"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Sunday, October 13, 2024


For the month of OCTOBER , these will be the 4 One Words for us to "Focus" on:

this week of October 6

[image credit: borrowed & redid from
World FREEDOM Day, Nov. 9, 2024]

the week of October 13

the week of October 20

the week of October 27


I will be doing only one post for the month (similar to September)

only I will just add the next 


the week that we do it briefly with 

Scripture(s) for the One Word Focus


This Week

the week of October 6

But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives FREEDOM, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. James 1:25 NIV

"... FREEDOM equals wide open spaces & no
boundaries ... & make any decision we want, yes?"CCR"... how we misdefine FREEDOM"

Galatians 5:13 NIV; 1 Corinthians 6:12; John 8 :31-32 NIV; 2 Corinthians 3:17 NIV

"Jesus, in obeying You, I find FREEDOM."

"This week, when you feel stuck in a situation ...
remember the word 
and know that because of Jesus,
you are free to be who you were meant to be."


{might I suggest going to p.155 (?)
 "Taking Inventory" to do FREEDOM
at the end of this week, instead of 
at the end of all 4} 


the week of October 13

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. Colossians 3:2 ESV

1 Corinthians 2:16 ESV; Romans 12:2 ESV; 1 Peter 1:13 ESV; Philippians 4:8 ESV

"Jesus, RENEW my mind and restore my thoughts." πŸ™πŸΌ "... as we focus on the word RENEW... try to capture our negative thoughts and recalibrate our mind into thoughts of love and gratefulness." [CCR's πŸ™πŸΌ & Focus Tip]

Great suggestion in the Focus Tip to help us 
form a habit of doing this regularly,
not just this week.

Perhaps doing the "Taking Inventory" now
will further help us focus, while it's fresh
in our minds, along with the scriptures
we find containing our One Word

Isaiah 40:31

is my favorite RENEW scripture

my photo with eagle perched 
above in the tree on
Lake Louise
from my view at 
the bottom of our hill
{not the one in flight or with my verse}

{now to FOCUS on all CCR has to share on RENEW}


the week of October 20


" "


the week of October 27


" "

Please share in comments each week.

What stood out to you or your favorite quote or verse(s) with the One Word?


just whatever comes to you from the devotional or God

Thank you.

See you back here each week (I hope) God willing.

{I might forget or run short of time, so if it's not done on Sun. like usual,
just give me some Grace & a prayer so it will be filled in soon}

and continue on in your devotional πŸ˜‰
I will eventually catch up


  1. Such a good example of FREEDOM and boundaries! It was the whole of the devotion that I found uniquely freeing & fulfilling with a fresh perspective on FREEDOM and special on how this sweet example IS like how it is with us & Jesus & the "adventure" ultimately before us! and yet how we do "misinterpret His provision as withholding possibility" yet that He's really protecting our future. My favorite part comes in this understanding: "He knows that the Only Way we can experience TRUE FREEDOM is when we obey His instruction" ... "because we can trust His boundary lines ..." all the way through to the end (this beautiful conclusion) that "preserves our life for the ultimate adventure!" How very loving to know that because of Jesus, we are FREE & our precious Heavenly Father designed this to be so & we have the wonderful privilege to know the Truth that "sets us FREE" & the cost paid for our FREEDOM. A treasure to behold & cherish forever - our ultimate FREEDOM in Kingdom living & loving! Thank You Jesus!

  2. I totally agree and share your opinions on this chapter! The analogy in the book was one that resonated with me because of the dog. Just like the so-called freedom of no restraints and boundaries, I also recall the panic when my dog was lost and the relief when she was found. The times I’ve wandered away, my heavenly Father doesn’t “panic” but I know He’s sad that I ran and He watches for my return.

    My favorite quote is yours:

    “He knows that the only way we can experience true freedom is when we obey His instruction”

    1. Thank you for sharing your precious words & tail (tale) of lost dog ... I know the feeling of panic, for sure - but what you add about our Heavenly Father is so true & we're both in agreement & so very thankful! We often are in sync - that's why we're not just BFF or Heavenly Hopeful Friends Forever but SISTERS of the heart!!! There is no one like you! (not a sister, not a childhood or adult friend has been so really wonderful & encouraging and you are ever so giving ... thanks so much for always thinking & remembering me! You & Jesus have so much in common too! That's why it's so easy to love you! Best kind of God love that there is - the forever kind without conditions! That's what His FREEDOM gives us & brings us! Blessing upon you as you experience the best each day like you give to me & others that have the privilege to know you. Thank you Karen!

    2. I feel the same way about you, sis! Thank you, Peggy!

    3. and you show & have shown this over & over to me❣️πŸŽπŸ«ΆπŸΌπŸ€—

  3. RENEW - to make NEW again. As I read from CCR's devo, the opening statistics of thoughts & seconds were aMazing to me & never would I think of breaking this down like she did. Then I thought I found what strikes me
    as the quote being this part of "- we choose what aligns with a mind that pleases God." {at least I hope so} And I read on to include the next sentence of "With the mind of Christ, we do not grow weary (sigh) when the unexpected occurs because we trust what He is doing." {ouch} but as usual it's the last paragraph of 2 sentences that God spoke the loudest & most personally (however the last sentence that preceded this concluding paragraph caught my attention "And no matter our circumstances ... (oh my, yes) ... He is in control." {the part in between ... is what I need to "remain in a posture of peace". Since my thoughts do wander, I knew that last paragraph was for me. Let's face it, Peggy, you needed every word in this one to RENEW your mind & have the mind of Christ. Surely if I did, I would realign my focus by remembering His Word (& pierce my wandering thoughts) as I RENEW my mind & see the power of Christ alive & at work; there would be less wandering & worrying & negativity & just maybe my "mind set on Jesus will change the whole world" or most certainly my corner of this world & if we each would do this, it will impact the whole world. What a truly wonderful thought!
    and a hope that we can change & actually "capture any negative thought & recalibrate ... into gratefulness & love." What a better place this world would be & might actually look like the Kingdom of God. Powerful devo & One Word: RENEW and restore. "...any significant & lasting change is always possible because of a RENEWED mind."
    and what follows is a life RENEWAL & a Christ-like transformation. Thank You Lord, RENEW & RESTORE & create in me a clean heart (& mind) in Jesus Christ, I pray.

  4. “When we stop treating our thoughts as though they are our customers and we are waiting on them, we can begin to nurture good thoughts and tell other ones to hit the road-no conversation necessary.” I liked that! (plus all the parts you mentioned from the book). This quote is something that is nice in theory but unfortunately real life doesn’t always cooperate. Philippians 4:8 has been a favorite and something I try to live by (with God’s grace}. The problem is with the negative people in our life sometimes get louder than our good intentions. I’m looking forward to pondering RENEW this week.

    1. How true your own words are!!! Your choice is a really good one too! Like I thought I said somewhere in my jibberish, the entire devo had so much to hold on to & reread because like your choice, hidden gems just seem to strike you as you think on each thought. I am sure you do much better than I at living out Philippians 4:8 but it is most certainly the one that should guide our thoughts & wisely do. Your wise words that followed this speak almost as loudly as those negative influencers. We'll ponder together & share our verses on RENEW with hopes that it helps us be restored & renewed in our thoughts & more. Thank you for pointing out the "hit the road" quote & sharing. Always good! 😊 πŸ’šπŸ€—

  5. For some reason, the images I chose for RENEW would not allow me to upload. I had one of the EAGLE for my favorite verse of Isaiah 40:31. Oh and I was blessed again on my birthday with an eagle πŸ¦… fly over me - such a delight when God sends a special sign to us, it gave me much hope!

    1. I LOVE when the Lord does that! It’s like a mini- renewal πŸ˜‰


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


