I feel so inadequate to write about the world situation and this 'pandemic' COVID-19 but I have been reading and trying to keep abreast with good Christian content as I discern what is the truth. Maybe you have read about all of this, maybe not ... so I don't want to lead you astray in any way ... and I really want to stay the course of God's Truth and His Promises (my Word for 2020) has taken on so much more importance in lieu of all this. I will not jump to conclusions or follow (go down any rabbit holes). But now, more than ever, we are called to pray & stay alert, keeping our eyes on Jesus & staying in His Word, which for me is focusing on His PROMISES - every one & holding on to each one, clinging to all God promises those who believe.
However, sadly or strangely, my heart is overwhelmed with those who do not yet believe and will perish {one in particular} but he is one among so many.
I have been reading so much and watching so many videos (continue with YouVersion Bible reading plans, Online Bible Studies (OBS), etc.) and still remain uncertain as to what I should share here on a blog entitled "aMazing Grace..." because truly we are living in a time of His aMazing Grace and a great outpouring ... Yesterday, May 12th, 2020 was my 1000 day streak in my Bible plan(s), but that's just since they began counting because I know I've been in bible.com for much longer.
Today, I read an article that inspires me to return to my blog & share something. Not having anything in particular of my own, I decided that at least I would point you to this article and the author, who I have come to really like because of her prayers and the articles I've read from her which leads me to her blog, searching for either the prayers or the articles. Often I can't find them there, so they're probably on Facebook or one of the other social media sites that I don't do. I receive emails with just the beginnings (which I don't really like because I have to always click over to whichever site to continue reading, in this case to iBelieve) but because of copyright ... I have to do the same. I also don't want to plagiarize or violate copyright (hers or theirs) yet following the link to read this article there, you have to click for each new point (which I really don't like) so I am going to list the "7 ways..." that Debbie writes that "... Satan has gone to war during ..." this time of COVID-19.
"The battles we’re facing right now can make so much feel uncertain. Every day, new headlines and top stories remind us that we’re not in control. We may even start to wonder how we’ll ever make it through, and the “what if’s” seem to mount up higher." |
This definitely confirms what I started with above in this blog post of my own inadequacy and uncertainty, plus the urgency of my heart ... and I'm sure there are even more ways, yet we all need to be wise and KNOW our enemy well so this article by DM certainly summarizes best with these points about Satan, we live in a real evil world and time (please note my one personal addition in bold letters... that 'live' spelled backwards is 'evil', so do we live/pray for self or for God and His will?):
1."He(satan) works to consume us in doubt, fear and worry. He tries to deceive us into thinking we’re all alone." 2."He tries to steal, kill, and destroy all that we hold dear. He’s the master of destruction." 3."He tempts us to rely on ourselves and our own strength to get us through. He disguises himself as an angel of light." 4."He is the author of confusion. He breeds distrust and paranoia." 5."He tries to lead us into a downward spiral of depression and despair." 6."He causes sickness and death." 7."He works hard to bring disunity and strife.He wants nothing more than to break up the body of Christ." |
As always, you've pointed out some timely messages of Hope and encouragement that everyone should read during these troubling days. Thank you for the words and links, sis! Holding onto the Lord's promises with both hands!