"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Preceding every ASH WEDNESDAY, I search for a 40 day plan* or book to lead me to the Cross & through to the greatest celebration in life for me - the Resurrection! But without the Cross & the Tomb, without Jesus' sacrificial love, there would be no Resurrection to celebrate. Without our Lord Jesus Christ, we would not know the triumph from the tomb, the victory of His life over death - over the death of sin. And the death of sin comes from our repentance and the salvation of Jesus Christ that redeems us from our sin & death. But still, we are called to die to self, die to sin and make changes. God asks us to admit to our wrongs (sin), acknowledge when we do wrong or even think wrong or when we speak wrong, when we speak death over life. We are called to speak life over death - His Life, the life of Jesus.

Death is represented by ashes. 

We are reminded by this on


in traditional denominations of faith

there is the ritual of making a

sign of the cross

on each sinner's forehead

with ashes

while this declaration is said,

 "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. "

which comes from
Genesis 3:19


“Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” 

to remind us of our human mortality

and our need to change

believing in the power of the Gospel.

It is an outward reminder not only of our


but also that

our lives are meant to be of service to


who created us out of nothing

mere dust

"...We are reminded that we will return to dust after our death because our lives here on earth are temporary, but we repent because we are made to live forever with the Lord in heaven, and repentance ensures that we are living in a manner that is in accord with God’s commandments.”

"...Up from the ashes, Hope will arise...
Death is defeated
The King is Alive!"


So far this month & year of 2021, I have shared 3 words that all begin with the letter "R". On this day, as we begin this next 40 days of journey (from my 1st paragraph), you will see other "R" words - REPENTance ... and also RESURRECTION. In the time in which we live, our nation is in need of much REPENTANCE and many have been crying out for REVIVAL since Coronavirus & before for our world. Through my recent posts, I've shared an additional word REFOCUS along with the main ones RENEW, REBUILD, RESTORE and I think somewhere along our journey of RECOVERY, I must have shared REPENT. 

I am the least to write or speak about the steps to REPENT - because I (like you & all other human beings) are sinners and have done wrong, so I am quite familiar with the lifelong process of repentance, the building stones to RESTORATION through RECONCILIATION, but actually this post is a sum of many "R" words that remind me how to proceed through 40 days of Lent  {however, I did find a book and a plan for me personally} The lesson I've learned for contrition & feeling regret with the need to turn from my wrong (sin) and make amends begins with these steps to REPENT (similar to the steps to praying for our salvation found in our belief in the saving grace of Jesus Christ) we need to:

  • acknowledge the sin, admit our wrong
  • confess the wrong
  • ask for forgiveness
  • turn away from doing that wrong
  • restore the wrong done

So we're right back to one of my "R" words


and then



it needs to start with each individual

for me, REVIVAL means to bring back to life

{I'm pretty sure that would be in the definition of it}

similar to


to begin again

For REVIVAL, we need to be led by the Holy Spirit, to

Repent & Forgive.
Recalibrate your Perspective.
Recall God's Sovereignty.
Recenter your Hope.
Reinforce with Praise.
Resolve to Shine & Stand.

My prayer is that truly each one of us take these next 40 days

to get us to a place of




{I don't think my previous way of defining words that begin with the prefix "re-" works with this word because that would make my short cut mean that "RE-PENT" would be to "pent again". I don't think there's a meaning for pent but indulge with me, for a minute, that 'pent' means having kept much inside (pent up) and the final need to let it out again & again until we've emptied ourselves from all of our wrong thinking, wrong speaking, wrong doing & finally make that change completely & not RETURN to it}

As I reflect on "ashes", it sadly reminds me of returning from Mexico after the total loss of our house to a fire and the rebuilt structure but the many things that were inside were so damaged 
by soot and much was left in piles of ashes. Any loss, including death, the remains decompose and living beings become changed into the very essence of ashes or dust. Fire destroys & leaves our earthly belongings as ashes. I think that the process of being REFINED also burns out things that don't belong in us, changing our earthly bodies & thus preparing us for our heavenly ones. Day by day, especially during Lent, we should allow our lives to be REFINED by the Word & discipline of denying ourselves so that we can continually reaccess the way we live & give to others life-giving words & actions; ridding ourselves of all impurities so we can resolve to Shine & Stand as Lights in a very dark world even among people that claim to be Christian or in the Church that are living so hypocritical & judgmental lives of others & following after others rather than focused on following Jesus! REPENTANCE is long overdue & needs to happen before REVIVAL can come to the Church, our own lives & hearts have to change first. "The human heart is full of eternal hopes."~Chris Tiegreen, The Promise of Lent, Day 1 of 40

May the Lent of 2021 bring us to our knees & examine our own hearts & lives before we judge or speak out against others. 

May our ASHES lead us through REDEMPTION to a glorious RESURRECTION! May Jesus Christ REDEEM & RESTORE each of us! REPENT and get READY for Jesus Christ (God) to show up.

Join me on a journey *"From Ashes To Resurrection"... exploring the ways Jesus delivers us through His life, death & Resurrection. "When Jesus Christ saves us, He makes us new." (rephrased, to personalize plurally)He flooded the dark corners of our lives with His purifying light and breathed the fresh life of His Spirit into us."

I believe that He can do the same for the darkness in our world still today, starting with each one of us, and I pray He does this for our nation too, but it starts in us. God is continuing (if we humble ourselves & let Him) His miraculous work in each of us,  every single day as we individually prepare our heart, mind & lives as we REPENT & READY ourselves now, and for eternity & Jesus' imminent RETURN. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Prayers to RESTORE

  ... Renew, Rebuild, Restore ...

In the middle of this week, it's Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the 40 days of Lent, leading up to Holy Week & Resurrection Sunday (commonly called Easter, but no longer do I refer to this major significant day in my spiritual calendar as that - hard to find cards or ecards without it). Whereas, Advent is our time to prepare our hearts for Jesus' coming/return; Lent is also a time of preparing our hearts through repentance & returning to Jesus by setting time aside for reflection & spiritual discipline/self-denial, which in my opinion is the essence of the process of these 3 R's:to RENEW, REBUILD, RESTORE with adding: to REPENT. You would not want to RENEW, RESTORE or REBUILD if you first have not REPENTED. Too many of us, no longer see the need to repent - we have come to think we're not the one God wants to change or that we are right & justify not admitting when we're wrong. This takes humility in our humanity.

Let's start out again with the

"Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary:
1. (v. t.) To bring back to its former state; to bring back from a state of ruin, decay, disease, or the like; to repair; to renew; to recover.

2. (v. t.) To give or bring back, as that which has been lost., or taken away; to bring back to the owner; to replace.

3. (v. t.) To renew; to reestablish; as, to restore harmony among those who are variance.

4. (v. t.) To give in place of, or as satisfaction for.

5. (v. t.) To make good; to make amends for.

6. (v. t.) To bring back from a state of injury or decay, or from a changed condition; as, to restore a painting, statue, etc.

7. (v. t.) To form a picture or model of, as of something lost or mutilated; as, to restore a ruined building, city, or the like.

8. (n.) Restoration. "

There seems to be 10 different Greek and 10 different Hebrew words are used for RESTORE or variants.

Prayers to RESTORE

Day 15 "Restored life in Christ"
Ezekial 37:1-14
"Lord, I pray that You will restore my lost hope and future. Just as You promised to the people of Israel, “I have spoken, I have done it”, help me to hold on to Your promises and to Your word. I receive Your restoration in Jesus' name, Amen."

16 "Restoration through praying together"
"Dear Heavenly Father, I thank that You have given us the ability to pray to You, help us not to underestimate the power of the privilege to pray with and for one another at times of confession. Thank You for the restoration that this brings. Amen."

"Lord Jesus, I understand that though Peter wanted to stand for You, he denied at a time of trouble, but he deeply repented for it. You graciously brought him back to the right track and restored his ministry with the help of the Holy Spirit. So, I need Your strength to stand for You and follow Your plan in my life. Please restore my spiritual life. In Jesus' name, Amen."

18 "Restoration from shame"
"Thank You that You can restore us from feelings of shame and that You have time for us. Thank You that through the power of Your spirit we can be changed and have a desire to live our lives in a way that pleases You. Give us a thirst for You and may Your Holy Spirit fall afresh on us today."

19 "Restoration through love & forgiveness"
"Dear Heavenly Father, please give me a heart of forgiveness and a heart to love others as You have loved me. In the loving and gracious name of Jesus, I pray, Amen."

20 "The Restorative Power of the Bible"
"Dear Father God, I thank You that I have scriptures to change and direct my life, I am sorry that I do not place enough importance on spending time in Your Word on a regular basis. Lord, please help me to realign my priorities in the future. Amen "

21 "Restore your worship"
Psalm 22
"Lord, I pray that You will restore my heart of worship today. There have been so many times I have allowed my worldly worries and situation set the tone of my worship, but today helped me to change that, and may my worship set the tone of my response to the situational problems of my life. As David says, the Kingdom is Yours and You rule over all, come and reign over my life in Jesus' name, Amen."

was the first week

last week

I believe the Rainbow holds God's Promises to


so I will begin



"... to RENEW my STRENGTH ..."

'though I may be or grow

tired or weary

'though I may stumble or fall

my hope is always

in the Lord


I will wait to find 


I will be strengthened

Enjoy a Happy

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Prayers to REBUILD

... Renew, Rebuild, Restore ...


If we go with my simplistic definition I set up last week, 're-' as a prefix means "again" so this simply would be to "build again." Even Webster's Revised unabridged dictionary agrees with me on this; with the addition of "to construct anew". Also the Thesarus & Greek word uses this as its definition. However, the Greek word, at times, uses edify ... You can check this out by clicking on the word REBUILD above and reading at the Bible Hub more.

We start with "Rebuilding Foundations " (day 8) cites Isaiah 54:11 where "God promises that He will rebuild the city that is lashed by storms with precious stones."~from the King City Church devotional


Day 8 
"Rebuilding Foundations " 

"Thank You, Father, that You can rebuild our lives and when storms have lashed us, You are our comforter. We pray that however hard the process of rebuilding our foundations is, that we are open to this so that we can be a new creation that can shine for You. In Jesus' name, Amen."

"Rebuild your wall"

"Dear loving Heavenly Father, Please, help me to be faithful and humble before You. Lord, give me the courage and strength to rebuild the things that You want me to rebuild in my life. In Jesus' name, Amen."

"Rebuild your faith"

"Lord, I pray that you will rebuild my faith life. Even at times when I don’t see or experience the good things that you have in store for me, help me to have a faith that is unshaken by my circumstances. I replace my faith back in Jesus, and to follow him closely for the rest of my life. May this prayer become my reality in Jesus' name, Amen. "

"Lessons on re-building from Nehemiah"
Cause, Cry & Confess, Courage & Consent, 
Capacitate & Cheer, Commit & Charge, Covenant

"Heavenly Father, please help me as I re-build my ……………… I earnestly seek Your guidance and plan for my life. Please use me like You used Nehemiah. You are the potter, I am the clay – mold me and make me, I pray."

"Rebuilding the broken-hearted"

"Father, thank You that we can come to You and You will help rebuild our broken hearts, that You can free those who are in darkness and distress. Give us all a compassion and a desire to give comfort and hope to those who are broken-hearted. Give us the opportunity to reach out to those who are in need today. Amen."

"Rebuild your faith in Jesus & He will rebuild your life"

"Dear Heavenly Father, Please Rebuild my faith in You, please heal my life so that I can serve You faithfully. In the gracious name of Lord Jesus, I pray, Amen."

"Rebuilder of Lives"

"Dear Lord, thank You that You rebuilt the life of Ruth as she was kind, obedient and continued to do good things in her life. Please help me to do the right thing with Your wisdom. In Jesus' name, Amen."

was last week
next week will be

I am enjoying reading this again & noting the connections between

I've also seen
preceding this process

As I age, I've increasingly noticed my need to


myself in God

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Prayers to RENEW

... Renew, Rebuild, Restore ...

Before I start out with this 21 day plan,

I was thinking I should define 
"Renew, Rebuild, & Restore"

 Yet as I opened up to read the devotional for day 2, 
I noticed that they give a definition for renewal from
Ephesians 4:22-24
As "... putting off former conduct (that is our sinful life) and putting on a new man that is growing in the true righteousness and holiness (likeness of God). It is the process of transformation or sanctification that takes place in our spirit from our old nature to a new life in Christ. II Corinthians 5:17 confirms that if we are in Christ we are a new creation and made new." 

The reading plan also seems to divide the 3 weeks into 7 days in each word. 
This week starts off with "Renew".

If I defined "renew" before reading or checking a dictionary,
I would have gone the easy route, and said:
"re" is a prefix meaning "again"
so I just would have said
to make new again
which is a
good place to start

*At the end of this week's prayers I have shared the 
KJV Dictionary Definition
and the word
is linked to
Bible Hub
(between prayer for day 1 & day 2)


Day 1-7

Spirit of Prayer "Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that Your Holy Spirt and Your glory will fill our hearts as we set out these next 21 days in prayer. Help me to be open to hear from You and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s voice in my life. Lead me and guide me as I will be renewed, rebuilt and restored through my prayers. I ask this in Jesus' name, Amen." (day 1) shared yesterday


"Dear Heavenly Father, today I submit myself to be renewed every day. I regret my past mistakes and I ask You to forgive me of my sins and come into my heart and dwell in me. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen."

"Dear Loving Father God, I pray for the forgiveness of my sins and help me to have a heart that is open to listen to You when it convicts me of repentance of my sins. I ask for a repentant heart like David and the renewing of Your spirit within me. Amen."

"Father in heaven, I come before You today with a decision to trust You and You alone in everything. In my weakness, Your grace is sufficient. Through You, I can do anything, help me set my eyes on Jesus in whom I am made righteous, perfect and a conqueror. Help me to run my race with the strength that comes from You in Jesus' name, Amen."

"Lord, I pray that You will renew my heart and help me to repent from where I have fallen. Restore my hunger for Your word during these days of prayer in Jesus' name, Amen."

"Dear Loving Father God, I ask that I am not conformed to the ways of the world and that my mind is transformed and renewed to become acceptable to You and to follow Your will. Amen."

"Father, thank You for the call in my life. I am called to make a difference and not to be conformed to this world. As a Christ follower, help me to understand that I am called into a greater commitment, to be transformed in my mind to see things the way You see it and help me to reflect Christ's love to this world. Help me set out and make a difference in my family and to the community in Jesus' name, Amen.  "

The word renew means:

Give fresh life or strength to, revive, regenerate, revitalise, reinvigorate, restore, breathe new life into, resurrect, resuscitate, awaken! 

The process of your mind's renewal takes intentional effort, by choosing to wash your mind in God's Word and truth, but its rewards are life and peace!

renew RENEW', v.t. L. renovo; re and novo, or re and new.

1. To renovate; to restore to a former state, or to a good state, after decay or depravation; to rebuild; to repair.

Asa renewed the altar of the Lord. 2Chron. 15.

2. To re-establish; to confirm.

Let us go to Gilgal and renew the kingdom there. 1Sam. 11.

3. To make again; as, to renew a treaty or covenant.

4. To repeat; as, to renew expressions of friendship; to renew a promise; to renew an attempt.

5. To revive; as, to renew the glories of an ancestor or of a former age.

6. To begin again.

May this spiritual journey strengthen you and fill you with God’s presence in your life. Let's renew our spirit, mind and strength!

Monday, February 1, 2021


One month has already gone by in 2021 and once again (I think) I have not shared my One Word for 2021, although I a lotm fairly certain of my verse in the Bible that contains that One Word ... however there are various words in that Scripture verse that it could be, such as "Hope", which I've heard or been told, many are leaning towards "Hope" in 2021 (understandably, after 2020). Yet HOPE already has been one of my One Words in previous years, which does not mean that it could not be again. As with my One Word that had been PROMISE for 2020, I still have plenty that could keep me focused on God's Promises for an eternity and I probably will in many ways, continue to seek His Promises on any given topic. The same may be true with the repitition of any of the One Words that I had in previous years, like "HOPE" but I don't think that's the One for me, for 2021. It could be though, so I'm not ruling it out completely. Like I mentioned, it is in my verse! But I'm still not revealing my verse or my One Word ... from many words & His Word. 

Another word that is in my verse for 2021 is RENEW, which seems like that might be a really good One Word also. Starting this month of February, over at YouVersion (bible.com), there is a 21 day challenge that I usually have done in other years. In fact, the reason that I decided to do a blog post today, is/was to share this and a reading plan that I did back in 2019 with the word RENEW, even if it isn't my One Word. I have decided that it is one that would be good to share here on aMazing Grace, especially since it is connected to my One Word - actually it's the action word (verb) to my One Word. However, the reading plan has a couple other words, related to RENEW ... which I believe will be helpful to me once again, as this plan was back in 2019. I have not chosen this for my plan again over at YouVersion because there are so many other new ones to choose from but I have been setting myself & time aside (doing a fast somewhat) so  I can Seek God more diligently & hunger after Him better to meet me in this season of restoration & renewal, being rebuilt in my faith in so many aspects already in 2021 but perhaps mainly because of 2020. I think 2020 was a year of having a 20/20 vision for many of us that refocused & challenged us, stretching us to the maximum & still requiring more from us, & in us, & through us. So it only seems fit that these 21 days should be in prayer & fasting, refocusing on God, His Word, His Way, His Will.

Let's Run Forward in 2021, perhaps with this reading plan, in part, or along with another one you already have chosen and let's

                          in 2021

Of course, there are many other good plans at YouVersion and studies available right now, with so much available now online.

This one, not only goes well with my One Word, but also with a Faith Gateway and Chrystal Evans Hurst's 28 day Prayer Journey plan that I've already started, as well as the one that Max Lucado has on his new book,*Begin Again... with Bible Gateway as a reading club. I had already begun 2021 with First 5 in the book of Ephesians, so truthfully this was plenty for me to focus & fill up my daily faith journey putting Jesus first & center in my life. 

"Jesus, as I start this 21 day challenge & continue with others, help me to do it from a heart that wishes to know You better, rather than just for what You can do for me. I want to finish this journey more in love with You than when I started. Amen."

*By the way, the rest of the title of Max Lucado's "Begin Again..." book is "... Your HOPE and RENEWAL Start Today".  


Day 1 of 21
days in prayer from


Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that Your Holy Spirt and Your glory will fill our hearts as we set out these next 21 days in prayer. Help me to be open to hear from You and be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s voice in my life. Lead us and guide us as we will be renewed, rebuilt and restored through our prayers. We ask this in Jesus' name, Amen. 

Please join me and others in prayer & this reading challenge to RUN FORWARD for the next 21 days, however you choose with God, the Father, Son & Holy Spirit! The Church and our Country really need us to RETURN to JESUS in 2021. Fix our eyes on Him & may our Words & Hearts follow Jesus only. RELY on JESUS, REST in Him and READ His WORD, not the words of others. Let's SEEK Him alone, for our Salvation is found in Him. Be REFRESHED! 

{I hope to be back with at least a Prayer each day!}

A Very Happy & Blessed Birthday
to my special sister & friend
in Christ

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


