"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Sunday, February 26, 2023


[The following blog post should not be published until March 12th, but because this is the first Sunday of Lent, which lasts for 40 days (not including Sundays), I am summarizing the weeks during LENT & will continue later in April with the weekly blog posts on Sun. with #16]

Section Three: Jesus, the Miracle Worker

As I mentioned that JESUS as a Miracle Worker seems to be the appropriate focus of JESUS during Lent. These are all the Chapters that are in Section Three, and the numbers after are the weekly dates for each one. So this post will summarize #11-15 as best I can and I will not be posts any blogs on Sun. from "52 Weeks..."

11. A Man of Marvels 3/12
12. Crisis Manager    3/19
13. Captain of My Ship 3/26
14. A Miraculous Multiplier 4/2
15. A Leader Worth Following 4/9
16. The Great Empathizer 4/16
17. The Divine Ophthalmologist 4/23
18. Spiritually Sovereign 4/30

[I will continue with #16-18 weekly later]

I will just be sharing the segments in each of the chapters in JESUS, the Miracle Worker, but of course, the actual devotional "52 Weeks with Jesus" does much better. We'll start off with "A Man of Marvels" ... JESUS' Miracles "reveal surprising truths about who Jesus is and spiritual lessons about how we can know & relate to Him." 

Reading just one of the weekly Scriptures each week day (listed below) is a good way to connect with our JESUS as "A Man of Marvels" (He's beyond all the Marvel movies); He's our "Crisis Manager"; He's the Captain of our ships; He'll Multiple (little into Much) Miraculously; and most definitely He is a "Leader Worth Following" deserving of all our respect (as our leaders should receive), all the honor & of course, all the Glory is His, now & forever!

11. A Man of Marvels 3/12 Mat.15:29-31
"Do You Believe"
"Opening Our Minds to Miracles"
"Jesus' Miracles Authenticated His*Mission"
"Jesus' Miracles Reveal Who He Is" **
"Jesus' Miracles Glorify the Father" ***

*Mark 2:5-9 (v.8-12)
** John 10:22-39
*** Matthew 7:22-23
John 14:8-14

12. Crisis Manager 3/19 
"Spectacular(& Unspectacular) Debuts
"A Big Deal Miracle"
"Turn to Jesus When You Face Problems"
"Talk to Jesus about Your Problems"
"Trust Jesus to Handle Your Problems"

John 2:1-11; Matthew 11:25-30; 1 Peter 5:6-11;
Matthew 6:25-34; John 13:12-20

13. Captain of My Ship 3/26
"Rough Waters"
"Jesus Wants Us to Remember His Promises"
"Jesus Wants Us to Rest in His Presence"
"Jesus Wants Us to Rely on His Power"
"The Safe Place"

Mark 4:35-40; Psalm 31:1-24; Psalm 107:23-32;
John 14:25-27; Proverbs 3:5-6

14. A Miraculous Multiplier 4/2
"The Law of Leftovers"
"Jesus Asks You for What You Have"
"Give What You Have to Jesus"
"Jesus Will Use What You Give"
"Jesus Blesses What He Uses"

John 6:1-14; Proverbs 11:24; Luke 6:37-38;
Malachi 3:6-12; Matthew 25:14-30

15. A Leader Worth Following 4/9
"The Leader Who Follows"
"Under Authority"
"Pecking Order"
"Respecting Leadership"
"Receiving Leadership"

Luke 7:1-10; Romans 13:1-7; Ephesians 5:22-6:9;
Hebrews 13:17; John 6:35-40


I do realize that this brief outline of the chapters really does not help you much, but it is helpful to me (lol). So hopefully with the subtitles & Scriptures, you can read between the lines and gather some details of JESUS, the Miracle Worker. Perhaps it can serve as an incentive to check out "52 Weeks with Jesus" by James Merritt, because it was for me and I not only purchased the book (in 2022) but I signed up somehow with Harvest House Publishers, who faithfully send me an email with one of these segments every week, which God used to whisper this into becoming my One Word ... JESUS (for 2023). I was not too sure that JESUS could be a One Word, but it just kept showing up & being confirmed. The whisper became a nudge and that nudge confirmed let me know that I needed JESUS (front & center) every minute of every day in 2023. Since "52 Weeks ..." isn't my book, I try not to infringe on anyone's copyright yet still share enough to "whet your whistle" with nuggets about JESUS, so you want to dig deeper & learn more to be closer to JESUS!

11. "Lord, because of the miracles You've worked in the past. I believe You are who You say You are. Glorify Yourself today through me."
12. "Lord, I thank You that I can trust You with any problem in my life, knowing that You will handle it. Teach me to let go."
13. "Lord, I believe there is no need to fear when You are near. Be near to me this day."
14. "Lord, teach me to trust You with my 'lunch', confident that You will provide abundantly and bless others through my offering."
15. "Lord, teach me - in the sphere of my everyday living - what it means to be a faithful follower of You."


I could say these prayers every single day!

God knew that this devotional 

is my kind of devotional

since March of 2022

but it took me 'til


to get to it

and read it from

my stack of  books & ebooks

I did not know this author nor his books

that are written yet happy to be reading this one

 & learning more details about


in a fresh way


Well done!


I will be reading each of the above chapters & segments with the


Hope to see you all after this season of LENT!


Unexpectant, urgent,  & suddenly

this past week, I needed a MIRACLE, beginning on Ash Weds. 

for a family member's spouse

and the family member

Please pray for


eternal rest


perhaps comfort & peace for grieving & heavy hearts

that will be turned into joy in their mourning but

I'm believing for MIRACLES of life being given back


being accepted


I hold on to this & expect God

to bring complete healing

this side of heaven still

but if not in heaven




being received & accepted

forgiven & redeemed

by the blood & authority of the name of


I speak life


give Him

all the praise, glory & thanks

with eternal hope & faith

in JESUS' saving

Grace always



Thank you for praying with me!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

LENT Begins today ... an Important 40 day Journey!

Most years I mark this day with an explanation of LENT 40 Days

as I 

{this is a 4 day YV choice of reading plans}

I am on a longer journey than 4- 6 days but 
I will not be here on my blog, except maybe on Sundays
since Sundays are not included in the 40 days.

However, I will be

There is also another "Walk with Jesus" for 50 days and so many other really

time set apart

to commemorate

the 40 days


spent in the desert

a period of preparation to celebrate our



The journey between today & the celebration of


is more than

40 days


So I am not here today until after this time period - this post was done in advance - 

as I begin walking closer


of the Savior"





Max Lucado's new book & study guide

which Faith Gateway is starting on March 6th - April 10th

and, of course, I highly recommend this OBS

(even without the books, it's worth it)

Everyone can view Session 1 or

on You Tube


You Version

has one week sample plan

"Following Jesus When You Doubt"

(which shares the video also on day 3)


Let's journey




to the Cross & the the Tomb


Beyond to His


(and ours)


I also have a
 50 day devotional with a local church

50 Reasons Why
Changed Everything


by Steven D. Matthewson
(not a new book, 2013)

[this book is meant more for the 50 days from the Resurrection until Pentecost]

{I'm set with some really good guides-maybe too many}


Have a Blessed Lent Journey!

I know that I will

I read these words in one of the YV Lent plans and agree:

"When we look around at the world today, we can see an awful lot of division and disconnection. Yet there is hope. A deep and thrilling hope. When we realize that we are one in Christ, everything changes. When we embrace togetherness – unity with creation, with each other, and with God – extraordinary things can happen. As you read any devotional for Lent, I pray you have a blessed Lent." Tearfund


There is another post set up already for this upcoming Sunday, February 26, 6 pm

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

JESUS, the ANSWER (10)

Section Two: JESUS the ANSWER

4. Bread for the Journey
5. Light in a Dark Place
6. An Open Door
7. The Good Life
8. A Grave Buster
9. A One-Way Street
10. The Root of the Fruit

As I continue and finish with JESUS, the Answer in my "52 Weeks with JESUS" journey for 2023, today's 10th Chapter brings me hope to look forward to spring in the middle of this cold winter and realize that "The Root of the Fruit" is where my faith sprouts from my early foundation and the seed planted that needed to be watered and nurtured to develop good roots. The strength of the growth and how it flourishes seems to be connected to the root. Lysa TerKeurst shares about the True Vine in day 7 of YV's plan "Finding I AM".

We hope that any seed planted will have good roots, strength to grow & flourish into a healthy one as it was created to be. The principle Scripture for this chapter is found in John 15:1-11, 16, where JESUS says:

I AM the True Vine
and my
Father is the Gardener

{the rest of this passage is just as important for our growth}

The following are the segments:

"The Root of the Fruit"

..."Left Behind"

"Fruit Bearers"

"JESUS Wants to Connect with You Personally"

"JESUS Wants You to Concentrate on Him Perpetually"

"A Diligent Pruner"

I can tell that even though these are subtitles & quite brief that I definitely need to grow,

be pruned constantly as JESUS nourishes me

so that I can finally mature (in my old age)

to bear fruit - much better and truly good

yet I realize that sometimes the root

needs some work & checking

I need the seeds planted

to flourish & grow

to beautiful


this is

the purpose

God has placed people

on this planet as His Image bearers



is a painful but very

necessary part of the process


can be a fruitful time

to deepen your faith roots & flourish

40 Days set aside to bloom on the other side of this time

Looking forward to JESUS, the Miracle Worker & the Answer found in Him

the great



and the

Master Gardener

"Lord, help me to recognize You as the Master Gardener who is the caretaker of my soul."


May the Miracle Worker, JESUS, meet you & your needs during this Lenten season as you go & grow deeper, may your roots be firm in Him so you can bear good fruit & receive a plentiful harvest! Let's plant & see many miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit through JESUS! 

Let us remain in JESUS as He remains in us

Rest in the True Vine


for being




Stay close to the Vine & grow in

Holy Spirit


(Galatians 5:22-23)

Let's not be afraid to get a good


during the

40 days of



Master Gardener

can be 



{I thought in the song "The Merry Old Land of Oz" from "The Wizard of Oz" - 
that the words were
"snip, snip here... snip, snip there
and a couple of  tra-la-las"
but after all these years, I just found out
that I remembered it wrong
it was "clip, clip..." and I was going to add 
the "snip, snip" part here for our pruning time.
So please allow me an author's prerogative to change these words to fit}


Monday, February 20, 2023


Section Two: JESUS the ANSWER

4. Bread for the Journey
5. Light in a Dark Place
6. An Open Door
7. The Good Life
8. A Grave Buster
9. A One-Way Street
10. The Root of the Fruit

Today in 52 Weeks ... I'm entering

"A One-Way Street"



found in

John 14:1-6

more specifically verse 6

"I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life,

no one comes to the Father, except through Me."

And once again, this I AM statement is also found in day 6 of  "Finding I AM" by Lysa TerKeurst, where she writes that this I AM ... "is the clearest example in Scripture of the certainty of JESUS being the ONLY WAY to eternal life." Thus, the reason for a "One-Way Street" for #9 of 52 Weeks with JESUS and these are the segments (subtitles) for this one"
"Know This Street?"
"You Do Know the Way" (John 14:5)
"Religion is Not the Way to God"
"Righteousness is Not the Way to God"
"Only a Relationship will Get Us to God" (John 14:6)


didn't just say that

He'd show us the Way

He clearly says:

I AM the WAY

the One-Way to 


the Father


"Lord, I believe that You are the Way. Give me courage & boldness to invite others to find life in You alone."

Thank God this has never happened to me, but I've noticed (since moving back to USA from Mexico, 7 years ago this October already) more reckless driving, lack of courtesy, even disobedience of road signs & other vehicle safety regulation (laws-like speed limit) and one- way traffic accidents - where people are driving up a one-way in the wrong direction; it's even happened on a roundabout that I had to stop & wait for the driver to figure it out ... yet knowing JESUS as a One Way means the Only direction - the way to go & knowing Him as the One Way to the Father. Not an accident at all, but a purposeful decision and choice to follow Him & His Way. Many of the people that have one-way accidents, going the wrong way have head-on collisions that most often are fatal. I pray that more drivers know the One Way, the right way and have allowed JESUS to show them the right way Home (to heaven). Only following JESUS and having a personal relationship with Him will lead us to God, the Father - as it is meant to be since He created us to be One with Him, only through JESUS! It's our RELATIONSHIP with JESUS, not our own righteousness or any religion that gets us to God!

Stay clear of heading in the wrong direction, those earthly one-ways that turn us from heading the right way toward God and stay safely guided by JESUS, and I guess we all need to sing 
"JESUS, Take the Wheel" {I don't think the whole song fits, but the title sure does & it's a good song!} so we end up on the only One Way that leads us to an eternity with God! God gives us not just "one more chance" but multiple ones to find JESUS and surrender our way to His One way home. So let's make sure that we let JESUS be our One Way, every day - no matter what we face, we need to seek JESUS' One Way to the Father & eternal peace forever. 





Sunday, February 19, 2023


Section Two: JESUS the ANSWER

in my "52 Weeks with Jesus"

4. Bread for the Journey
5. Light in a Dark Place
6. An Open Door
7. The Good Life
8. A Grave Buster
9. A One-Way Street 2/20
10. The Root of the Fruit 2/21

#8. A Grave Buster
{seems more like one for after Good Friday}

That extra {comment} above is a bit misleading! But when I first read this title I thought of Jesus' Resurrection, however this is about someone else's grave - it's another very special friend and family to Jesus, from another familiar Bible story found in John 11:1-44; one of this week's Scriptures along with: Psalm 25:1-5; Psalm 37:1-11; Isaiah 40:27-31; Romans 8:18-25.

The key verse is John 11:25 - finished in verse 26 (also important):

... “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26

Powerful words from JESUS!

And YES! I do believe this!
(oh, He was speaking to you too)

I AM the Resurrection and the Life!

Once again, this I AM statement is found in Lysa TerKeurst's Finding I Am on day 5; as Lysa points out that JESUS is intentional with this one woman (Martha) as He is with you and I also. "God still speaks. To each of us. Individually. Right where we are." JESUS has the final say - JESUS is our Life and Resurrection!

This Chapter is divided into these segments:

"One Hour a Day" *
"The "Why" of Waiting" (John 11:6)
"God is Glorified" (John 11:4)
"Faith is Fortified" (John 11:21)
"A Concern for Human Hearts" (John 11:23-26

* "... Jesus took time to assure us that, no matter how long you wait, He is never late."

shows His concern
for Human Hearts through 
His Compassion 
in this passage
and by His

in the midst of
whatever challenge
you face

"Lord, grant me patience as I wait for You. Fill my heart with the certainty that despite what I can see, You are always on time."

I'm not one who is good with waiting

I tend to give up


looking forward to what this week holds in 

Grave Buster

from the

Tomb Buster



As I was looking ahead and setting up for the next section, JESUS, the Miracle Worker (and the 2 that are left in JESUS, the Answer), I realized that this Weds. is Ash Wed., which begins Lent, for 40 days ...

[but in case, you didn't know Sundays aren't included in the 40 days of Lent]

Since I do these on Sun. at 6 pm - I may move these to 3pm, but it shouldn't affect these blog posts; because once again, during Lent, I will be offline, from social media, which is blogging for me. However, focusing on JESUS is the goal and that's what this series of "52 Weeks with JESUS" is all about - JESUS! 

So because of this I will move the last 2 blog posts to Mon. & Tues. this week. Then I will set up the Sunday blog post to summarize the Weeks of JESUS, the Miracle Worker that are during Lent and then continue on Sunday, April 16, with the remaining in that section. It seems appropriate that during Lent, we focus on JESUS as the Miracle Worker. So today's #8 will be just for a day (not a week) followed by #9 tomorrow, Mon. 2/20 and #10 on Tues. 2/21, which means that we will finish JESUS, the Answer before Lent starts.

May JESUS work Miracles in your life this year and during Lent.

Agreeing with you in prayer for your Miracle!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023



is a





...but probably not because of what you're thinking about for today


For some of you, perhaps this past Sunday was a special day, depending on which side you were on ... since I do not know much about football, the final teams playing off, or the Super Bowl in general, I can't comment either way.

Yet for some reason I received at least 2 emails concerning Sun. and the big game. The first one caught a brief glance, but the next one read: "Did you see Jesus at the Big Game?" Now that one caught my attention - not because of the Big Game or that part, but the part on seeing Jesus. [In case you are new to me or this blog, my One Word for 2023 is JESUS] So naturally this intrigued me to open and read, which ended in that email with me joining them in prayer {and then quickly deciding I need to check this out some more & do my research}. I recall another recent football game and a special player that collapsed after a great tackle, which caused a circle of players of both teams to form around him, on bended knees, and a hush to come over the entire stadium (even a sports announcer) as most prayed. Yes, I do believe that prayer can move mountains & cause miracles! But let's get back to seeing JESUS at this Super Bowl game, that's estimated over 100 million people watch this big game. I was not one of them, however if I had opened that email sooner and knew that I might see JESUS, I just might have tuned in. As it happens, many that do turn on the game, do so to view the top commercials of the year. I don't even bother with those generally when watching TV but I had to find out now because that number of people seeing JESUS "seems incomprehensible" as I make a mental note that means an enormous number of people hearing the good news of JESUS - in a new way - by seeing JESUS at the Super Bowl. The intent was good & admirable (before I give you the controversy or the down side of people's remarks/reactions to the *commercial(s) shown, if I decide to do that, hardly worth it). Instead, I will return to the reason that today, February 14th, 2023 is a special day! 

Max Lucado

is launching nationwide

an opportunity

to share




of Max's writings 

"... Experiencing the Confounding


forgiveness & relevance of




Max Lucado is one of my favorite authors & is donating all his royalities of this book to the HE GETS US non-profit ministry (a movement of people sharing JESUS story & also to reintroduce people to Jesus in the Bible). IMO (in my opinion), this is much needed in the time in which we live, even church people seem to be getting further & further from being & seeing the real JESUS shown to our world. HE GETS US has an agenda (you can read this here)."This is one of the largest faith campaigns in history!" You can be a part of this, in conversations talking about the ads.

*One of the commercials did make it into the Top 10 of the Super Bowl commercials (#8, I think) entitled "Be Childlike".

In my search, I found that their website has so much valuable information (so that will take me awhile to cover & learn all that's there)but I discovered that You Version also has 5 reading plans:

JESUS: He Gets Us #1 (7 day plan) 

He Gets Us: #2 Diving Deeper (7 day plan)

He Gets Us: #3 Questions Jesus Asked (7 day plan)

He Gets Us: #4 Who Did Jesus Love? (9 day plan)

He Gets Us: #5 Who Did Jesus Say He Was? (9 days)

{*my apologies that these links are to GB English rather than US}

I've already chosen reading plans for the 40 days of Lent but these would have been perfect (totalling 39 days) but since they are on JESUS, I will be doing them sometime this year. I thought that the reading plans were by Max Lucado but after looking at HE GETS US, I'm not sure so I'm thinking they are not. I'll know more when his book launches today. If Max is willing to support or back this, then I think it's worth my time to at least read. 

On HE GETS US website, there is a topic section and the first one listed is #LOVE - appropriate for today, but far from the romantic ideal of love celebrated. There are two videos to watch & articles besides the main one. The first one goes with the commercial: "Be Childlike". HE GETS US also connects to these reading plans.

... "Love is the underlying theme of every great story. But to be honest, the story gets *messy. That's what you'll see with a closer look at the life of JESUS. ..." #4

* we are well acquainted with MESSES here & messy love but mostly 



"... Take a closer look at how Jesus Loved ...

and see how the lines defining and dividing us can disappear!"


I have shared this many years on this blog & have seen it everywhere but

 it's the best Valentine ever written or given

I hope this inspires you to







Sunday, February 12, 2023


Section Two: JESUS the ANSWER

4. Bread for the Journey
5. Light in a Dark Place
6. An Open Door
7. The Good Life
8. A Grave Buster
9. A One-Way Street
10. The Root of the Fruit

This week's Scriptures:

John 10:10-18

Psalm 23; Isaiah 40:9-11; Ezekiel 37:24-28;
 Micah 5:1-5

Now that's the

Good Life


Here's one of the emails I received

The Good Life

[Jesus said,] “I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep” John 10:14-15

"The first century shepherd who began a journey with a flock of sheep met many obstacles along the way, some of which could prove fatal to his charges: sickness, rushing water, wild animals.

   We twenty-first century sheep are likewise on a long trek. Our journey too is filled with dangers along the way: health issues, troubled relationships, the threat of nuclear destruction.

   And yet, through all this we have a Good Shepherd who knows the pathway ahead. He knows each bump in the road, each sharp turn, each valley or mountain—and he will bring us through safely. We will only falter when we take our eyes off the Shepherd and look through eyes of fear at the troubles surrounding us.

   The good life happens only when we turn our eyes back to our Shepherd and follow his steps closely." 52 Weeks with Jesus, James Merritt

"The Good Life" shares the above Scriptures and the following segments, yet I skimmed through these without clearly finding any part defining the "good life", which as you know if you know me at all, causes me to do a search of what is biblically the good life. For now, I will share what a C.S. Lewis(college) article stated that "the Christian tradition's understanding of a good life involves us being in loving relationships with God and others."{it's somewhat of a deep philosophical writing} so perhaps the one written by Randy Alcorn (for his book) is better to help us understand "What is the Good Life?" yet that chosen quote is a good start for me. God has the answer to "the good life" and we should live an honorable life as God defines it. For me, the abundant life is more than our earthly life offers now; it may begin here but it's the one that we will have in full after this life.
"An Unfortunate Comparison"
"Cowboy or Shepherd?"
"Protector, not Preventer"
"Known by Name"
"Guaranteed Security"

Perhaps after I complete this week, I will have a better grasp of

"The Good Life"

"Lord, I am lost without You. This day, and this week, I need You to guide me and to feed me. Thank You for being the Shepherd who is Good."

... and that is enough


You are Enough


Forever Enough

Always Enough

More than Enough


this is

"The Good Life"

for me

52 Weeks



Sunday, February 5, 2023


I'm continuing reading in

Section Two:


4. Bread for the Journey
5. Light in a Dark Place
6. An Open Door
7. The Good Life
8. A Grave Buster
9. A One-Way Street
10. The Root of the Fruit

I am continuing with "52 Weeks with Jesus", looking at JESUS, an Open Door (John 10:7-9). Lysa TerKeurst (and others) refer to JESUS, in this passage, as the Sheep Gate and the Good Shepherd, as she explains in day 4 of "Finding I AM".

The NIV uses the Sheep Gate in John 10:8-9. JESUS offers security and safety for anyone who comes to Him. When we know JESUS, we can trust that wherever we go, whatever happens, He goes with us. We can rest in His Provision and His Protection. JESUS is the door to salvation for us! JESUS is our door to forgiveness, redemption and life (which I think are in the upcoming chapters; but remember - I'm am doing this for the week I am posting). Just a quick note from Nehemiah (3:1-32) that in the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem; the Sheep Gate is the first of ten mentioned [Here is a simple but great spiritual significance of this] even though Nehemiah is not one of this week's Scriptures.

"I AM the Door" ... 
(John 10:7as found in 
(compare here with)

"I AM the Gate"
NIV, NLT, GW, NRSV, etc.

I am intrigued by the meaning and comparing of
but this article confirms that it is one of the most important
I AM declarations
although all 7 of the I AM statements 
from JESUS have
great spiritual implication & significance
I see these as inter-related

This 52 Week... devotional breaks down "An Open Door" in segments (subtitles):

"A Different Kind of Door"
"The Door of Security"
"The Door of Significance"
"The Door of Satisfaction"
"Searching for the Door"

Since I believe in JESUS, I have knocked on the DOOR and am blessed to be able to pass through the GATE as one of His Sheep

for all of us
invites us to come in

Step through the Open Door

[Jesus said,] “I am the door” John 10:9

  What do you need right now? Peace? Significance? To know you’re loved?

   No matter what your need is, the fulfillment of that need is just beyond the threshold of an open door.

   You need only to walk through the door that is Christ, and your need will be met—met fully in the One who beckons you to cross the threshold into satisfaction. How do you cross that threshold? You take a step forward…a step of faith. You believe, move ahead, and receive." from 52 Weeks with Jesus, James Merritt

"Lord Jesus, thank You that You are the Door to abundant and eternal life, and that You have invited us to enter in. I trust You to meet my deepest needs."

Please consider this an invitation to

the Open Door

the Door is open to come & receive


you need to hear Jesus' words:

I AM the Door

won't you knock & come in?

Just say,

JESUS, I need You as my Lord & Savior.

 I believe You went to the Cross for me.

I open the door of my life and receive You now.

Take control of my life, forgive me and lead me.

Help me to be the kind of person You made me to be.

Teach me all I need to know about You.

Thank You for coming for me to 

save me for an eternity

with You


Praying JESUS will open doors in this life for you

but if you open the Door to JESUS

I'm confident you'll be met

in the eternal life




[please follow the links given if you need more understanding]

To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


