"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Thursday, October 10, 2024



{One of the six that came to wish me}


October 9th, 2024

your special day

so then I read Roy Lessin's post with this

was published on Meeting in the Meadow

which certainly seems like the perfect way to begin a new decade of life

and be thankful for the life and purpose God gave me years ago

that allows me 


to live the rest of my life


"Trust (ing) Him fully, follow (ing) Him completely, (to) please Him whole-heartedly and never look back." - Roy Lessin 

as I pray(ed) the "Morning Moment of Prayer" from Sue Boldt

[image credit: SueBoldt.com]

I waited and watched

as the Lord came and shared with me

throughout this day of celebration

with new


enjoying every moment that I could

on this beautiful autumn day!

{this truly, in itself, is a gift from God, as others are facing the impact of yet another
impending hurricane (filled with tornadoes) as it comes ashore in the
Florida peninsula with such devastating destruction}

Hurricane Milton following Hurricane Helene
Much PRAYER needed for so Many!

Finding FREEDOM to be the One Word designated or "fall"-ing during this week, I also find to be a significant timing of God as I begin yet a new decade, a new year of my life, with so many challenges and a unique difference than where I thought my life might be at this time. Facing days on end with little FREEDOM yet living in a place that affords much FREEDOM. Finding that FREEDOM is on the line in so many places and so many ways in this critical time.

FREEDOM is a prominent theme throughout the world at this time, but particularly in the nation that has been given so many "freedoms" (the one in which I have the privilege to have been born and raised in) and my own father fought in WW II to preserve our freedom (and in fact, he was a POW). I treasure & give thanks for the many people who have given their lives to defend our country as I watch other nations in the world fight for their freedom; and people (especially women) that are losing so many of their freedoms. This world is in "desperate" need of Jesus, as Savior, and for their Rescuer and Deliverer. Even many who already claim to be Christian.


Today is also World Mental Health Day.  Many are desperate also to have FREEDOM in this area of their lives. We need God's healing touch in so many areas of our lives, yet mental health is one that definitely affects more families than we realize. All of us need to guard our mental health at different times, in different seasons, and in different ways - for ourselves & our families. This is a FREEDOM most of us take for granted until or unless something happens that causes us to pause and know that we need to take care of our minds and our mental health (emotional health too) along with our physical health and spiritual health.  

FREEDOM is such a powerful word! 



is also a popular song at this time


There are 194 verses that contain the word


according to one source in various versions

Bible Hub shows 45 occurrences only

"...but where the spirit of the Lord is,

there is FREEDOM"

When I began this blog post, I had something else in mind ... but then the day's interruptions happened and I lost my FREEDOM of my day and the FREEDOM to continue writing yet I really wanted to share how beautiful I found October 9th and the opportunity I was given to enjoy a day of FREEDOM (mostly) from my day to day responsibilities (a special "gift" from the other caregiver) ... 

So I began my day with God; and then I opened cards & "gifts" from a dear sweet friend that never forgets me on this day; & a few texts & an invite from my sister to go out to lunch (which wasn't possible) and a chat with my daughter and wishes from her children ... and a few belated ones today. Since I don't do social media, other than here, sometimes I miss out, but it's ok. Even one of my cousins, who moved further north & so I have not seen her, sent me a message wishing me well. Also received cards from the caregiver above, our fur baby, and one from Sam (purchased by his caregiver, 'cuz Sam doesn't do cards ever) and a special friend of his. 

After the beginning of the day, I took many "fall photos" and spent glorious times outside with God & my deer family delighted me in the early evening with their precious greeting. 

But in my in between moments, I read from 3 books on "aging" ... "Aging Well" by June Hunt; "Beauty of Aging: Growing Older with Grace, Gratitude and Grit" by Karen O'Connor and "Healing Your Grief about Aging ..." (Growing Older with Confidence, Meaning and Grace" {so there's a correlation for you ... with this blog post ... and the mental health issue (inserted) (lol)} 

Perhaps I need prayer for my adjustments into this new decade of life; my insecurities, fears, and health issues yet I really am "trusting God" more fully (the Marina Bromley image for Roy Lessin's "Meeting in the Meadow") and although I did not meet with God in a meadow, I did in our beautiful 7 acres of woods & pines and with some time gazing out onto Lake Louise with sheer delight that God meets us wherever we are - even in our daily caregiving; job; family responsibilities & chores; meals; all aspects of our daily living, if we just invite Him in and acknowledge His Presence with us - wherever we are; even when we might be the one needing care and service: bed-ridden or hospice or home care; or just not doing well & need a helping hand to make it through the day. We all are aging, from the minute we are born and each day in our life, is one more day closer to our death, but for those of us who know Jesus & have accepted His gift of salvation, we are one day closer to an eternal life with Him. I pray you and your loved ones & friends know Jesus! Please keep mine in your prayers! Thank you.


I looked at quotes and chose this one, in closing:

(of course, Bible Verses are best)

"True FREEDOM is achieved through death" 
~Steven Magee

{some don't agree}

but this one 

"The price of FREEDOM is death"
~Malcolm X

which definitely is true (IMO)
 because Jesus Christ
paid the price of death
so that
we can have our


Hope you are able to find true


in Christ

and on any "fall" day

may you enjoy

the warm

Autumn Sonshine

of knowing this




[began this in the morning & finally finished just in time for my 6pm normal publishing]

on the day after the 9th



[John 10:10 was the Verse of the day, but there is FREEDOM in this, too]

Yesterday, I searched each book of the Bible for 10:9 verses!

Try it sometime for your birthday date (not the year) LOL


I have some AUTUMN photos that I took 
but was unable to upload here,
except for my sweet little deer friend, 
but no beautiful fall colors in that one.


  1. When we "fall" from grace, "fall" away from God & God-like behavior, much like Adam & Eve; we lose out on our relationship with God; we lose out on the FREEDOM He desires (desired) to allow/give us and earthly consequences (sometimes suffering, etc) follows.

    This was one of my initial & original thoughts when I began writing this blog post that I lost when I was interrupted so my trail of thoughts went in a different direction. I try to stay focused & go with the flow generally when I begin a blog post. I wanted to express the joy of my day mingled with my thoughts on FREEDOM & a play on the word "fall". I know I have taken more physical "falls" in these past few years but I also recall "falls" in my past & a day away with God, will allow you to reminisce but also reevaluate your "falls" in life, especially in the "fall" of your life; yet I recall (although I shouldn't anymore) those spiritual "falls" as well. Other times that I'm not so proud of that exist in my past BUT God ... in His mercy, turned them & me around & set my feet (life) back on course; using some of those "falls" to help others when they "fall" or perhaps are "fallen" and at the time, have no idea how to get back up, being restored (or RENEWED) by God; but in each "fall" whether physical or spiritual in nature, God is right there, faithful & waiting for us to reach up to Him & reach out to others. To pick each other up from our "falls" takes much grace - God's aMazing Grace never fails us, when we "fall", He will pick us up if we only humble ourselves & call out to Him, admit & confess our own fault or mistake, our attitude & behavior that needs changing or adjustment, and He's ready, able & willing to heal & direct our steps to keep us firm, steady & ready to follow His way, not our own and give us wisdom by His Spirit to move forward with His strength & His love that comes with His forgiveness & so much aMazing Grace; our "falls" are forgotten and we find healing through Jesus Christ. This just keeps me "falling" more & more in love with Him & finding not only the beauty but also the FREEDOM to move in Him, delight in a "fall" day & be blessed by our Deliverer & Redeemer every time I get close(r) to walking on & pressing on when I'm down to see the future & know I can trust & rely on God coming through & rescuing me from any "fall" in every "fall" because He's God (and I am not) and yes, He calls in the "fall" - in the autumn of our lives, to seek Him first ... so all of us can be & become "difference makers" in our own lives & the lives of others!

    [Today's 10/12 Bella's Gotcha Day - so celebrating her on this fall day & giving thanks for all fur babies, but especially Bella, our big beautiful brindle] God is so good!

    1. Encouraging and inspiring as always and making a difference once again!
      A Happy Gotcha Day to your sweet Bella!

    2. 🐾says thanks - she was totally spoiled on her "gotcha" day!

  2. I’m so thankful you were able to have so many special blessings on your most special day! And then to share it so beautifully really blesses those of us with “inquiring minds” about your day! So thank you!

    1. only you but I'm glad you came along & read & enjoyed my "frolicking" time away but still close to where I need to be yet so freeing to just get out & not have to ... You always are the blessing to me on that special day & now with your encouragement here! 🤟🏻💚🤗

    2. I was contemplating doing "70" moments like you wonderfully did for me on another special day of that year - but I was quite sure I couldn't have found "70"

    3. I considered it as well, but felt like your limited time might be spent best reading more of your many resources. Maybe for “75” or “80”? It won’t be difficult to list that number!


Bless you for your visit and encouraging words! I thank you and I am humbly blessed by YOU and the time you spend with me... Peace, "Mazmagi" Peggy

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


