"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

4th of JULY 2024

On this 2024 

[image credit: K-Love]

4th of July

please take the time to pause 



my Call to All


Even though this is not a current prayer

it is still a basic prayer that we can use the format

just like the "Our Father"

"A Prayer for National Unity and Hope for Tomorrow"

To read the words of this prayer (or even sign up for a download of it) go here


Since July 1st, 2024 (and before) daily

every single person needs to pray for our democracy:

for "God's Will to be done" (not any human's will

for God (again not humans seeking power, or retribution)

to "Deliver us from all evil" and "Defend us" and

"Have Mercy on US!"

For Liberty, Freedom & Justice for ALL

(not a chosen group - ALL)

we are a nation that respects the law

(at least, we used to be - one nation, indivisible, united states, 
where there is suppose to be "equal justice under the law"

meaning NO ONE (not one) is above the law, without bias or prejudice)

until this week

God help us! God have mercy!

Preserve this country!

God bless the

United States of America

and our troops,

our President & Vice President,

and ALL who serve this nation and 

in our communities

with dignity, integrity, compassion and equality!


I cannot hold back my concerns

(and you should be or get concerned also)

in a "Letter from God" devotional (#13) I just read

it stated: "... It's time for My daughters to

RISE UP! RISE UP to who I've called you to be."

And so I am. I must,

because there's a grave shaking taking place.

May Jesus save US once again!

He came to set us free!

Jesus Christ

alone is


{so as Courtney J Fallick closes her blogs with this:
*- "Keep walking with the King!" -
who is the only King worthy
our Lord Jesus Christ}

I too will today!

I will bow & serve only Him!

After all, True FREEDOM is found in Jesus!


No πŸŽ† fireworks here on this 4th!

I can't even wish y'all a

Happy 4th of July


only t-storms predicted

dampening our spirits & flooding our land

What's happening to our USA & people?


[if you question why I'm burdened by this, just take a look 
at any of the 920 page pdf or project '25]

Stay alert
Mark 13:33-37 AMP
1 Thessalonians 5:6-11 AMP
1 Peter 5:8 ESV
Ephesians 6:18
Matthew 24:42-44
Luke 21:36

* "Keep walking with the King!"


Note: the sharing of this prayer is just that - it's neither an endorsement or any opposition to the site or its beliefs or leaders. I do not know much about their ministry but because of many ministries having problems/issues these days, I'm clarifying this & that I'm not affiliated in any way nor intended to infringe on any copyright; I cautiously submit this, yet I appreciate this prayer shared in 2020 by them and tweak as I see fit when I pray. 

Monday, July 1, 2024


During last week's FOCUS on PACE, I mentioned that we would be "Taking Inventory" this week, with the 4th of July being Thursday (thinking this past weekend, not next weekend would be the holiday weekend - so it's probably the entire week)πŸ˜‰ but so many times I wanted to come back and share more about PACE, from my own PACE experience and various readings that crossed my path, but I wasn't able to do that then. And the previous week with SILENCE, it was the same, however I was able to sneak in one blog post (because of an image that fit the theme of SILENCE from a great Summer Book Club) yet I remained in SILENCE when I was inundated with so much (and also at the same time, much of our state and others in this area were being inundated with flood warnings, watches and serious problems of rising waters) which gave me much to contemplate; so LITTLE and HONESTY (One Words) all came to mind with more to write, but I didn't and I don't think I will today either, even as "taking inventory" of those FOCUS One Words ... my heart is drawn in another direction. 

Last week was week 2 (Part 2) of the "Still Standing..." book club with Courtney Joseph Fallick and it was a jam-packed week of emotions (at least that's what I'm calling it) but this week - Week 3 looks like it will be even more impactful! [Courtney shares on her blog "Women Living Well"(WLW) and her WLW Facebook (FB) page daily and also "Good Morning Girls"(I think, since I don't have FB)] Plus see this page on 10 VERSES on her website (blog)

Let me go back and share some of Part 2 first "Overcoming the Darkness", which is definitely a need in this world in which we live, yet this was more on a personal level. In fact, the rest of the title of her book "Still Standing..." is "How to Live in God's Light While Wrestling with the Dark". WOW! I think for much of my life, I have tried and pursued to "live in God's Light" while surrounded what I perceived as darkness, and not nearly to the extent that is prevalent today (and in my personal life). I'm sure that there were (are) many times that I felt like I was "wrestling" alone with my darkness, even while being very active in the church and church life & volunteer activities (yet I did learn to PACE myself eventually-probably not soon enough for the two children (and at times dogs) that I towed along with me to many of these church events. Often though, I did go alone for just me & God times! I truly have always greatly needed more God time and to surround myself with God's people (community). 

I'll give you a glimmer into last week's readings just through the titles and that the opening Bible verse for the week was Psalm 139:1-18 NIV, but each of these sections ended with "Ten Verses for When You are ..." (in her book but also available in an excellent download provided by Courtney (the author) at Women Living Well in "100 Scripture Declarations"

6. "I'm So Scared"
7. "I'm So Angry"
8. "I'm So Embarrassed"
9. "I'm So Worried"
10. "I'm So Sad"

{I can't say which one I needed most, because I needed them all and the 10 verses,

which I still need to pray and read and list in my prayers}

Here's an example from the "Ten Verses for When You Feed Sad" from me:

(I had quite a few moments of overwhelming sadness)

Courtney writes: "God sees your tears and sleepless nights. He is for you."

The Scripture verse is: Psalm 56:8-9

My Prayer:
O Lord, "You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in Your bottle." ...
Thank You. Thank You for always being with me, and caring, 
even before I know how much I need You sometimes.
I give thanks that "when I call" You turn back my enemies.
"This I know, that God is for me."
I'm grateful to know that You are not against me.
At times, in my sadness (or other feelings) I feel like You are,
yet quickly I return to Your Word that assures me
You are for me. I am confident as I sing and declare this:

{In fact, I now sing this song (and there are others) "God is Not Against Me"}
Elevation Worship or Brandon Lake

Week 3
July 1-5

Part 3
in "Standing Still ..."
with Courtney Joseph Fallick

"Standing in the Light"

I'm so looking forward to this (reading 11 -15) but mostly in my life!

These are this week's readings:

11. "Finding Peace When... "
12."Finding Strength When..."
13. "Finding Contentment..."
14. "Finding Your Way Forward
When You Feel Stuck"
15. "Finding Joy When..."

I just finished a YouVersion (YV) plan on PEACE for the month of June: Pause: A Month of Peace in Five Minutes a Day so today's reading on "Finding Peace..." is a good refresher and application, especially because Courtney once again adds "Ten Verses for Finding Peace ...". For the YV plan, the focus verse each & every day of the 30: Philippians 4:7. The verses from Courtney's book are: Psalm 34:18; Isaiah 26:3; Ephesians 6:10; Deuteronomy 31:8; 1 Peter 5:7; Matthew 11:28-30; Romans 15:13; Romans 5:3-4; John 16:33; Psalm 46:1 {certainly many of my favorites!}

The best things I can recommend, for today, are: 1) follow Courtney's blog (or Facebook or both); 2) get a copy of her book, and the free workbook & scripture declaration download and 3) participate with her Facebook or your own group & do the Reflection Questions (for yourself & if possible by sharing at least one with someone else). 

I know that I need #11, #12 & #15 for sure but as I read I always find something in each chapter and thankful & glad I am doing this book this summer. Thank you Courtney for your invaluable words! and emphasis on God's Words in "Standing Still". I hope that when I finish, that I too will be "Standing Still..." better than I have before and that I remain in Christ always.


I might be back as I read this week!

(and "take inventory" starting with my PACE)

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


