[The following blog post should not be published until March 12th, but because this is the first Sunday of Lent, which lasts for 40 days (not including Sundays), I am summarizing the weeks during LENT & will continue later in April with the weekly blog posts on Sun. with #16]
Section Three: Jesus, the Miracle Worker |
As I mentioned that JESUS as a Miracle Worker seems to be the appropriate focus of JESUS during Lent. These are all the Chapters that are in Section Three, and the numbers after are the weekly dates for each one. So this post will summarize #11-15 as best I can and I will not be posts any blogs on Sun. from "52 Weeks..."
11. A Man of Marvels 3/12
12. Crisis Manager 3/19
13. Captain of My Ship 3/26
14. A Miraculous Multiplier 4/2 15. A Leader Worth Following 4/9
************************************** 16. The Great Empathizer 4/16 17. The Divine Ophthalmologist 4/23
18. Spiritually Sovereign 4/30 |
[I will continue with #16-18 weekly later]
I will just be sharing the segments in each of the chapters in JESUS, the Miracle Worker, but of course, the actual devotional "52 Weeks with Jesus" does much better. We'll start off with "A Man of Marvels" ... JESUS' Miracles "reveal surprising truths about who Jesus is and spiritual lessons about how we can know & relate to Him."
Reading just one of the weekly Scriptures each week day (listed below) is a good way to connect with our JESUS as "A Man of Marvels" (He's beyond all the Marvel movies); He's our "Crisis Manager"; He's the Captain of our ships; He'll Multiple (little into Much) Miraculously; and most definitely He is a "Leader Worth Following" deserving of all our respect (as our leaders should receive), all the honor & of course, all the Glory is His, now & forever!
"Do You Believe" "Opening Our Minds to Miracles" "Jesus' Miracles Authenticated His*Mission" "Jesus' Miracles Reveal Who He Is" ** "Jesus' Miracles Glorify the Father" *** |
*Mark 2:5-9 (v.8-12)** John 10:22-39*** Matthew 7:22-23John 14:8-14
12. Crisis Manager 3/19 "Spectacular(& Unspectacular) Debuts "A Big Deal Miracle" "Turn to Jesus When You Face Problems" "Talk to Jesus about Your Problems" "Trust Jesus to Handle Your Problems" |
John 2:1-11; Matthew 11:25-30; 1 Peter 5:6-11;Matthew 6:25-34; John 13:12-20
13. Captain of My Ship 3/26 "Rough Waters" "Jesus Wants Us to Remember His Promises" "Jesus Wants Us to Rest in His Presence" "Jesus Wants Us to Rely on His Power" "The Safe Place" |
Mark 4:35-40; Psalm 31:1-24; Psalm 107:23-32;John 14:25-27; Proverbs 3:5-6
14. A Miraculous Multiplier 4/2 "The Law of Leftovers" "Jesus Asks You for What You Have" "Give What You Have to Jesus" "Jesus Will Use What You Give" "Jesus Blesses What He Uses" |
John 6:1-14; Proverbs 11:24; Luke 6:37-38;Malachi 3:6-12; Matthew 25:14-30
15. A Leader Worth Following 4/9 "The Leader Who Follows" "Under Authority" "Pecking Order" "Respecting Leadership" "Receiving Leadership" |
Luke 7:1-10; Romans 13:1-7; Ephesians 5:22-6:9;Hebrews 13:17; John 6:35-40
I do realize that this brief outline of the chapters really does not help you much, but it is helpful to me (lol). So hopefully with the subtitles & Scriptures, you can read between the lines and gather some details of JESUS, the Miracle Worker. Perhaps it can serve as an incentive to check out "52 Weeks with Jesus" by James Merritt, because it was for me and I not only purchased the book (in 2022) but I signed up somehow with Harvest House Publishers, who faithfully send me an email with one of these segments every week, which God used to whisper this into becoming my One Word ... JESUS (for 2023). I was not too sure that JESUS could be a One Word, but it just kept showing up & being confirmed. The whisper became a nudge and that nudge confirmed let me know that I needed JESUS (front & center) every minute of every day in 2023. Since "52 Weeks ..." isn't my book, I try not to infringe on anyone's copyright yet still share enough to "whet your whistle" with nuggets about JESUS, so you want to dig deeper & learn more to be closer to JESUS!
11. "Lord, because of the miracles You've worked in the past. I believe You are who You say You are. Glorify Yourself today through me." 12. "Lord, I thank You that I can trust You with any problem in my life, knowing that You will handle it. Teach me to let go." 13. "Lord, I believe there is no need to fear when You are near. Be near to me this day." 14. "Lord, teach me to trust You with my 'lunch', confident that You will provide abundantly and bless others through my offering." 15. "Lord, teach me - in the sphere of my everyday living - what it means to be a faithful follower of You."
I could say these prayers every single day!
God knew that this devotional
is my kind of devotional
since March of 2022
but it took me 'til
to get to it
and read it from
my stack of books & ebooks
I did not know this author nor his books
that are written yet happy to be reading this one
& learning more details about
in a fresh way
Well done!
I will be reading each of the above chapters & segments with the
Hope to see you all after this season of LENT!
Unexpectant, urgent, & suddenly
this past week, I needed a MIRACLE, beginning on Ash Weds.
for a family member's spouse
and the family member
Please pray for
eternal rest
perhaps comfort & peace for grieving & heavy hearts
that will be turned into joy in their mourning but
I'm believing for MIRACLES of life being given back
being accepted
I hold on to this & expect God
to bring complete healing
this side of heaven still
but if not in heaven
being received & accepted
forgiven & redeemed
by the blood & authority of the name of
I speak life
give Him
all the praise, glory & thanks
with eternal hope & faith
in JESUS' saving
Grace always
Thank you for praying with me!