"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

MAX LUCADO & His Newest, Revised & Updated Book - Releases Today

"Experiencing the Heart of Jesus for 52 Weeks:

Revised & Updated: A Year-Long Bible Study


Max Lucado

is being released today

May 28, 2024


This is not a book review
because I do not have a copy
yet of this book

but from doing the YV plan of 5 days, I'm sure it's worth getting!

I also have received a few devotionals from Devotionals Daily and as always

Max Lucado goes beyond teaching God's Word,

in this combination book of two others

we can experience Jesus

deeper and know

His heart



book description adequately details this book

and currently the Kindle & Paperback are the same price ($12.99)
Baker Book House has the Paperback for a little less & a few others

{I'm pretty sure that I will get the Kindle version. And I did this a.m. as it launched😉}


Devotionals Daily

has shared some excerpts from the 52 Weeks:

[the most recent]

"Where Love and Justice Meet" 

{I tried to link this and I got null

[I believe it still takes you to the Devotionals Daily at Faith Gateway Store]

but if you just try the title, there are all kinds with that one, so that won't work either (sorry)

Another one there is:

"The Luggage of Life"

You Tube promo of "Experiencing the Heart of Jesus" 


I was thinking that I would just announce this particular book by Max Lucado and then share more of the book that I started back here, but I will save that special moment of CALM for another time & day, as I continue enjoying this treasure gift book page by page and paced to slowly absorb my time with this real book (in other words, I'm not very far into the 10 Chapters but I also haven't skipped ahead). Meanwhile, in case you are not aware - Max Lucado's website has been featuring that ... CALM book since May 1st (I think), which was "Name the Problem" (you can either listen, or read, or both) and the most recent (May 24, 2024) "Two Sides of the Aisle" ... very brief encounters yet very enjoyable!

So, I guess this blog post is/was just a reminder

to me that today's the big day for his revised & updated book


which is more of an 


Here's a glimmer of some of the pages from this new book:

[credit: Church Source]
 for all 3 images

another valuable resource place to purchase this from

Looks like this will be another 52 Weeks of an Excellent Study!

[Amazon shared some pages also, if you scroll down]

Don't forget that you can read & experience 

bible (dot) com/reading - that link should work

Sunday, May 26, 2024

No FOCUS One Word this Week

Just a reminder


Focus One Word

this week

Time off or time to "Take Inventory"


the past week's One Word: CLARITY

"CLARITY 1. Did God open your eyes to see things differently this week? 2. How did pursuing His best for you change your life? 3. What most easily distracts you from spending time with Jesus, even if, like Martha, it’s something good?"

There were 4 One Words:
(the "Taking Inventory" for this one is above)


{but I can't share the "Taking Inventory" for each one, but you have all week to reflect on
those One Words or if you have the book 
to go through all of them


I may do a post later on
with more
"Trade Your Cares for Calm"


perhaps about the revised/updated book
coming out May 28th (Tues.)
by Max Lucado

"Experiencing the Heart of Jesus"

[there's a 5 day sample reading plan with YouVersion]

May you experience Jesus' & His Calm,
Peace, Comfort & Rest
Be Blessed this week!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


I try to do another blog post each week on the One Word, or at least think about it by today, but CLARITY has not given me anything more, so as I enjoy the Peace and CALM of today - in  many ways, I am beginning another one of my books on my 2024 One Word {I bet you thought I had forgotten it, or changed it to FOCUS, but it's still CALM} and for the month of June, the plan is another PAUSE for 30 days of Peace this time with a YV plan. But for today, I will be starting to



(the word in parenthesis is actually 'your' in the title of the book)


Max Lucado

I can't believe that I've had this book (a real book) and have not even begun it, and half the year is just about over. It has 10 Chapters with beautiful scenic pictures and of course, the wisdom and gift of words of Max Lucado never disappoints, yet always teaches us with a unique wit and wonderful woven tales with scriptural insights and even includes short journaling pages. I wanted to jump ahead to Chapter 8 "Catch CALM" but I will pace myself and stay with the chapters in order. It's a good thing I did ... because after the Introduction, Chapter One clearly sets the tone (premise) which includes an acronym with "5 verses and 4 admonitions that lead to one wonderful promise: "the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts & minds" (Philippians 4:7)" that acronym is C.A.L.M.

 C - Celebrate God's Goodness (Philippians 4:4)
 A - Ask God for help (Philippians 4:6)
 L - Leave your concerns with Him (Philippians 4:6)
 M- Meditate on good things (Philippians 4:8)

As you can tell the main focus is found in the book of

Chapter 4 - verses 4-8

I've always known the book of Philippians main theme to be JOY

and with this, I will add Peace and CALM

In fact, this part was included under 
"God's Words of Peace"

{and skimming through each chapter, 
I notice there's a section of
"God's Words ..." on something for each}


I noticed on Amazon that an excerpt of the book is included of Chapter 1 (although you are missing out on the beauty of each page, you will catch a glimpse of the wonderful content and also all the chapters are listed there). Part of the book description reads, as follows:

"Bestselling author Max Lucado understands what it's like to feel overwhelmed by anxiety. In Trade Your Cares for Calm, you'll learn how to:

  • Exchange your burdens for an abundance of mercy, gratitude, and trust
  • Replace striving and stress with a faith-filled life, so you can see God's goodness
  • Feel calm in chaos and find peace through prayer
  • Make faith, not fear, your default reaction to circumstances

Imagine being able to walk away from worry, conquer the need to control, get rid of guilty, and end if-only thinking." Trade Your Cares for Calm 

When I ordered my copy of this book, I didn't need to know any more than that it was written by one of my favorite authors, Max Lucado; and had my One Word: CALM
so to find this out and how beautiful 
this little treasure is
I'm all set to "trade" my cares, chaos, and control 
for God's "Calm"

and it starts today

(*well, maybe - kinda)

Hope you can see these COPING STRATEGIES 
(I sure need to cope with hope) 
[if you click on the image I think it becomes larger]


* I just heard some news on the weather 
and tornado in Iowa
so this is why the hesitation 
of "maybe" and "kinda"
because that report makes me concerned
for some people traveling through that way,
when here I thought I was in the clear


need some more of



leave the worries, etc. in God's hands

He IS in control!


"Why Should I Worry or Fret"

but please


pray still for 

the people in Iowa & other states hit
by these powerful tornadoes

devastating & destroying

so hard to find
in the destruction of a


Monday, May 20, 2024

Focus One Word: CLARITY

Now that we're FILLED with His Holy Spirit

we should be able to better



our One Word for this week

with these scripture verses from

Luke 10:41-42

[NIV in BOX]

"41“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things,   42but few things are needed—or indeed only one.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Perhaps you are wondering like I am, about what this has to do with CLARITY. If not, please explain in the comments. {At this point, I have not read the devotional or even peeked ahead yet} But as usual the One Word: CLARITY is not in the chosen verses.

Doing a search for CLARITY at Bible Hub did not help me either. I only became more lost because my topical search gives me 27 results, none of which seem to be similar to CLARITY. However, I do have 13 verses containing CLARITY, yet I like to start out as I often do with at least a definition of the One Word, especially if I intend to focus all week on that One Word and so I really am hoping for some CLARITY before I begin this week. Or else I am going with OVERFLOW, but I looked through the 27 and "transparency" sounded the closest. Anyways, while I ponder to get some CLARITY on this topic and One Word so I can focus, I will just have to sit at the feet of Jesus like Mary; and ask Him for some CLARITY. 

Meanwhile, here are the scripture references & versions of the verses that contain CLARITY: 

Exodus 24:10 NKJV; Psalm 19:8 Voice; Isaiah 32:4 NET; Ezekiel 28:24 AMP; Daniel 7:19 CEB; Daniel 7:20 CEB; Matthew 18:31 AMP; Acts 22:14 AMP; Romans 1:19 Voice; 1 Corinthians 13:12 NLT; Colossians 4:6 TPT; 2 Timothy 2:7 Voice 

Perhaps you might find others.


The verses given in the book to go with the CLARITY devotional are:

Deuteronomy 5:8 NIV; 1 Corinthians 7:35 NLT; 1 John 2:15 NLT; Galatians 1:10 ESV; Luke 10:41-2

The definitions (just as perplexing):

"clearness of appearance"; "clearness of thought or style"; "free from obscurity & easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression"; "the state of being easy to see, hear or understand"; "the state or quality of being clear; transparency; lucidity"

when I searched for a biblical definition, they gave another *word referring to

"clarity of scripture"


 that's not what I searched for ... but that's what I got

1 Corinthians 14:33

lets me know clearly that 

"God is not a God of confusion, but of peace"

This much I know to be true!


So for now, I'm skipping ahead but if I get any


from or after I read the devotional

I might be back with more

in the meantime

my quick search (scan) of this week's devotional gives me

 the One Word on p.77

"...(Jesus) He always maximizes our time, replenishes our strength & gives CLARITY we did not have beforehand." C.C. Reaves


Give me CLARITY.

I want to see through Your eyes.👀


(now that helps me a little more)

until later


{since I'm already confused for this week, I'm already "whispering" the prayer & word: CLARITY
and asking "Him to open my eyes to the bigger picture" so I'm ahead of the game with the
Focus Tip for this week - I do check those out for clues, too}

Listening Lord for what You might be saying to me?

I'm in need of some CLARITY. I'm lost without You.

Holy Spirit come.


[in 2 weeks the One Word Focus will return to Sunday, 6 pm blog post time]

May 26th I believe is time for "Taking Inventory" so I'll wait until June 2nd.

I didn't want to surprise you with it on 

Pentecost SONday!

Sunday, May 19, 2024

PAUSES ... for Pentecost Day 50 from Resurrection SONday

Today is the day we celebrate Pentecost!

Let's celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit

and reread the second chapter of



Acts 2:1

which shares the One Word for today


[I shared the background of this word back in the beginning here]

"Pauses for Pentecost: 50 Words for ... * People"

The title actually uses *Easter in that place before People, 
however, I prefer to use the word Resurrection rather than Easter
because of the origin of *Easter coming from a pagan holiday & a pagan goddess.
Since I learned about this, I have chosen not to use that word 
when referring to the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!
[the links give you more background on this]


[Today, I'm taking the risk to share almost all of the devotional by Trevor Hudson. I don't
intend to infringe at all on his copyright in any way. I really just want to show you how
good each of his devotionals are & have been for me. I quite likely will remove & draft]

Also because the image is from You Version, where I shared it also, but it does not include v.1.

"When the day of Pentecost came, [the apostles] were all together in one place." Acts 2:1

Day 50


"... On that day the disciples receive God’s power from above. It is a power that enables them to go out and out-live, out-think, and out-love the ancient world. They receive something extra, something new, something they did not have before. They receive power in their hearts. The flames of fire and the sound of wind are just outward signs that the Holy Spirit has been given to them. They receive what all of us desperately need: the Spirit of God filling us and helping us overcome the evil within and around us.

We need to face the simple fact that to try to follow Jesus without the Pentecostal power of the Holy Spirit doesn’t work. We just cannot do it. From a biblical point of view, it appears that everything that happens before Pentecost is a preparation for this gift of Wind and Fire. This world was created so that in following Jesus Christ, we can have friendship with Abba. Father and be given the Holy Spirit. God-made-flesh lived, died, and rose so that our eyes would be opened to the unfathomable depths of God’s love and we would be ready to receive God’s Spirit. The message of Pentecost is that there is a new power available, the very power of the kingdom of heaven.

So can I invite you again to think deeply about the place of the Spirit of God in your life? Is the Spirit of God really at work in your life? Are you experiencing greater freedom in your walk with Christ? Are you growing in your capacity to love in the way that Jesus loved? Do you have some sense of God working through your words and actions? Perhaps you can reflect on these questions when you gather together in one place with other followers of Christ for worship. This is what the early disciples did on that first Pentecost. Pentecost happened for them together. This could also be your experience today as you join together with other Easter people to celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the church. Whatever it is that you decide to do today, few things are more crucial in the life of faith than remaining open and yielded to the Spirit of God. Easter people are a Spirit-empowered people!...
 "Trevor Hudson, Pauses for Pentecost

I find that last paragraph to be so convicting and so good as a self-evaluation

with questions to reflect on as we gather to worship,

with hopes of a fresh anointing and outpouring of the

Holy Spirit

filling us over and over to "Overflow"!

In fact, one of the churches I watch online has been doing a series on


[image credit: Heartlight]

Romans 15:13 NIV

This is my prayer for you today & this week & for your life!

I found this Overflow Principle (small group Bible Study) to be very interesting!

So, I've decided that this is my One Word for this entire week, perhaps year!

Besides the One Word Focus: CLARITY!

(which should publish in a later post 😉)

"... He pours into our lives in overflowing measure so that we overflow & influence others around us. John 10:10 shows overflowing abundance, life flowing over the rim and spilling out. He wants you to overflow with His love, joy, peace, & more so that it overflows into the lives of others around you." credit

{This is what I am seeking!}

I pray that each day there is more evidence that the Holy Spirit is transforming me:
my self-centered life into a greater likeness of Jesus Christ & the power of the Holy Spirit!

for YOU too


[credit: You Version Bible App]

Monday, May 13, 2024


now that's a TIMELY choice for 

this week

as we 


in our lives and this fabulous book


Cleere Cherry Reaves

as we enter this

final week





{so I must say God's Timing seems perfect & IS even when ... }

we may not think so and it just seems at the worst time


Thankfully the author has a wonderful Word for us again

"Do not overlook: this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day."2 Peter 3: 8 ESV
2 Peter 3:8 TPT - So, dear friends, don’t let this one thing escape your notice: a single day counts like a thousand years to the Lord YAHWEH, and a thousand years counts as one day.

although as usual, it does not contain the One Word: TIMING

{guess I'd better get use to this by now

but her message in her devotional always is TIMELY and 

definitely points toward her chosen One Word that we are to Focus on for the week.

Yes, God's TIMING is perfect!

and so is her message a really wonderful one

to direct us on our

"... walk, journey, continual learning curve, the process"

"The blessing of each step, one by one ..."

as He continues to refine us

and transform us

which is the intent of this book

and also this week's focus on the Holy Spirit

who continually is at work transforming us

our lives, our pace

"... Our joy is not in our arrival but in our walk with Him."

"And we can trust Him. His nudges inch us closer to fulfillment
His timing is perfect. He isn't too fast and He isn't too slow."...

He knows!

Often I'm sure that I have grumbled about His timing, and come close to giving up hope or resolve that He probably has forgotten me, He doesn't have time to take take of this; and on and on - not seeing ahead as He does or knowing what He knows or the plan He has or sees for me (or whoever else I might happen to be praying for God's perfect timing). Easily I think we all fall prey to being discouraged, disheartened and tend to doubt God's faithfulness even when we see later or wake up to the realization that He hadn't forgotten, that He was faithful before and He'll be faithful again. It is us that tend to wander in our faithfulness & end ourselves in the pit that we seem to be grumbling about or wondering what's the lesson God that You're trying to get through to me and question why ... why the setbacks? why another "hill, twist, turn" unexpectedly to us, but never to Him as He's trying to sync our pace to His! He's gently forcing us to either slow down or speed up or stay steady and trust as we obey & follow His lead. (Ouch). Instead of easily becoming frustrated and all those previous emotional words, perhaps we need to look deep within, look up and look out so we can adjust & be transformed (by the renewing of our minds, right?) to realize as always He knows us, He knows best and He's in control & for us (not against us) hoping that we will correctly transition and make the necessary changes. 

He does notice every step and misstep; every tear and every heartache; every call or cry to Him; every thing we walk through, He is there walking through 'it' with us (not leaving us forgotten along the roadside or in that pit); every thought and mindset both positive and negative; how tired & weary we've become (too often for me) but what He knows and we don't know (our countless uncertainties) is what lies ahead & how He hopes to get us there. 

I simply treasure the analogy in this devotional of our "walk with someone" (my Someone is Jesus) and her closing words. (I always look ahead😏😉to the end of the book or devotional in this case). I'll try not to give it away. And on this glorious sunshine day, I choose to stay the pace & remember His timing (be patient, be alert, & watch) so I take a "deep breath and ask God to help" me "go at His tempo". Tempo is also very important in the scheme of things, especially music. Praising and worshipping God and enjoying His TIMING! Now to trust & not waver in any doubt or fear or lack because God never fails to come through. His Holy Spirit will be right with me, guiding & directing my pace, rhythm and direction that needs to be refilled constantly but most importantly every PENTECOST (not just this upcoming Sunday) but each time we lose our touch and rely on self or this world, we really need to know that only His perfect TIMING and refilling of our empty cup is what our soul desires and consistently needs daily: more of Him, more of His Word, more of His change in us, more Spirit-filled people moving by the Spirit in this world that shakes us up far too much & we need to stay the course & stand firm in our beliefs ... even when ... and no matter what ... if the course changes just ask for His direction, His wisdom and His way ... always! 



now to search for 

(looking more at TIMELY)

from Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary:

1. Being or occurring in good time; sufficiently early; seasonable. 
2. (superl.) Keeping time or measure. 3. (adv.) Early; soon; in good season.


but here are some

Biblical verses with the One Word TIMING:

2 Kings 8:5 (Voice); Psalm 16:5 (TPT); Psalm 42:4 (AMP); Ecclesiastes 9:11 (NIrV); Zechariah 14:6 (MSG); Acts 1:7 (MSG); Romans 1:10 (TPT); 1 Peter 5:6 (TPT); 1 Corinthians 10:13 (TPT); 1 Thessalonians 5:1; & 1 Timothy 6:15 (CEB)

May the holy Spirit be walking with You,

every step, perfect TIMING!

(but if you're like me - patience also for us)

Hold on

Breathe & Be filled!


Trust & obey



God's Tempo Always


Sunday, May 12, 2024


This is the 7th or final week of the

50 Days and Words

'til Pentecost


I certainly have enjoyed my first time counting the 50 days from Resurrection SONday until


and focusing on these 


with really Spirit-filled 

One Words


captured my attention intentionally to

empower my life with the breath of the Holy Spirit daily.

Looking forward to each One Word,

biblical Scripture & meditation

this final week:

Seventh Week of Eastertide
Day 43: Face         Exodus 34:29
Day 44: Room       Acts 1:13
Day 45: Wind        Acts 2:2
Day 46: Fire          Acts 2:3
Day 47: Tongues  Acts 2:4
Day 48: Saw        Acts 2:3
Day 49: Ask         Luke 11:13
Day 50: Pentecost (Pentecost Sunday) 2:1

And, of course, this


with a powerful refilling

by the

Holy Spirit

in me


His Church people!

{my goodness, how we need an extra portion of Holy Spirit power & anointing}

"Lord Jesus Christ, breathe the freshness of Your Spirit into us that we may come alive again to the possibilities and potential of our own lives, to the uniqueness & wonder of each person around us, to the beauty & brutality of our world {sadly so & worsening} and MOST especially to the wondrous glory of God that fills our universe {Friday May 10th & Sat. May 11th, much of USA was able to see the splendor of the Northern Lights in the skies - glorious colors! Glorious Heavenly Creator!} May we truly become people filled with Your Spirit!"

🙏Prayer from the Introduction of "Pauses for Pentecost" by Trevor Hudson🙏

[Note: words added in blue are mine]

I also omitted the word "Easter" before people & added CAPS to MOST


This is my favorite Northern Lights photo, can you see what I see & why?

Come Holy Spirit!

Fill us afresh!

Happy Mother's Day!

Monday, May 6, 2024


The Weekly One Word is:


"... For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways"
Psalm 91:11 NIV

God is following our every step through life to make sure that we arrive safely.

Although the One Word to focus on this week is


and this is the verse given in the devotion

I think from the first paragraph

that the use of "arrive" is more aimed towards

purpose, goals, achievement

because of the parts written about self-evaluation

and (unrealistic) expectations
 "... we tend to be extremely hard on ourselves."...

Ain't that the truth?

After this the author explains our "idealized self" vs. "actual self" and 

"comparing where we are at to where we wish we were".

As I began to think about this and the One Word,

I kept thinking about when kids are traveling 

in the car on a road trip and continue asking:

"are we there yet? how long 'til we arrive?"

as impatience grows and you often have not 

even gotten that far yet (maybe just down the driveway)

but certainly not even close to your destination.

Cleere Cherry Reaves writes:

"... makes us feel as though we are truly never progressing. We become consumed with the destination, and all we want to do is arrive."

I'm felt this way often throughout my life.

I say that I am a 'work in progress'

but I'll be the first to tell you that my progress 

and the process sometimes has felt like

it's not really true, that I have not really made

sufficient progress in my life at being better, 

at being more Christ-like, at getting rid of that old me,

and truly putting on the new me;

Like I have been stuck in the same rut before in this life.

Will I ever learn? Will I ever be what I say I believe?

Will I ever stop doing what I know is not right?

the same old, same old

You know what they call people like that: crazy

The actual saying is:

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

So am I doomed to repeat the same mistakes?

After a lifetime, it sure seems like I did (or do) far too often.

I guess I haven't arrived!

as the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 7:15-20.

But I'm guess that God is telling me that

I just have not yet learned that lesson,

that I still need to be pruned & refined even more

surrendered & crucify my fleshly ways.


Let me skip that hamster wheel that I got on

instead of writing about the part that I meant to: 

"becoming consumed"

with my destination, which I believe to be heaven

"and all we want to do is ..."


oh, when I read those words

with the part boxed below in blue after this

my spirit inside leapt with a hopeful joy

YES! AMEN, amen, amen!

With each passing day, this is truly what I want ...

"...What if we began to take this word arrive and see it in a new light - one that reminds us of how we have already arrived in the exact space Jesus needs us to be."... "Where must we arrive? At His feet. That is the only destination that we should concern our-selves with, knowing and believing ..." Cleere Cherry Reaves

 [the full context is not shared from the devo, but the blue part IS my favorite part]


at that final destination

To sit at Jesus' feet!

I no longer want or feel content or

at home here


Times have changed, everything is so cruel.

But am I ready? have I done all I needed to do? is my mission over?

Oh, I haven't even changed and progressed as much as I should have?

Realizing my future home is not at all based on me or what I've done.

Only because of JESUS!


I thought that perhaps my heart & soul were way off

about this from the devotional

until I read this final statement of this devotional

"Let's release perfection & pursue excellence until we ARRIVE at our permanent home."

and I could have just cried

(in fact, I fought and right now fight back the tears that welled up from inside)

"There is a place that I long for more with every passing minute"

oh Jesus


I can hardly wait to



These are the other scripture verses for Cleere Cherry Reave's 


this week:

Psalm 119:105; Judges 18:5-6; Job 23:10; all in NIV


this Thursday is




{we never know}


To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


