"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Friday, January 19, 2018


... for Your Adult Children"

{moving this blog post forward from the 12th to the 19th so it is the most current}

Trusting God with the Ones You Love


Jodie Berndt

who’s continuing with an excellent series she has written "Praying the Scriptures..." for your children, your teens, and now your adult children. I wish I could say that I have read all of them as I prayed for my children and others, but this is my first one by Jodie Berndt, although I have read many books on this topic by authors like Stormie Omartian, Beth Moore, Ann Spangler, James Banks, Germaine Copeland, etc. so I am familiar enough with praying the scriptures and good authors to which I would add Jodie Berndt. Zondervan often publishes good books by good authors that I return to frequently. I can count on them.

I am so thankful that I was given the chance to read this one after years of praying. Not only would I highly recommend this book as a book for "praying for your adult children", it is excellent for learning how to pray the scriptures, pray for yourself, pray for your children at every stage of their life, pray for friend's ... it's an excellent reference with many "prayer principles" inserted as you read through personal stories combined with practical Biblical prayers and Scriptures! This is one of my favorite prayer principles:

"It's never too late to start praying God's best for your children."

[I'm working on a document to gather all these because they are so worthwhile.
I could have and may take the time to share more of these.]

When I read this above in the 3 things Jodie states in the first chapter of "The Battle Begins" along with: "you are not alone" and "you can really have peace, even in life's messiest moments", I knew this book - of "joyful stories of answered prayers, lives changed, relationships healed, troubles resolved" and struggles of real people in families, as we trust God with them, and improve our prayer life - is for me, and anyone serious in improving their prayers, learning to pray Scriptures, and applying Scriptures to prayers for others, especially adult children, perhaps "facing harder circumstances than when they were young, but we can hold on to this truth: God has not changed." This definitely convinced me, as each chapter ended with "Poised for Prayer", and then guided us through Scriptures to pray.

What I truly appreciate is that it's meant for less than perfect children with real life problems or situations. {I mention this because of a less than favorable review I readWhat is true in that same review is that the best resource is the Bible itself, but as far as I read there are plenty of examples of prayers using the Bible and Scripture throughout this book. If there was an index in the back of the book of the many Scriptures used (something I would recommend to the publishers to add), I could better tell you exactly how many. 

The book is divided into 5 parts with 4-5 particular prayer needs in each one: 
1) Praying for Your Adult Child (and yourself included in each part);  
2) Praying for Your Adult Child's Relationships; 
3) Praying through the Milestones in Your Adult Child's Life; 4) Praying for Your Adult Child's Health, Safety and Well-being; 5) Praying for Your Adult Child's Victory over Temptation; with an Epilogue, "Is Jesus Enough?" 

An example of a particular prayer need of Part 5 is "Praying for Recovery from an Addiction", with such varied content such as Part 3's milestones which includes: a good place to live, when your children have children, and a job; with Part 4 adding "praying through a job loss or financial difficulty" as well as "health crisis", "mental and emotional health", "struggles with infertility", "protection from harm" ... as I've mentioned this book is helpful, not only to pray for your adult children, but for yourself and others, not just your own adult children ... some prayers are included for grandchildren also, as in Part 3. I know without a doubt, I could pray many of these for myself, I have and will continue to use this for reference. I will go back to this book often; daily, weekly and in the future, as I pray Scriptures and "trust God with the ones I love" - all of them, and believe. I will continue to learn to pray God's Word back to Him because it will not return void. (Isaiah 55:11).

You can read this from cover to cover, or skip to just the particular prayer need as I did at first, then came back and read cover to cover, returning often to sections of much needed prayer. It is a small, compact book which makes it easy to carry with you and use often. I found courage and strength in using this book and praying God's promises. It is filled with practical insights and so much hope and encouragement. 

{This book came at just the right time for me, on my birthday, after learning my dearest sister-in-law had passed away; and my yet to meet, precious online sister-in-Christ, was also on her last walk to meet with Our Lord Jesus, as our adult daughter was facing all kinds of heavy trials and circumstances of battles for her living and children ... so it is a gift from Julie, at Handlebar, that I will treasure, because I totally had forgotten requesting this, but so glad that Julie did not and God had perfect timing. Thank you Julie, Handlebar for Zondervan and of course, God!}

Disclosure: I received this book free from the publisher in return for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTCs 16 CFR, Part 255

Monday, January 15, 2018

Journey to BELIEVE

Image result for Dr. Martin Luther King and the word believe

My journey to BELIEVE as the One Word for 2018 for me was not as simple, easy or straight forward, clear choice as in other years and different One Words. I was beginning to believe that perhaps I should just continue with “healing” another year or maybe Strength is what God wanted me to decide on as what might bring me the healing I need, which could have led me to Joy - as in "defiant joy" - but it actually ended up leading me to think that “unshakable” may be the One Word for me. Clearly “strength” is related to “healing” and according to Max Lucado, “Unshakable“ is connected with Hope and Strength, as well as Courage (Jan. 14-Mar. 18) and I guess this eventually leads to another one on Joy also.

Even though, I don’t have a specific scripture verse yet, I know that I came to the One Word as BELIEVE through my readings in the Word of God and other readings I was doing in devotionals, You Version reading plans and Daily Prayer from iBelieve. BELIEVE just seems too vague and since I already Believe, what does God want to connect me to, with this One Word - my beliefs, my lack of believing, what others believe or don’t??? I’m not too sure even after I commit to this One Word as mine for 2018 with no doubt that God will reveal more and whatever this One Word leads to ... God wants me to stand “unshakable” in all iBelieve.


So just to be sure, I began the YouVersion reading plan above for 77 days on Christmas eve, plus I have been enjoying the videos available at Max Lucado's church (currently up to week 4) and although it's great, I decided none of these are the One Word God wants for me ... but just in case, I also got a copy of Christine Caine's "Unshakable", which will see me through this entire year. Max Lucado's church will be continuing with Unshakable Hope: Courage (because the Strength portion was last fall and the Joy portion will be following the Courage series

Anyways, when you read the title to this blog today "Journey to Believe", it's possible that you were expecting a testimony from me on how I came to BELIEVE. However, I have no special word or testimony of me coming to BELIEVE because I can't think of a time in my entire life when I didn't BELIEVE (thankfully) in God, the Father, Jesus - His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Yet 2018 will AWAKEN many of my beliefs and keep me UNSHAKABLE in my faith and standing on all iBelieve ... God, more than likely has some new revelations that I still need STRENGTHENED in me, for a "journey" in believing lasts a lifetime and I hope my faith increases and grows in many ways, new and old. 

I will be starting the Online Bible Study with Lifeway and Priscilla Shirer this week; I can't wait "Discerning the Voice of God" better in 2018. My book came with "Awaken" also written by her, for Christmas! I'm sure this will aide me in this One Word discovery with iBELIEVE! as well as the declaration for Unshakable Hope: 

"We are building our lives on the promises of God. Because His Word is unbreakable, our hope is unshakable. We do not stand on the problems of life or the pain in life. We stand on the great and precious promises of God." ~Max Lucado

Of course, music also will. So here's a song from my childhood that replays in my head (even though it's worldly, it's beautiful - I guess even Elvis Presley sang it, but that's not who I remember singing it) every time, I begin to think of why ...


"... I believe for everyone who goes astray someone will come to show the way, I believe, I believe. I believe above a storm the smallest prayer will still be heard, I believe that someone in the great somewhere hears every word ..."

I guess these are the lyrics that impact me the most
although they all do

"... then I know why I BELIEVE ..."

* I do not do Pinterest but the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote that I had chosen, had a conflict and it didn't show up or disappeared - so I searched and found it in Pinterest, but in case it's not shown again or too small to read, these are the words ... 

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

... chosen for his BELIEVE echoed by Oprah with "You become what you believe" - even though we are more familiar with his "I have a dream" speech, there are many powerful and meaningful quotes by this man we celebrate today. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


With knowing I am long overdue on an excellent book I need to review 
this upcoming Friday and shortly thereafter
my Online Study will be starting plus 
today is the 1st perfect weather forecast above 32 
after such a long time before another cold blast arrives tonight
{it's not the snow that's bad, it's those freezing cold temps and wind chill}

Image result for winter freeze walk
I have to take a literal outside
Walk On Weds.
because it
may be awhile before
I can again

but before I go
let me share a snippet of my most recent email from

"Speak My promises over your life"
Brian Simmons and TPT team
(just the last two paragraphs but it was all so good)

"... Believe all that I have spoken to you about your family. I will complete the beautiful work I have begun, trust in Me and rest in My promises over you and those you love. Believe all that I have promised you concerning your finances. Am I the God of Abundant Supply? Do I not provide for the birds, for the animals of the field, and for everyone of My sons and daughters? For you are the most valuable and costly part of all My creation. Sacred blood dripped from the Tree to show you My love for you. If I have given the blood of My Son to redeem you, will I not also give you everything you need as you walk with Me?

Speak My promises over your life. Read the Words I have promised you in My Holy Book and make them real by faith. Place your hands upon My Word, for they are tangible, and trust in Me—I will not fail you, for I am your Father and Great Shepherd. Speak My promises over your family and over every need you have this day and you will see the deliverance of your God! Believe when all around you is contrary, for then you will demonstrate the power of faith. I have rewarded everyone who comes to Me in faith. My reward is My promise completed and My presence sealed upon your life. Rise up in a new wind of faith this day and you will not be disappointed. Take the steps that I call you to take, believe as you hold My promises, and the miracles will flow into you. Faith is the victory that you need, My promises are the seeds of that victory. Overcome in faith and you will see with your eyes the Kingdom of Heaven before you."B.Simmons

soaking in this wonderful

with so much promise as

here's some glimpses as

...30As for God, His way is perfect:
The Lord’s word is flawless;
He shields all who take refuge in Him.
31For who is God besides the Lord?
And who is the Rock except our God?
32It is God who arms me with strength
and keeps my way secure.
33He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; He causes me to stand on the heights. Ps 18

As the deer pants for the water brooks, So my soul pants for You, O God. Ps 42:1

Tuesday, January 9, 2018



"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."(Ephesians 3:20-21)

this verse
serves as the best
I can give to finish this
acronym of

"One amazing aspect of God exercising His ability on our behalf is the imparting of His power within our lives"according to the power that works in us." This is how the Lord wants to develop godliness in our lives. He Himself desires to work by the power of His grace deep within our hearts."Bob Hoekstra


we can ask, think or imagine
according to God's will

is able to do far
beyond this


"For it is good that the heart be established by grace" (Hebrews 13:9).

"...Again, the Christian life is not affected from the outside in, hoping to modify our behavior by external religious pressures. Rather, it involves a true change of character within, affected by God Himself. This is how God is ultimately glorified in the lives of His people: "to Him be glory in the church." He works a genuine transformation of life in and through us. Then, we give Him the glory for His exceedingly abundant ability." B.Hoekstra

in Christ





says and has

for us (me)



this prayer from
Bob Hoekstra also

"Lord God of exceeding abundance, I worship You as the one who is able to do all things well. Forgive me for repeatedly turning to my ability. Lord, as I seek You in Your word, build my faith. Unleash the powerful life of Your Son within my heart, making me what You want me to be through Christ I pray, Amen

Originally, I thought my last "E" word of "BELIEVE" would be some aspect to "ENCOURAGE" us to BELIEVE or encourage others in BELIEVING in our Lord Jesus Christ. However, after decades of praying and trying with loved ones to "... believe in the Lord Jesus Christ ..." without success, I decided I was the worst example of one to encourage you (or myself) in this endeavor then I came upon this gem in "exceedingly" and knew that I needed this and this is probably why BELIEVE is my One Word, so that I might BELIEVE, it never was about me succeeding or failing; but by His Spirit (not my efforts) others will come to BELIEVE as I have been so fortunate to believe, and "... His power that works in me" ... will bring Him all the glory as each one turns their heart toward Jesus Christ! iBelieve

I just need all His Strength daily
to keep on BELIEVING and
know HE is at work
in me and them



(especially after Steven Furtick's 1st sermon for 2018)

Monday, January 8, 2018



is for


found in the Bible
that not only form what
but are
the promises and foundations
that i base what i do 

what I thought I would write or share
about here
was going to be the

the search of

found at
Bible Gateway
(and others)
I'm considering for my


I'm just not sure
so meanwhile I will just link or list and get back to this 
reveals to me 

so I'm making this more of a
of what I
which more than likely will not make much sense to you, out of context

dealing with
that are
fundamental truths

"In a nutshell, the early Christians BELIEVED. They simply, by faith, believed with their whole hearts the powerful truths taught in the Scriptures. It changed them from the inside out."
Randy Frazee


BUT an IMPORTANT VERSE that came to me after I wrote my 2nd BELIEVE post on "E" Eagerly Expecting ... is another one I'm considering:

All the things you pray and ask for—believe that you have received them, and you will have them” (Mark 11:24 HCSB). "

which is kinda what I wrote in that blog post

Sunday, January 7, 2018



... clearly, I exhausted all the words with "E" for me, when I brainstormed with the first "E" and there's still another one left that I left out on purpose in the last blog, which is one of my biggest dilemmas: [looked at as a weakness by most, and yet can be a strength (I guess if you are like me in this) or are more compassionate toward others because of it] ... EMOTIONS.

I'm sure that you can understand how EMOTION does not do so well with BELIEVE, however without EMOTION much of what one may BELIEVE, may also be limited, in my humble opinion.(lol) Yes, because God created us with EMOTIONS and we are made in the image of God, so God has EMOTIONS - no, not emoticons - real emotions that HE knows how to keep in control

[believe it or not, until recently, there has been little scientific research done on how emotions influence beliefs and how they relate, which of course is psychological, so I wonder if that takes into account our spiritual side (Emotions and Beliefs)]

Since "compassion" deals with EMOTION, it is core to iBELIEVE.

Anyways, you may think that this "E" blog post is not even worth sharing in my acronym of BELIEVE yet just because I have struggled for most of my LIFE with being too emotional or allowing my emotions to interfere with sound decision making, which probably also means living out my beliefs as I should, not according to how I feel or worse, the way I react ... contrary to what iBelieve as Paul wrote in Romans 7:15-20. Yeah, that's me

Admitting to being a sinner 

yet another word
allows us to


we do
His Word
His Promises
to us

The reason that I even bothered with continuing to post this is because I'm sure that throughout 2018 as I ponder and watch God reveal BELIEVE and all He wants to speak to me, without a doubt, it will involve my EMOTIONS and perhaps spark some of yours. So, it has to be included with what iBelieve.

Added this on Jan. 8th, after reading my devotional "Believing God Day by Day" by Beth Moore:

"... More than any other faith challenge I face,
believing that I am who God says I am necessitates choosing what God says over what I feel."Beth Moore "... But if I'm really serious about believing God, I also have to believe what God says about me."

How about you?

Saturday, January 6, 2018



needs to be lowercase before




"I" is always kept in perspective with
seeking God first
His Wisdom
His Word
His Will

less of "me" and more of Him

is the
center of this
One Word
cannot be
the center of who
and what you believe
especially when it
comes to
is essential in
both words
your eyes

which leads me to
stands for

from our "B" word

one of the 
core beliefs
of the


Who am I?

I believe I am significant
secure and accepted
because of
I am
Jesus Christ
{scroll down my blog to see the FICM poster of this towards the bottom}

Earlier years on my blog, I spent much time, sharing on IDENTITY ... but since I have drafted many of my former blog posts, they (and the links) will not open to what I shared (see my 'apology' note about this below my blog posts). I know my IDENTITY has suffered much until I took the time to BELIEVE the Truths found in God's Word of who I am and how God sees me because of Christ Jesus. Each INDIVIDUAL is unique, as made by God and meant to serve a unique purpose with their LIFE.

What iBelieve in God's Word and many other books I read are 
to all 

People also
with how they live out
their walk, their faith
their beliefs so
this is what
I hope to


[I do not know what I would do without my IDENTITY in Christ; or how others without Jesus Christ, even go about life, day after day; but from what I've seen they are centered on self and achieving everything including their identity, at the expense of others and working through everything to gain or keep a false sense of identity, or a low sense of identity, or sometimes a very superior sense of self.]

"I" is for "Independence" when it comes to believing in one self only, but believing in God, or dependence on God, when we surrender our will to His, brings us into an Interdependence with God, working together with Him and His purpose, making us confident and able to believe in ourselves as well with true freedom, true independence, complete identity knowing we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength (or wisdom, or ability, or whatever). From my observation, many people in current times are having identity crisis, and seem to be confused, which we know where confusion comes from - not God.

Friday, January 5, 2018


[Before I continue on with "L" in my BELIEVE acronym, I have to let you know that "B" has more Basic Beliefs than those original 5 I listed, according to the book/devotional of Randy Frazee and also the Fundamental Beliefs of the church to which I belong since 1989, and perhaps yours as well. They were not meant to be all-inclusive, hence the reason I called them Basic Beliefs. I will at least add the rest according to the "BELIEVE" book back on that blog post, but the reason was because I read the YouVersion reading plan, which is only a sample and I went by that. Since then, I recently purchased one of the books (at a great deal that I couldn't pass up, since it is my One Word, but one of the others is also so I'm waiting for that one) which is how I discovered I was missing 5 more core Beliefs that were included. These Beliefs, included under Think, are only one third of this book. There still is a Act and Be part included in "BELIEVE" book] 


Now unto 

although there's only one 
I have chosen 3 words still
that are interrelated
in how
should Act because of what iBelieve




{and another one closely related}


At first, I wanted to use the Live, Laugh and Love that I've seen grouped together, but somehow "laugh" just didn't seem to fit with BELIEVE as much as the other ones (although I know God has a sense of humor and definitely know the blessings of laughter), it's not what I'm going for with God and BELIEVE ... so my second order was "Live, Love, Lead" (influenced by yet another book and YV reading plan) when I finally realized (especially when I discovered the additional "B" part above, for that blog post) that I am always "LEARNING" and wanting to LEARN all I can in God's Word and from others as relates to my faith and beliefs. I want to remain someone who "thirsts" after God and learning is essential, in my opinion, to this ... being open and LISTENING (which would have been another important "L" word, to God and also to others) most importantly to other Believers.

In the 4th reading of my new "winter" devotional entitled "A More Abundant Life" I read this:

"God doesn't call us to do Extraordinary things, but to do ordinary things with extraordinary LOVE."Jean Vanier
{this should have gone with "E" but it'll work here too}

So if I had to choose just one, I thought that "LIFE" or "LIVE" would have been the chosen word for "L". To "LIVE by faith, LIVE faith out loud. And never stop believing God." (Beth Moore) Loving God with all we are! Then I quickly was reminded in God's Word about LOVE, not just that God is Love, but what 1 Corinthians 13:7 tells me about Love and BELIEVE. 

"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."

However, it's a combination of all of the "L" words that came to mind because for me in 2018, to show what iBELIEVE, I need to LIVE my faith out loud and the best way is through LOVE like Jesus, not just His teachings that iBelieve rather how He lived as I should be living by what I read and apply from God's Word. Then I am confident that God would want me to LEAD others to Jesus, LEAD others to what I believe and LEAD others to the Truth. Not just change what others believe or don't believe, but LEAD through how I LIVE and LOVE (even when it's difficult or someone seemingly unlovable to our preferences, not in God's eyes, there is no one unlovable - NOT ONE). We have to Leave behind our way for His way completely and see others as HE sees them and loves them as He loves us. Yes, all my "L" words are interrelated in what iBelieve! Leaving comfort zones for God zone - which is LOVE LIVED out in our LIFE, LEARNING, LISTENING, LEADING ... LAUGHING; Believing all things are possible through Christ Jesus! this is what iBelieve!

how all my devotional readings
work together
is a continual process
to the
Only One
fully and deeply
so completely
in our

Yep, I gotta
what I

... on a faraway sidenote, because it does start with "L" - I have to mention it here, since I think, in part, this is what may have inclined my ear toward "BELIEVE" as my One Word (although there were many innuendos toward this)... is the word "LIE". Not because LIE is part of Believing, but because of the LIES we do BELIEVE or buy into as truth when they're not (and there have been a few books written about this). Eventually, I will have to make one or two of them part of what I read, because we have to know the LIES we've believed to speak TRUTH into our LIVES (and heal).

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


