings are created to be in RELATIONSHIP with God. And yes, I found that in other Bible translations, the word "RELATIONSHIP" can be found. In fact, Bible Gateway gave 5,734!

In one search, in Bible Gateway, in the version "The Voice", there are 94 results given. Of course, not all of the results of the word are beneficial uses of RELATIONSHIP to glean some special insights on how to better our RELATIONSHIPs with God, others or the world, but the word is there. Bible Hub shows 46 results. and the term RELATIONSHIP is defined--- also Greek and Hebrew terms. There are also excellent resource articles cited & links:
My point in sharing all this is not for you to research but to have in case some day you (and I) might need it. I have held on to these since the beginning of 2022 so it's also the best way for me to save much that I have gathered. I even considered getting the Kindle ebook of a special Bible by T.D. Jakes: Life Lessons on Relationships from the Inspired Word of God. However, I was hoping that throughout 2022 God would inspire me with my own "life lessons". I have learned many lessons on RELATIONSHIP(s) through a lifetime of failures mixed with a few successes. As I reflect and think of a summary this week of RELATIONSHIP, I have not done very well because I am still asking God ... yet I do know as my previous posts this week show that part of the purpose was to learn (unlearn & relearn)how to have healthy RELATIONSHIPs and seek God in ways to rebuild or restore the ones I should. Steps I will continue to pursue in whatever life I have left as God leads me. As I have indicated God just used this One Word to get my attention of a work that still needs more work. If you look back through my blog posts, you will see most are about RELATIONSHIP. I will attempt one more short one before New Year's Eve as I say goodbye to 2022 (but not any RELATIONSHIP) and look forward to a New Year & New One Word as I begin the year in Prayer as I usually do. I do realize that most of these posts this past week are for me but hopefully there are some points that you too can use. 

I thought this last image was a cute summary beyond what God tells us but I think He might agree. I know that He does with the first image! That is my hope always! Christ-centered!

Love Yourself-Stay Honest-Redefine Intimacy-Maintain Equality-Stay Independent

 “People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.”~John Maxwell "In other words, before you attempt to direct, you must connect." from Restoring Relationships YV plan

The following is a combination of my ad lib to prayers from "Restored Relationships"

Lord, I thank You for giving freely and generously. Show me ways to share what has been given to me to help others have more just lives. Help me use my power to serve others, so that justice and peace may belong to all, as You intended by dying for every one of us. I praise You because Your love is so great and You desire that all would flourish. I ask that You would help me to love as You do. Help me celebrate all people and relationship because we are uniquely made in Your image. Thank You Lord for creating each of us with value. No one is worth less in Your sight and no one is worth more. We all are Your unique image bearers. Open my heart to listen to Your Spirit & treat every individual as loved by You.  Amen.

This prayer is for all earthly relationships for those close to us and the strangers that we meet.

"...We need one another..."

The deception and divisive spirit among us needs to end.

I sense that God was speaking to me 

more about all


not just the ones familiar to me.

God wanted to stretch me

from the


to the unknown, 

the strangers and unreached

in our midst


Welcoming the Stranger

and other missions related to this 

have been on my heart 

since I returned from 20 years in Mexico

 in 2016 & it's almost 2023 

The Evangelical Immigration Table

(their film is available by following this link)

"The Stranger" and "Oh Mercy"
[40 minutes] [only 12 minutes]

are MUST see

for every Church 

and true believer of 


Wednesday, December 28, 2022





One might think that after a year with RELATIONSHIP (s) as someone's One Word (similar to a resolution made but forgotten after the first few months of the year) that the main goal with this choice might be: Restoring; so then by the end of the year, there should be some progress of this having been accomplished or Restored. But in my case, this would truly be a miracle!  I, for one, was not even considering that this might be the reason that God spoke this Word to me. In fact, the other part in any of my RELATIONSHIP(s) are not even considering this remote possibility. So my attitude could be - "then why should I?" The truth is that I was not even remotely thinking this might be the outcome of God dealing with me on this One Word: RELATIONSHIP - either. However, as my previous post this week indicated I had 2 plans saved on just this.



Heaven knows why I chose these or left them in my saved plans until the final week of 2022.

Might it be that subconsciously, I was hoping that God just might turn one around.

Probably not.

At least not the one that really is the worst!

THAT truly would take a divine miracle.

Yet, this did make me aware

that THAT RELATIONSHIP is not or was not

the only one in need of work.

The actual truth is that I had worked on RESTORATION years ago - decades ago and even joined a Christian small group in a home (Rebuilders)for working on reconciliation, restoration, recovery, rebuilding. So, the reason I think that God brought me back to this One Word of RELATIONSHIP (s) is so that I would see that my RELATIONSHIP with Him - God; has grown and deepened; yet in my human RELATIONSHIPs I still needed to address improvement and He has shown me that throughout my entire life, I had developed unhealthy patterns in many different RELATIONSHIPs and that this still is impacting my life and those RELATIONSHIPs. I really need to examine and learn (relearn) how to have Healthy RELATIONSHIPs so 2022 was a year of searching my heart and my life to know what I need to change and have not yet changed. Instead I have been reversing any positive progress and accepting isolation more and more away from any and all RELATIONSHIPs; and COVID-19 certainly did not help. In fact, it was the exact thing I needed in my life to face the fact that I was withdrawing from people and becoming content with that ... contrary to what God's purpose is and was for me.

Even the way that God created me to be an extrovert was changing. At first, I thought this was perhaps a way for me to cope with aging and hearing loss... to withdraw. Not even attending my High School 50th Reunion with precious friends changed this. I actually sat outside on the deck instead of socializing which normally would have been my way. Thankfully quite a few of my dearest friends came out and made me feel a part of the reunion. (In part I did this with my COVID protocol in mind as well). But trust me, I have found many other reasons that I was giving myself as well to justify this radical change in me. Still God wanted me to know and was speaking to me that I need to make an effort because "we need one another" (Joan Baez) which just came to me out of the blue (lol) And no, I was not even a fan of Joan Baez, but her words and some songs I do enjoy & somehow this reading by her of words from John Donne stuck so it must have been from the song sung by the Lettermen [the lyrics follow] {I just found out that Tenth Avenue has a song with the title "No Man is an Island" too} 

"No man is an island, No man stands alone;
Each man's joy is joy to me, Each man's grief is my own.
We need one another, So I will defend,
Each man as my brother, Each man as my friend.
I saw the people gather, I heard music start, The song that they were singing, Is ringing in my heart.

No man is an island, Way out in the blue, We all look to the one above, For our strength to renew. When I help my brother, Then I know that I,
Plant the seed of friendship, That will never die.

{I did not hear the last 4 stanzas anywhere}

I do not feel like "an island". I realize that I don't and can't stand alone. However, I do sense that our nation more and more has forgotten the meaning of the words in this song. And in this technological age, too many have lost contact with others and its importance. The 1st plan deals more with our Christian outreach in the world - a topic for another place & time. 

So far, neither - or none of the aforementioned reading plans that I am finishing seem to be meant for me ... yet I will finish them and move on to 2023 and a new One Word, knowing that I am far from finished with this one - God is NOT done with me yet! nor any of my RELATION-SHIPs.

I'm still thinking that Louie Giglio's RELAT(able) was perhaps one of the best this past year. As you can see, I am searching through the plans that I have finished this past year hoping that some of them made an impact. Pastor Rick Warren's Awesome Relationships was good also but I had the additional help from his Daily Hope radio broadcast. My year long devotional book has been the best resource for me and the author's website.

Once again, my goal was not to miraculously see RELATIONSHIPs RESTORED (and as of today, not one has been restored) ... and this entire blog post has not given you any clues in how to restore RELATIONSHIPs (you need to look further than this blogger for that kind of insights) however, I can honestly say that I am hopeful that restoring RELATIONSHIPS is a process that has begun in some ways but not at all this year of 2022. When I began this blog post I was in a totally different frame of mind then the Spirit has led me. Perhaps that will be my blog post for tomorrow. I do know that the story of the Prodigal Son is the best story as regards RELATIONSHIPS RESTORED & most of us can RELATE to being a "prodigal" child.

Thank You Father God

for restoring this


There actually is a website "Restoring Relationships"  and in case you need some steps in "restoring broken relationships" this article from Faith Gateway may help. And of course, although this may be included in another blog post, some biblical verses on "restoring relationships" and the two reading plans from You Version also have more. In case, I gave you a different idea, God is in the business of restoring relationships and truly is concerned that we always do our best with our relationships and so restoring relationships is a high priority.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022



This was one of the YV plans I shared at the end of yesterday's post that I am reading. But as usual I was curious to what does this mean, which as you know leads me to Google (unless you think God defines this in His Word). And I found the following:
"... So the definition of "resonant" means to "have the ability to evoke or suggest enduring images, memories, or emotions", so essentially, resonant relationships means, I would guess, enduring or lasting relationships."

Now that ending definitely applies to our RELATIONSHIP with God/Jesus!

Yet I persisted to browse further in the world (Google)

{looks good, but I did not read it, just glanced through it}

{skipped this one too}

I like positive influences but I'm far beyond thinking about any romantic relationship.

My search got a little off course and too worldly from the search for the definition as I looked for "resonance meaning in relationship" that's where I encountered "What is Positivity Resonance ... ?" and "Resonance is Relational"; "Magnetism, Resonance, and Discord" [where I read this in the brief search description: "Resonance (coherence and balance between us) is what allows us to stay with our partner and be at peace with them. Striking the balance between..."] which peaked my curiosity but I still resisted ... I have had plenty of 'discord' but coherence and balance and being at peace ... well, next ... at the bottom of that first search page, I found another definition:   

Resonance is the quality of being “resonant,”  which can mean “strong and deep in tone” or “having a lasting effect.”

Clearly that makes sense, right? That leads me back to what I first boxed ... it surprises me that in the YV reading plan, the author(s) did not define this in the first day's devotional .. but guess what? They have a website and book! {I really should have known this - maybe I need to go back to "Relationship Goals" (another YV plan)} But the reason I chose this plan and like it is because of this "healthy relationships are as important as a good diet and exercise program" AND "this is a 6 day plan to help you 'connect' with others and improve RELATIONSHIPS of all types ..." AND their acronym (what attracted me to this, of course)


Yep, that was it! 

Can you guess, since this is a biblical reading plan, what these letters stand for? 

Day 1's Bible passage is from Matthew 22:36-39

Days 2 through 6 each contain a devotional on each one of the letters: E. Q. U. I. P.  And each day leaves us with a challenge for that word. Since I'm not through with the reading of all of the days yet, I hope you might be curious enough to go and check it out for yourself. Perhaps I will come back later and at least reveal what each letter stands for ... in case you don't check it out. 

I do pray that whatever RELATIONSHIP you need to strengthen (personal, marital, familial; professional, or spiritual) that you may find yourself EQUIPped by the power of the Holy Spirit/ God to change, improve and make it healthy. My RELATIONSHIPs (even after a year with this as my One Word) and reading some very valuable resources; I need more prayer than ever. RELATIONSHIPs are very important to me - at least throughout my life, they have been; yet I
personally have changed much, invested in many, and still need to work on being healthy or be in healthy relationships; and instead I have found as I'm aging that I am isolating more and
more (unlike my old self - extravert - lol no longer) and perhaps COVID 19 pandemic helped me to be content withdrawing from society (in person, anyways) - at times I make some attempts yet I prefer the calm and sole living at peace because otherwise I find too much stress or conflict with the RELATIONSHIPs near and the conflicts that arise. I tend to not know how to interact in a healthy way and I've worked hard on walking away & not reacting, especially in that old flesh. 

I've tried to "CHANGE MY RELATIONSHIP(s)" as best as I can, am and have learned many new ways, however I know I have not yet arrived, but as I read December 27th reading in that book - it was "The Serenity Prayer" which I know all too well from people in recovery, but in my opinion, we all are in a state of recovery (from our sin, whatever that may be) and need to pray this. Most people only know the first part of this prayer. A decade or more ago, I learned there was more and today's devotion shares this too. It mentions that "people in recovery programs use the Serenity Prayer because it summarizes much of what we're doing when we are getting healthy". Certainly I need this for my development and bettering my RELATIONSHIP(s) in a healthy way. The main point at the end of this short devotion tells me: "this requires us to be wise enough to recognize the difference between what we can change and what we cannot change." And so far in my life, there is nothing I can change without God. Only God can change me, as I work on the necessary changes I need, and only God can reach and/or change the other person in any of my RELATIONSHIP(s). I always have needed wisdom and spiritual discernment, but what I seek is Godly wisdom and direction. I have depended on my RELATIONSHIP with God to lead me and direct me but I'm pretty sure there were far too many times that I failed to listen or follow Him and His ways. Yet reconciliation of any RELATIONSHIP needs a foundation and same belief in the power of God through Jesus Christ - I'd say it takes two but actually it takes three: the two individuals with God! I'm still waiting and praying ... I personally know the difference. I will continue to deepen my enduring and lasting RELATIONSHIP with JESUS and trust God to work out the rest. That He change me and that I leave the rest completely in His Hands to do according to His plan and accept it.

I do hope you can read this complete


for I choose 

"... Living one day at a time;

enjoying one moment at a time ..."

It gets a little more difficult at this point:

"...accepting hardships

as a pathway to peace"...

but the final resolve

"...if I surrender to His Will ..."

"...supremely happy with Him forever in the next!"

The most enduring and lasting RELATIONSHIP I know is the one that you & I can have with


[if you don't have this RELATIONSHIP, please scroll down the page and read or let me know in the comments so I can pray for you or with you] Here's some of one I found online (God loves you to just talk with Him and tell Him whatever's on your heart - this is a start):

Lord, I know that You exist in my heart because I totally accept You as my Savior. Your great love for all souls is immeasurable and Your grace for us is only limited by our own acceptance of You. I, a humble sinner, recognize and acknowledge the great cross You endured for all mankind. I give You thanks for Your great suffering and sacrifice by my prayers, acts, love and praises to You Almighty God. I love You so, so much and totally accept Your sacrifice for my sins. I wish to have a prayerful one-on-one personal relationship with You. I humbly ask You my Lord to grant me Your love and grace to keep me in line with Your will, to avoid sins of the mind and flesh and to foster a truly meaningful relationship with You. ... Thank You Jesus!

Any simple words surrendering your life to Him will do,

Accepting Jesus' sacrifice He paid for you to have eternal life on the Cross
to know, love and serve Him with the way you live your life 
following Him, His Word and His Way.
Only through Jesus can you come to know God, the Father.


Monday, December 26, 2022

RELATIONSHIP(s) ... really, God?

In my last blog post on Christmas Day I noted near the end that I would be finishing off 2022 with the One Word: RELATIONSHIP(s) for this last week. 

So I opened up my YouVersion to the plans I still had saved related to RELATIONSHIPS and prepared to begin each one but first I began with my yearly reading plan I've been doing provided by Pastor Rick Warren (as some of you know I was signed out and it's quite a feat to try & continue a 365 day plan when you're on day 360 yet I finally ended up there even with GB for my English rather than US )and it was just what I needed to hear - more than any of the RELATIONSHIP plans I have in waiting ... since most of those plans speak about RELATIONSHIPS that are Christian or equally yoked RELATIONSHIPS, much of their content does not fit my life. But there was something written in the devotional by Pastor Rick that seemed to strike a cord (chord?). I really think that I could expand on each component of "Preparing Room ... Prepared My Heart" and do much better, however it's the end of the year so usually I summarize or complete my One Word. Clearly this is another One Word that I focused on in this year but it will need to be continued and worked on continually as I head into the New Year of 2023 and a new One Word.

For now, I would like to share today's devotional by Pastor Rick (day 360):

"Recharging Emotionally"

"When your emotional tank is empty, you're unable to love others unselfishly. You just give up. You may have a sense of being overwhelmed and feeling inadequate. You may even get angry at the ones you love the most. You may try to avoid people or view them as problems. You have no desire to love. To love others you have to keep your emotional tank full. When it gets low, it's going to make a difference in your relationships. 

The Bible has three suggestions for recharging emotionally:

Solitude--You need time alone. Today's verse teaches us Jesus frequently withdrew from crowds when he needed to recharge himself emotionally. In this case there was so much hustle and bustle, Jesus says to the disciples, "Come apart for a while." (KJV) You either come apart or you will come apart. 

Recreation--One of my favorite verses is, "Jesus came enjoying life." (Matthew 11:19 Phillips) He was the most intensive, ministry-oriented person who ever lived, but he enjoyed life. When you're giving to others, it costs and exhausts. You need play time. For you it may be hobbies, a sport, a craft, or games. Experiment and find out what it is that recharges you emotionally, then make time for it.

Laughter - "Being cheerful keeps you healthy." (Proverbs 17:22 TEV) There are studies that prove that when you laugh it increases the number of T-cells - and that raises your immunity level. It produces endorphins in your brain. Laughter is a load lightener, an emotional recharger and a love rebuilder."~Pastor Rick Warren

also available as
"To Love Well"
Get Emotionally Charged

I'm going to list the other RELATIONSHIP plans that I've saved probably for most of the year as I continued in my book for the year on this topic:

["Change My Relationship" (and another one was "The Divine Romance") along with other reading plans completed and books]

but I'm not promising that I will have much to share from them on this One Word, so perhaps God has something else that He's speaking to me as I come to a close this week - we'll have to wait and see





well ... you get the drift

Speaking of drifts, MN sure has alot of them from the wonderful winter 
chill and winds but I guess most of us are seeing so many weather

So stay warm and well as I weather through


this last week



... Really God? ...


in 2022 so

I just surrender to You



Have Your Way!

The only RELATIONSHIP that I am 

clinging to more & more

each day

is my




Yet, it is clear that You intend for us all to be & 

have better earthly 


so for right now

Let me learn to



Recharge Emotionally


because frankly God

I'm lost without



I see so many


that are lost and

so in need of



Isn't this a lifetime endeavor?

{well, I've spent a lifetime}




really have tried to



Only YOU do!

Help me, help others

help us, Lord 








by CeCe Winans

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Preparing Room ... Prepared my Heart

There is so much to say as another Christmas Day & season comes to a close after a beautiful Advent time "Preparing ... My Heart" with Hope, Peace, Joy and Love, while "making space" and "preparing room" {2 other devotionals I completed and enjoyed} for the King of kings & the Lord of lords-I've delighted in reading to learn more about steps I can take to prepare room for Jesus: 
John 14:2-3 "My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."

... so I have decided to summarize by sharing from

1. "Preparing Room for Jesus is what ultimately saves us." Genesis 3:15 

2. "Preparing room allows us to show compassion to others."

3. "Preparing room allows us to be obedient to what God has planned for us."

4. "Preparing room gives us the space to see & appreciate the humor in life."

5. "Preparing room allows us to hold on to hope and to have faith even when ...
all seems lost."

6. "Preparing room allows us to find the mentors in our lives and to mentor others, too."

7. "Preparing room allows us to love our neighbor as ourselves, even when that requires sacrifice."

8. "Preparing room allows us to love others, even when they're unlovable."

9. "Preparing room allows us to stop comparing our journey to anyone else's"

10. "Preparing room allows us to handle the feelings & the new beginnings of life."

11. "Preparing room allows us to reach down deep & make the right choices, even when it's hard."

12. "Preparing room allows God to get our attention."

13. "Preparing room allows us to lean on God's faithfulness."

14. "Preparing room allows Jesus to fill us with His Presence & strength."

15. "Preparing room allows us to see the light shining in the darkness."

I wish that I could claim that these came from me through my journey, however, I am not the author of these thoughts, the actual author has done exceptional in her Advent devotional book and is one I highly recommend, especially if you are like me & enjoy the classic "It's a Wonderful Life" - this is definitely "... An Advent Journey ..." that will warm your heart as you "make space" and "prepare room" for Jesus in your life. Those were just the first 15 and the rest follow below - I just couldn't choose to only include some. Each one is so good and so impactful, especially as you read the part from the classic the author adds in each wonderful devotion, ending with a prayer & scripture. To me this content makes for the perfect devotional! But I really needed a content page, so I created my own here {kinda like a table of contents for me to go back to specific ones as needed} because I highlighted each of them to reflect personally for my own life. and apply as needed. (lol)

I considered commenting on some of the 25 - my favorites (well, they all are) or the ones that God spoke to me; instead I chose to let each one stand as they are, in hopes that (1st) you'll get this devotional for next year and read it yourself then (2nd) to treasure, like Mary, "these things in my heart" as Jesus continues to prepare my heart and prepare me each day - to be used by God for His glory. So I will just ponder and reflect as I hope you might also in making room for Jesus by preparing your heart to prepare your life to be prepared for an eternity with Him.

[(3rd) I don't want to spoil the richness of this author's words & ruin all that has been written.]

16. "Preparing room allows us to connect with others - to help them & to let them help us."

17. "Preparing room allows us to understand that we will win the long game because we have Jesus."

18. "Preparing room allows God to heal our brokenness."

19. "Preparing room allows us to develop a new perspective."

20. "Preparing room allows us to treasure up the special moments."

21. "Preparing room allows us to receive the fullness of God's grace & the loving grace of the people in our lives."

22. "Preparing room allows us to find God's purpose(s) for our lives."

23. "Preparing room allows us to experience the joy only Jesus can provide."

24. "Preparing room allows us to find fellowship & friendship with others."

25. "Preparing room allows us to receive the best blessings of our lives."

I know as I started out this Advent, I was not at all ready and I questioned what direction I would go to make room this year as I proceeded through Advent and really wanted a purpose and not just a traditional path. I truly wanted to find out all I could to really, truly be ready for Jesus - whenever He may come for me (us) who believe with all our heart in our need for a Savior, Redeemer, Messiah & King!

This is our Jesus! I now can say that I am beginning to better know and realize that "preparing room" was always within me and that I just need to put into action all that I have gleaned in His Word, from His life; and much reading of plans and devotionals as a way to grow and substantiate my faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God & son of man (humans) Mary & Joseph.
1 Peter 1:13 "Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." NASB

Preparing room means preparing my heart and preparing my mind!

"CHRISTmas is about preparing room."

There is - was - and always will be


every.single.moment of every.single.day

in this INN

in this place, in the space

I give to Him in my



every heart's a manger

{fresh in my mind from Max Lucado's "Because of Bethlehem"}

... “Because of Bethlehem, I have a Savior in heaven. Christmas begins what Easter celebrates. The child in the cradle became the King on the cross. And because He did, there are no marks on my record. Just grace. His offer has no fine print. He didn’t tell me, “Clean up before you come in.” He offered, “Come in and I’ll clean you up.” It’s not my grip on Him that matters but His grip on me. And His grip is sure.”― Max Lucado,   Because of Bethlehem "... Let “Silent Night” be sung! Every heart can be a manger. Every day can be a Christmas. The Christmas miracle—a yearlong celebration!"🎄{Amen!} 💓


Now to finish off this year - this last week of 2022 with the One Word I was given:


I hope that you've enjoyed a wonderful



perhaps like me

you have chosen to better


your heart and life

for more






"Prepare Ye the way of the Lord"


"Jesus, Happy birthday!*

Thank You so much for being willing to humbly live life here on Earth as a human being, starting as a helpless baby. Your sacrifice means the world to me because it truly changed everything. I can have a personal relationship with my Creator because I’ve been rescued from the chains of sin and darkness. I praise You today and every day! May I dwell on You and share You with those around me on this special day. Amen."

[from Dayspring]

Love is Found in Knowing
as my Savior

His Divine Love

Lamentations 3:22 “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.” 

Mark 10:21 “Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” He said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 

John 13:34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

John 15:13 ”Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”

Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 

1 John 4:7-12 "This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us” 

There is no shortage of Bible verses on Love. 

Here are some links:

50 Beautiful Bible Verses about God's Love & Loving Others 
(Woman's Day)

Inspirational Bible Verses about Love

108 Bible Verses about Love

(search in The Voice version)

Love at Advent/Christmas
(search at Bible Hub)

"God is Love, right? There is a whole chapter devoted to the theme of love. (1 Corinthians 13)  What greater way to celebrate God’s love for us than with these Advent Love scriptures!"

Love is patient; love is kind. Love isn’t envious, doesn’t boast, brag, or strut about. There’s no arrogance in love;  it’s never rude, crude, or indecent—it’s not self-absorbed. Love isn’t easily upset. Love doesn’t tally wrongs or celebrate injustice; but truth—yes, truth—is love’s delight! Love puts up with anything and everything that comes along; it trusts, hopes, and endures no matter what.  Love will never become obsolete. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (The Voice)

Hope, PeaceJoy and Love 
are found in

... the True Meaning of Christmas
... Seeking Rest
... a Heart Full of Thanks
... the Wonders of This Season
... Forgiveness of Sins
... the Little Moments
... the Trials
... Serving Others
... Spiritual Growth
... Remembering Who You are in Him
... The Quiet Stillness
... Giving
... the Sweet Time with Precious Friends
... Hidden Blessings
... a Faithful Father
... Living with an Eternal Perspective
... Our Sufferings
... the Simple Things
... Times of Peace
... a Comforting God
... Seeing Jesus in Others
... All the Fun and Excitement
... the Eyes of a Child
... Knowing Jesus Will Return
... Knowing Jesus as Savior

[*Joy is underlined because the original author of this used Joy for all of them with Prayer Prompts.]


This is how I decided to use this for


and knowing that

my heart is








that's Jesus first, Others second, the Yourself

for sure you cannot forget yourself

because you must be preparing

and taking care of God's gifts

to you & in you


to pour out and for His purpose & plan

for you 

so that





 "Love is a gift; a gift from God. At Christmastime, we as Christians believe that God's greatest gift of Love IS Jesus, the Savior of the world."

Lighting the Candle of Love with all the Rest and the
"Christ Candle"
in the center of the wreath

John 1:14


Jesus' Love
shines ever so brightly
if you let

Jesus' Love Came Down
for you and for me
to pour out
His Love
and continue until
for you


Have you given your heart to Jesus?

Have you prepared your heart
and are you ready
if JESUS comes

for your loved one?

for the stranger on the street?

How can you show God's Love to others in need 
this Christmas and throughout the years to come?

Hope, Joy, Peace, Love
be yours & your loved ones
Merry Christmas!
~ Peggy ~

*when I read this prayer in "O Holy Night" YV reading plan provided by Calvary Chapel (FLA), I knew it was the exact prayer that I wanted to pray on Christmas Day & share here. 

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


