"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."~from ISAIAH 61 Bible verse for this Blog

APOLOGY to READERS who followed a SEARCH to HERE & didn't find it

On July 18, 2017, I drafted almost 3000 blog posts that I had published since 2008 when I began blogging, rather than edit each one. So if you clicked here from somewhere else and ended up with the post unavailable or error, I am sorry but this is why. It'd be too much work for me to go back and fix them. There's an explanation on 7/19/17 as I'm still learning.

Sunday, December 31, 2023


On this last day of 2023, I've decided that before I begin my New Year of 2024 in Prayer & fasting (which is partly being offline, as I often include in my 'fasting'; so I'm not here, this was done in advance), I'm encouraging you to look at this website (which did this last year, but I just found out about it, and I feel that it's absolutely necessary for us as we face 2024) ... to PRAY for our nation (and the world). But, in my opinion, we need to clean up our 'mess' here at home first. That is why this Project caught my attention ... and I thank "A Three Strand Cord" for their warrior heart & this project:

A 50 State Prayer Project for Revival

based on the promise in Scripture found in

"... IF my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." NIV

They have already begun, even before 2024 begins, with "31 Days of Preparation" during the month of December. New Year's Day (2024) will be a time of Prayer & Fasting followed by 50 days of Prayer, for our 50 states, reading the book of Psalms, according to their plan and a book (pdf) that they've put together, available on their site. So rather than me trying to explain it here, why don't you head on over and read more at ifwewill (dot) com [linked above], download the full manuscript and be ready to read the book of Psalms with others in your state and the other 49 states, so that the entire book is being covered and PRAY for our nation.

My state (#23) begins with Psalms 73 and 74 according to their plan on pages 54-55 and continue forward each day following the reading plan through & then back to Psalms 1-5, while Alabama (#1) starts out with Psalms 1-5 and continues all the way through to Psalms 150. Georgia (#10) begins with Psalms 35 & 38 while Hawaii (#11) reads Psalms 36 & 37. If you can figure out what number your state is alphabetically then you'll know where to start & continue. But having the actual book (or pdf download) is so much better & so worthwhile.

The States are listed in alphabetical order and the Reading Assignments are listed after the State (some with 5 chapters, some less - based on the length, I think). I hope that they don't object to me sharing the reading assignments. But in their excellent book, each day of readings has a devotional, a main scripture verse focus, and I believe a Hymn, followed by dedicated prayer appealing to God for repentance and revival of His people, standing in the gap for Christian believers and our nation as a whole. Perhaps their Facebook page shares more of this or a daily inspiration or instruction. {I don't have/do Facebook} Certainly anyone from any place is welcome to join us in prayer. {that's me speaking, not the 'Project'} I believe that's it's good for everyone to start the year in Prayer as many church congregations do.

January 2, 2024 through February 20, 2024

Psalm Reading Assignments

1. Psalms 1 - 5                        26. Psalms 79-81
2. Psalms 6 - 9                        27. Psalms 82-85
3. Psalms 10-14                      28. Psalms 86-88
4. Psalms 15-17;19                 29. Psalm 89
5. Psalms 18, 20                     30. Psalms 90-92
6. Psalms 21-23                      31. Psalms 93-96
7. Psalms 24-27                      32. Psalms 97-101
8. Psalms 28-31                      33. Psalms 102 & 103
9. Psalms 32-34                      34. Psalms 104, 108
Psalms 35, 38                   35. Psalm   105
Psalms 36 & 37                 36. Psalm   106
Psalms 39-41                    37. Psalms 107, 110
Psalms 42-45                    38. Psalms 109, 111-112
14. Psalms 46-49                    39. Psalms 113-115
15. Psalms 50-52                    40. Psalms 116-118
 Psalms 53-56                    41. Psalm 119:1-56
17. Psalms 57-59                    42. Psalm 119: 57-112
18. Psalms 60-63                    43. Psalm 119:113-176
19. Psalms 64-66                    44. Psalms 120-126
 Psalms 67 & 68                 45. Psalms 127-132
21. Psalms 69 & 70                 46. Psalms 133-135;137-38
 Psalms 71 & 72                 47. Psalms 136, 139
 Psalms 73 & 74                 48. Psalms 140-143
24. Psalms 75-77                    49. Psalms 144-146
25. Psalms 78                         50. Psalms 147-150

This is the beginning of my heart and prayer from their writings (p.53)

"... May our nation be renewed as the beacon of hope and the bright light that it once was for His kingdom, and for the spreading of the gospel of good news to all the world."


on our *knees in


*{or whatever position you pray from to God}

It's time to be United, not divided!

This is a battle for the soul of our nation.

Let's be God-honoring & God-fearing, humble before our Almighty God.

Let's be His People, called by His Name, worthy to come together

as one people, seeking His face

and mostly turning from the evil

the wickedness consuming so many.

Let us bow before our Holy God & tear down strongholds

for the restoration of many hearts 

and the healing of our nation.

May God have mercy & hear the cries of repenting.

Lord, have mercy & forgive us!

We pray, Your Will be done!


🎵Let there be Peace on Earth

and let it begin with me.🎵  


I hope to be back here sometime in February or March 2024!

A Happy & Blessed 

New Year




May God be with you!


I don't have a confirmed One Word for 2024 but a few that I'm considering ...




is doing their First Conference

Jan. 6-10

followed by this devotional & prayer

"Know Love Like This"

21 Days of Discovering God's Heart for You

YV version

{this is not my church, but a ministry I follow}

NOTE: If you're not sure which number 1-50 is your state alphabetically, just ask in the comments or I'm sure God (and the Project) would not mind if you just start at the beginning & read through - the important part is seeking God, perhaps praying the Psalm aloud as your prayer personally or for our nation.


Often in this last week between CHRISTmas and New Year's Eve & Day, I do various posts about the One Word of the past year. The One Word that I held close all 2023 was JESUS; I spent 2023 WITH JESUS as my main focus, no matter what I faced, I was able to go back & lean on JESUS and reflect on all each week, each day, each moment and breath was because of JESUS. But as I indicated in my previous post - there really is no way to sum up JESUS - only God can!

Should I look back and reflect on this past year?

or should I look ahead to the next year?

{truthfully, I am not looking forward to 2024, nor do I want to look back at 2023}

That sure is a 'pickle'!

As I think back on the One Word of the past year and other years, I tend to have either given hints or subtle indications of my One Word for the next year (2024, in this case) but not this year. This coming year, you will have to wait for the revelation of the One Word for 2024 until after February 20th, 2024. 

Since it will be my last year before becoming the big 70, I was thinking that something with AGING would be a good One Word; such as Aging Faithfully, or Aging Gracefully or something with AGING since it's such a changing season and one you can't escape, yet I truly did not think I could AGE any more and most certainly I was not doing or able to do it either faithfully or gracefully so it looks like that One Word will be for another year, if I get to another year or God continues my life long enough to inspire me to write & focus better on AGING from a Godly perspective rather than a natural one. I do have others in mind, so we will have to wait and see after my time in prayer. 

At this time, I would just like to mention all the One Words that I have had since I have chosen to do the ONE WORD CHALLENGE instead of New Year Resolutions (I never really did those well either & saw little purpose in them). For me, One Word was much more appealing and purposeful, keeping me on track. I also notice that people give credit to others for originally starting this One Word Challenge. So I just want to set it straight that the first time I heard of this was when I was actively blogging with others and the authors that introduced me to "My One Word" were Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen (I believe it was through Rachel promoting it) and K-LOVE. 

Back in 2012, the One Word that I began with was LIGHT. In 2013, it was PEACE and HOPE in 2014. The One Word that I really should have started with, I did in 2015 - GRACE. And in 2016, I was in between TO BE and TO CHANGE as I made a major change, moving back to MN permanently after 20 years back & forth to living & serving in Mexico. Then after having been back just one year, the One Word HEALING was really needed & still needed in 2017. So in 2018, the One Word for me, became iBelieve. (I BELIEVE) The following year, 2019, I really needed to EMBRACE everything in a new way and all of my previous ONE WORDS & all that God has been teaching, showing and revealing to me. 

In 2020, I was given a fabulous ONE WORD from God - PROMISES (His & mine)! Followed by STRENGTH for 2021 and my key verse Isaiah 40:31 became exactly what I needed to continue on; my Lord's STRENGTH in my many weaknesses. Then I found myself in  2022, dealing with RELATIONSHIPS and rediscovering that the most important RELATIONSHIP is WITH JESUS! And that is how in 2023 JESUS - WITH JESUS became my One Word! And it's been the BEST ONE WORD EVER.

This is why I hesitate to move forward into 2024 with AGING as my ONE WORD and even in choosing another One Word because I truly believe that I reached my summit in One Word when I walked this last year's journey & challenge WITH JESUS, knowing & relying that HE IS WITH ME every step of the way and I desire to abide in JESUS more & more; to seek JESUS with all my heart, my soul, my mind and what's left in my life; however this AGING deal has made me quite weary, weak and aware that I need JESUS more & more and that I do rely on JESUS daily. Yet, I know that JESUS has pointed out and shown me that "HE'S still working on me - to make me all I need to be ..." (not just a kid's song)

[I do have a tab at the top of my blog below the header for "One Word" for a Page where I keep a record of my One Words through these years]

The reason that I choose a One Word or allow God to reinforce one for me in His Word is so that I look for this as my main focus throughout the year, giving me purpose and direction for me and the commitment to stick with this One Word in God's Word (verses in Scripture), readings, books, etc. and what I should focus on in my life as I try to overcome distractions & this One Word will change me or my life for the better. Choosing the One Word is a very individual and personal thing (between you & God, if you're a believer). Its aim is a challenge and a goal we each need in our life of something we are working on, maybe that we need to overcome or just something to help us grow wiser or better. I use that One Word to guide me. 

The books and websites are very helpful in showing you how to choose one. So I won't attempt to do so, even after more than 10 years experience (lol) - I still don't have it refined. What I do know though is that I highly recommend that you try it and choose a One Word. Sometimes families choose a One Word together or Churches do. Sometimes the One Word may come from a Scripture verse(s) that God keeps showing you or it has become repetitive in a special way while you read here & there or it keeps coming up everywhere you turn. {yeah, that's a good indicator, God's trying to get your attention} So start with that verse or a Word in that WORD and look for other verses to see if they seem to be saying something to you or your particular situation or season in your life. God will let you know. Or even if you're not sure, start with it and see how it's working after one month with it? does it align with your life (goals or situations)? A Bible Verse is a good place to start or choose your One Word in His Word and surely God will speak over & over if it's meant for you. Look at it in different versions and hopefully it will click. There is power in One Word! What do you hope God will do in your life? That's your One Word ... and 

I pray God leads you (and me) to the perfect One Word for 2024!


Journal your journey with your One Word!


you have a 2024 One Word & would be willing to share it, please add it in the comments!

Saturday, December 30, 2023


Each close of the year, I try to summarize the One Word that I focused on and in 2023 that


 I spent "52 Weeks With Jesus" in this book

by James Merritt

sharing as much as I could here

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.

In John 1:1-2 (NIV above), Word is the title of the Lord Jesus.

Jesus embodied the total message of God to man.

With this and all that I read, I just don't think I can possibly summarize JESUS.

"The One and Only"

Through spending "52 Weeks With Jesus" I was able to focus on different aspects of who



and so that is what I've shared here all year but

not only is "there nobody like Jesus" 

there is also no way to summarize


To experience a year focused on


is like James Merritt wrote & as the subtitle indicates that you'll

"Fall in Love with the One Who Changed Everything"

as your passion for Jesus will grow & your love will increase

as you draw closer to Jesus, your eyes will be opened to 

"new facets of His wonder, His beauty, His majesty"

One minute with Jesus turns into one year 

that most certainly can & will

transform your life!

IF you let Him



Experiencing JESUS day after day, walking with Him, talking with Him, listening to Him,

reading about Him, brings the Word alive for you - in you, and hopefully through you to others.

I began this journey


the Transformer with this:

"Birthdays are not unusual - unless the baby happens to be God. We begin our journey with Jesus at a logical place: His lineage and birth. More than a sweet, syrupy Christmas story, Christ's beginning reveals why He should be important to us and why we are important to Him."~James Merritt

and then

I encountered Him in 7 more sections, totaling 8



the Answer, the Miracle Worker, the Storyteller

the Teacher, the Helper, the Leader

and ended up


the Overcomer

and I found that He is All this and so much more!


"Experiencing God's Presence"


This year, an author that I have many books & ebooks of left this earth for her heavenly home.
The focus of all her books is JESUS! I am sure that many of you know her and her books,
even some of you (also well-known) criticized her books, calling them 'blasphemous', 'troubling', and 'built on falsehood'. I don't happen to agree with the criticism or controversy that she was claiming her beautifully written books as the Word, Jesus' speaking to her or us (even though her books are written in the voice of Jesus, as if He is speaking to us, but often she gives Scripture references). So in my opinion, she is restating the Scripture as if Jesus is saying it to us and to our situation. What I do know is that for her & for readers that liked her style and gift of writing & taking God's Word & personalizing the message, we were drawn closer to Jesus. I thought that we were suppose to encourage one another. Anyways, with the passing of Sarah Young, at 77, in August of 2023, I decided to look through her many devotional books starting with "Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence" (which started the criticism; but all her books are her personal reflections of her own daily quiet time, Bible readings, praying and writing in her journals - isn't that what we're encouraged to do?).

My very favorite is "Jesus Listens"; however, there are also "Jesus Always" (a close second);
"Jesus Today"; "Dear Jesus"; "Jesus Lives" and variations of these for kids, special occasions and themes. In each one, I notice one word: JESUS! Not that I knew that Sarah Young would be leaving for her earthly home this year, when I chose the one word: JESUS as my focus but clearly Jesus was calling her home & I pray her departure was as peaceful as she certainly wrote much about Jesus and enjoying "peace in His Presence". 

I am thankful for her many books, contrary to what others warn against, I find that she inspired me to draw closer and listen to what Jesus is saying when I read His Word. I never confused the two: Sarah's reflections; with JESUS, as the Word, in God's Word, our Living Word. 

I also appreciate the Discussion Guides made available on the Jesus Calling website. Perhaps if we LISTEN to JESUS' CALLING us, we wouldn't have so much time to be negative in our world and we would be living JESUS in our daily interactions with one another, especially in the body of Christ. All I know for sure is that JESUS is the same, yesterday, today and forever, so we'd better continue to look to JESUS and keep our eyes on Him! 





just the beginning

I look forward to a lifetime

and an eternity



"Your Word, Lord, is Eternal!"

 "Jesus is the Word because He was the means through which the Father brought all physical reality into existence and because He is the One Who represents the Father's invisible nature and character to that creation. Just as your spoken word is the physical manifestation of your thoughts and personality, Jesus is the "Word" of the invisible God to His creation."


a perfect revelation of the


"The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us"
John 1:14


God WITH us

[Immanuel or Emmanuel]

Dear Immanuel, 
Thank You for being with us in every moment of our lives. Thank You that we never have to be alone because You, God love us so much that You are here with us always. May each moment of our day be filled with that life-strengthening truth. We love You, Lord. As we close our journeys for 2023 and head into 2024, we ask that You be with us, Immanuel & lead us.
In Your name, I pray, Amen




I thought that I was finished with tying all of my year (2023) together "With Jesus" and lo & behold, I found out that it's just a new beginning & this journey continues with a better foundation & a fresh spark of JESUS with me, in a closer relationship that keeps growing & getting better. I realized that James Merritt was right about "falling in love" ... all over again & it was then, in October, that I discovered another 4 book series from JourneyWise through a sample plan at You Version, which is the first of the four (yet to be published in 2024):

1. Jesus With Us: Meeting Him Where He Began
2. Jesus Among Us: Walking with Him in His Ministry and Miracles
3. Jesus Through Us: Following His Example in Love and Service
4. Jesus in Us: Living Wholeheartedly the Life He Intends

so I could be continuing with these, but for now, I've decided just to list them & the words in bold & all in capitals of this section - sums up what "falling in love" again with Jesus means that we desire & commit our lives once more to follow in His foot steps to live & love like Jesus (our goal & our purpose & our calling in life) so that JESUS is WITH us; AMONG us; THROUGH us (by following His example in love & service); and JESUS IN US! [not a lesson in prepositions, it's a lesson in the Way - the Truth and the Life, allowing JESUS to live through us, we become the extended hands of Jesus to others & we flow overflowingly in His aMazing Grace, with love & service like Him. True vessels, true followers. 


*You may not see the connection through this post as a summary of my One Word: JESUS
but it is for me - a thread runs through all of this post in my head, although I am not implying any connection between the authors: James Merritt and Sarah Young; JourneyWise. That connection is only for me because each author spoke volumes to me about JESUS in my life.

Only God can sum up JESUS! But the most important part is that God is With Us & He sent JESUS, the Word to us, to reveal & teach us how to LIVE and BE more like JESUS, reflect His Love to All!

Let's do better in 2024!

No big reveal of a new One Word yet for 2024

but as usual I will start the year 









Monday, December 25, 2023


2023 was not the easiest year
but because I chose to spend it
He brought me through it 


so spending 
"52 Weeks With Jesus" 
kept me focused
on our relationship intentionally
reminding me that

... "Although some people have experienced challenging relationships that changed their lives, accepting the invitation to be in relationship with Jesus Christ, The King of Kings is the realest relationship anyone will ever be in."Dr. Kennetra A. Bryant, day 1 of "JESUS, the Realest ..."

7 day reading plan
*10 part series at YV & Jesus.net

You Tube

*linked to Part 1 reading plan only
with a video available at
You Tube

The Book of John (playlist of all)
is a good place to start
for the Life of Jesus

am I sharing all this?

because the BEST GIFT for any time

CHRISTmas or any day/night

is the Gift of



(not a religion or even a church)

It's a relationship, which means coming to know JESUS,

believe in Him as the Son of God, Son of Man

and admit that you need to be saved by

accepting JESUS today

as the


the TRUTH & the LIFE

learn to talk with Him daily & develop your relationship





Truth be told or perhaps you already know

I have been "celebrating" all of 2023





Given to you as a GIFT

a Present of His PRESENCE

always with you




and the only way to the God, the Father 

[not to be separated from God is Heaven]

to be separated forever is Hell

You may feel or think that Heaven and Hell is right here

(and in a way, it can be, but there's more beyond this life & its hardships)

it's an eternity - an eternal life

with God & your loved ones

who believed in



In this year of 2023

I fell in love with JESUS all over again because

He is the One who changed Everything!

I spent a year long journey experiencing




JESUS, my Transformer
JESUS, the Answer
JESUS, the Miracle Worker
JESUS, the Storyteller
JESUS, my Teacher
JESUS, my Helper
JESUS, my Leader
JESUS, the Overcomer

and so much more



is my



and HE can be yours!


HE offers you a free GIFT - the GIFT of Salvation

please open today

"A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great." NIV





of the

today, yesterday & forever

He is the same & He's inviting you

He's been waiting just for you

to choose, to decide

to open

His Present, His Gift

and each day of your life from this day forward

you can unwrap more & more with

your new Friend & Savior


All you need to do to start is say so (it's called a prayer, a way to speak to Him)

"God our Father, I believe that out of Your infinite love You have created me. In a thousand ways I have shunned Your love. I repent of each and every one of my sins. Please forgive me. Thank You for sending Your Son to die for me, to save me from eternal death. I choose this day to enter into (renew my) covenant with You and to place Jesus at the center of my heart. I surrender to Him as Lord over my whole life. I ask You now to flood my soul with the gift of the Holy Spirit so that my life may be transformed. Give me the grace and courage to live as a disciple in Your Church for the rest of my days. In Jesus name I pray Amen."
— St. Paul Street Evangelization "

[I wanted a prayer without a lot of "church sounding" words (they just complicate a simple act of accepting God's free gift)- it's too hard to find, but I tried to choose one without the word 'sin' because 'sin' means wrongs that you admit you have done (against God & others), then you repent (which means changing your way & trying not to repeat) but all God wants to hear is that you know you need Him (Jesus) who died so that you could live free & for eternity. Admit (or Accept), Believe, Confess Jesus as Lord & Savior over your life, to love & live as He teaches in the New Testament of the Bible. (God's Word)]



for me





{for me or for you}

He always has been for me, through His aMazing Grace, but this year the 


would be if YOU & Yours would all receive 



~ Peggy

Saturday, December 23, 2023


{Instead of allowing this to publish on Christmas Eve, I moved it back one day.}

This blog post features


the Overcomer

 for December

Section 8 is
 Jesus, the Overcomer
(weeks 49-52)

December - Section Eight: Jesus, the Overcomer
49The Passion of the Christ—the Rest of the Story
50. His Grace, My Place
51. The Warrior Rises
52. Dead Man Walking





52. Matthew 27:57-28:10; John 11:1-44; Ecclesiastes 8:8; Psalm 89:46-48; Revelation 20:4-6

These are the subtitles/segments of #52 

52. Dead Man Walking: "Hope for the Hopeless"; "The Secret to Security"; "We Must Expect the Fact of Death"; "We Will Experience the Force of Death"; "We Can Escape the Fear of Death"




Death & Live



...because of Jesus' death

We Live

this is our Hope


52. Lord, I thank You that in Your dying and rising, You have become hope for the hopeless. I praise You for being - for me & for the world - the Resurrection and the Life!

This isn't really the best




maybe it is

if you believe

tell others what Jesus has done in your life!

That's the reason for this season

Jesus was born, lived, died & was buried

and then

He was raised from the dead

as those in





the Overcomer

[Interview with James Merritt]

"52 Weeks with Jesus"


a more current series (May 2023) with 
James Merritt
Touching Lives

"This is Your Captain Speaking"
(series on the 7 Letters found in the book of Revelation)

Sardis: The Walking Dead

{this was the reason I chose to list this & then the series}

"The church at Sardis was not a weak church that needed restoration. It was not a sick church that need rejuvenation. It was a dead church that needed resurrection. It was in a sense the church of the walking dead. I can tell you as a pastor my greatest fear is both pastoring a dead church and being a dead Christian. I want all of us today to perform our own self-examination and let’s see what steps we must take first of all to determine just how alive our Christian faith is and what we must do to be resurrected. Death may be fatal, but it is never final if we turn back to Jesus. As we examine ourselves, notice the fourfold prescription Jesus gives to get a church (or your faith) off the machine and alive again."

But because I am always interesting in series on these letters to the Churches, 
I've listed them all:

[not in order]

Smyrna: Grace Under Pressure

Laodicea: Spiritually Bankrupt

Ephesus: You've Lost that Loving Feeling

Thyatira: Failing the Tolerance Test

Pergamum: Dealing with the Devil

Philadelphia: Forever Faithful
[Full Playlist of them all]
for this Sermon Guide

Another interesting one this past year:

"From Here to Eternity" 
6 videos
deal with death as this last
Week 52
seems to do

"All Things New"

Current series: "Unsung Heroes"


This certainly is enough to keep us busy 
into the New Year of 2024,

yet I hope to still post a couple more posts 
as summary to



To my faithful visitors;
all of you who spend your valuable time here with me
I do appreciate you so much!

Thank you for taking your time to visit!

Love, Sweet blessings & Hugs!


